
dc.description.abstract習得足夠的英語詞彙量對於發展語言技巧扮演著舉足輕重的角色。瞭解足夠的英語詞彙量對於日常生活溝通以及不同類型的閱讀是必要的。在獲得足夠英語詞彙量的重要性前提下,台灣的教育部亦開始注意到詞彙量在英語習得歷程裏所扮演的角色。 在二零零三年台灣教育部公佈一份千字表(目前已修訂為一千二百字) , 表中所列出的字皆為高頻率詞彙。公佈此一千字表的立意在於提供國民中小學相關出版社能有一共同綱要,藉以編撰不同層級的英語教科書。此一千字表的形成乃參照諸多權威可信的資料與素材。 儘管此一千字表的發表問世雖可提供教師與學生參考與學習,但是目前尚未有一可靠有效的詞彙量測驗是依據此一千字表而特別編制。此一根據千字表所編制的詞彙量測驗可用來提供診斷及確認台灣國民中小學學生在千字表學習上的問題與精熟程度。因此,本研究計畫的目的有三: 其一,運用試題回應理論建立以千字表為主的圖形化詞彙量測驗題庫; 其二,測定試題是否具有偏見效應; 其三,等化兩個圖形化詞彙量測驗複本。此一圖形化詞彙量測驗的成功建立對於語言測驗理論、英語教學與整個台灣社群有著深遠恢宏的影響。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractAcquiring sufficient lexis is a decisive factor for developing language skills. Knowing a sufficient number of words is necessary for both daily oral communication and various types of reading. Given the significance of acquiring English vocabulary size, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan also pays close attention to the role of vocabulary size as played in English language learning. In the year of 2003, the Ministry of Education published One-Thousand Words List (now One-Thousand and Two-Hundred Words List), of which vocabulary items are all high-frequency words. The reason for compiling the word list is that the list can serve as the guideline for different textbook publishers to follow at the levels of primary and junior high education. The formation of the word list made reference to a number of authoritative publications. Notwithstanding the publication of the word list, it is however noted that thus far there are few attempts made to develop a reliable and valid vocabulary size test on the basis of the word list. The vocabulary size test to be developed can be used to diagnose or identify both primary and junior high school Taiwanese learners’ strengths and weaknesses regarding the words in the list. Inasmuch as it is necessary to develop the vocabulary size test of the 1200-word list, the purpose of this project is three-fold: first, to construct using Item Response Theory (IRT) an item bank of a newly-conceived vocabulary size test based on pictorial cues; second, to detect whether the effects of item bias or differential item functioning exist on the test items to be developed and third, to equate two forms of the Pictorial Vocabulary Size Test on the basis of the 1200 word list. A successful development of this IRT-based vocabulary size test has important implications for language testing theory, English language instruction and the Taiwan society as a whole.en_US
dc.titleAn Application of Item Response Theory to Validating a Pictorial English Vocabulary Size Testen_US

