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本研究旨在發展學生培養運算思維的情境式教材,並評估教材對學生運算思維能力和學習態度之影響。教材發展以分解問題(Decomposition)能力為學習主軸,學習主題包含「二元搜尋法」、「快速排序法」以及「分析幾何繪圖」等三個單元。教學設計主要是讓學生面對情境式問題時,能嘗試不同的解題方法並比較其效率,讓學生體驗並思考運用分解問題策略解決問題之效率,以培養學生運算思維能力以及對電腦科學的興趣。教學實驗時間為期三週共計三小時,研究參與對象為北部某女子高中一年級學生,三班共計105位學生。教學實驗後施測分解問題能力測驗和自編態度問卷,並據以進行質性與量化分析。 研究結果發現,本研究發展的情境式教材能夠:(1)有效幫助學生學習運算思維中的分解問題策略,尤其是教材中的小遊戲及實作活動;(2)增加學生學習電腦科學的興趣與意願;(3)幫助學生瞭解運算思維與解決實際生活問題的相關性。建議後續研究建議後續研究在課程設計能以情境式學習進行運算思維教學,並加入實作活動,讓學生能對運算思維內涵有具體的經驗,知道如何在相關情境中察覺與應用所學的運算思維能力,以增進學生未來對於電腦科學學習興趣與意願。
This study developed situated learning materials to help high school students learning decomposition techniques of computational thinking, and evaluated how students’ decomposition ability and learning attitudes were enhanced after experienced the materials. Three units of learning materials were developed including the concepts of “binary search”, “quicksort” and “patterns in geometric figures”. The materials were designed to provide students with opportunities to try out their learned decomposition techniques to solve real-life problems through hands-on activities. We field tested the developed materials in a girl’s high school in northern Taiwan. The participants were 105 10th grade students who enrolled in an Introduction to Information Technology course. The experiment lasted four weeks. Students learned one unit of the materials one hour each week, the one hour in the 4th week is for post experiment achievement test and attitude questionnaire. The findings indicated that learning with the developed materials could help students: (1) developing their decomposition ability, (2) increasing their interests in learning computer science, and (3) understanding how computer science related to their everyday life.



分解問題, 情境式學習, 運算思維, 電腦科學, Computational thinking, Computer Science, Decomposition, Situated Learning

