
dc.contributor.author吳聖良 zh_tw
dc.contributor.author 呂孟穎 zh_tw
dc.contributor.author 張鳳琴zh_tw
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討民國88年原住民之死因別死亡率、標準化死亡比、平均餘命及醫療服務利用情況,並比較分區(山地鄉、平地鄉、都會區:北、中、南、東區) 原住民之健康差異。研究方法採既有檔案分析法,分別取得戶籍、死因、健保等資料檔案以分析原住民重要死因及疾病盛行情形。主要發現如下:(1)原住民設籍於山地鄉、平地鄉與都會區人口數相近;其中以都會區原住民之人口較年輕;另原住民女性老年人口約佔男性老年人口的一倍半。(2)大部份原住民主要死因之標準化死亡率均顯著高於臺灣地區,其中結核病與慢性肝病肝硬化的標準化死亡比更高達臺灣地區4倍以上。(3)山地鄉原住民的主要死因標準化死亡率多高於平地鄉及都會區原住民;中區原住民的標準化死亡率較其他區高。另山地鄉與平地鄉原住民的主要死因標準化死亡率多高於當地非原住民。(4)原住民民國88年平均餘命67 歲,較臺灣地區76歲低9歲,男性62歲比臺灣地區低11歲;女性為72歲,比臺灣地區低7歲。在分區上,以山地鄉男性原住民較臺灣地區男性少15歲差距最大。(5)原住民民國88年住院利用(年平均每人0.18 次)較臺灣地區高,門診利用(0.6次)僅臺灣地區一半。(6)一成的原住民曾住院,以損傷及中毒住院率最高。在分區上,山地鄉原住民住院率較平地鄉與都會區高;南區住院率較北、中、東區高。(7)近八成原住民曾看門診,在所有門診中,西醫門診佔九成、中醫與牙醫門診約各佔5%。近七成原住民曾看西醫門診,以山地鄉、中區原住民西醫門診利用率較高。原住民看中醫、牙醫門診率約各佔二成,以都會區、北、中區原住民的中醫、牙醫門診利用率較高。根據發現,建議加強原住民事故傷害、慢性肝病肝硬化與結核病等傳染病的防治,並分區探討原住民主要疾病之影響因為;另定期進行原住民健康研究且在全國性資料庫加入原住民身份註記以即時瞭解原住民狀況。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study is to explore the health status of aborigines in Taiwan. We made secondary data analyses based on population registration, death registration and insurance medical utilization databases for 1999 to examine mortality, morbidity, life expectancy and health care utilization among aborigines in Taiwan. The main findings are as follows: 1.The number of aborigines residing in mountain counties, plain counties and cities are nearly the same, while the aboriginal population in cities is younger than those in other counties. Besides, the number of aboriginal elder women is 1.5 times that of elder men. 2.Most standardized mortality ratios of death causes of aboriginesx are significantly higher than those of general population for 1999. The SMR of tuberculosis and chronic liver disease of aborigines are over four times higher than those of general population. 3.Age-adjusted death rates of 10 leading causes of aborigines residing in mountain counties are higher than those of aborigines residing in plain counties and cities. In mountain abnd plain counties, standardized death rate of aborigines is higher than that of non-aboriginal people. 4.In 1999, life expectancy for aborigines (67 years) is 9 years less than that of general populatio, 11 years less for men and 7 years less for women. Among 3 geographic areas, aboriginal males in mountain areas have the lowest life expectancy that is 15 years less than that of general population. 5.During 1999, the average outpatient visit per aborigine 12 times) is less than that of general populatio, while the average hospitalization (0.18 times) is higher than that of general population. The average visits to dentist (0.6 times) and to chinese medicine (0.5 times) by aborigines are half of those of general population. 6.Almost four-fifth of aborigines visited outpatient clinics and one-tenth had been hospitalized in 1999. The major diagnoses for hospitalization were injury and poisoning. We recommend to enforce the control of accidents, chronic liver disease, and tuberculosis among aborigines, to explore causes of their health problems by geographic regions, to monitor their health through longitudinal study and put aboriginal identity registration into national data bank.en_US
dc.subject.other原住民 zh_tw
dc.subject.other 健康狀況 zh_tw
dc.subject.other 平均餘命 zh_tw
dc.subject.other 死亡率 zh_tw
dc.subject.other 疾病率 zh_tw
dc.subject.other 醫療服務利用zh_tw
dc.subject.otherealth status�en_US
dc.subject.otherife expectancy�en_US
dc.titleAboriginal Health Status in Taiwanen_US

