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連鎖便利商店業在歷經長期的發展後,店數已臻飽和。要突破這樣的困境,提升單店價值,身為一店之負責人的店長責無旁貸。本研究以個案公司的店長為研究對象,期能瞭解連鎖便利商店店長之職能構面的重要性、訓練重視程度,並進一步探討各職能構面對工作表現之影響。 本研究透過文獻探討與專家意見調查,決定出重要的14項職能構面及54項職能指標,再經專家效度調查篩選出49項職能指標與10項工作表現行為指標,經問卷調查及統計分析後得到以下結果: 一、有關店長職能的重要性,依其優先順序為:客戶服務、誠信正直、激勵部屬、問題解決、情緒管理、成本績效、人脈建立、執行力與工作效率、溝通技巧、專業知能、決策、目標設定、品質管理、以及追求卓越。 二、就店長職能的訓練重視度而言,其排序如下:客戶服務、誠信正直、激勵部屬、問題解決、情緒管理、執行力與工作效率、人脈建立、決策、專業知能、溝通技巧、目標設定、成本績效、品質管理、以及追求卓越。 三、在職能重要性、職能訓練重視度,以及職能具備程度三者的得分以及十四項職能構面在此三項目的排序之間,均有顯著的正相關。 四、職能具備程度和工作表現間有顯著正相關。 五、在店長所需的14項職能構面中,專業知能和目標設定兩項職能構面對工作表現有顯著的影響。
After the long term of development, the number of convenience stores is almost impregnated and the growth of convenience store is much slower. In order to bail this kind of aid, the manager of convenience store, who is the leader of convenience store, has great responsibility. Therefore, with one corporation of convenience store, this research is trying to understand the importance and the emphasis of competence dimensions, and the relation between these two factors. Furthermore, this research would like to find out the influence of competence dimensions to the work behavior assessment. By the literature review and expert opinion investigation, this research chooses fourteen competence dimensions. With expert valid investigation, this research still builds forty-nine competence item and ten work behavior criterions and develops formal questionnaire. After the questionnaire investigation, this research finds results as follows: 1. The sequence of importance of these fourteen competence dimensions is customer service, honest, subordinate actuation, problem solving, emotion management, cost and performance management, personal relationship cultivation, work administration and efficiency, communication skills, professional knowledge, decision making, goal setting, quality management, and excellence chasing. 2. The sequence of emphasis of these fourteen competence dimensions is customer service, honest, subordinate actuation, problem solving, emotion management, work administration and efficiency, personal relationship cultivation, decision making, professional knowledge, communication skills, goal setting, cost and performance management, quality management, and excellence chasing. 3. The importance of competence, the emphasis of competence and the managers’ competence level have significant positive correlations. The sequences of these fifteen competence dimensions of these three different items have significant positive correlations, too. 4. There is significant positive correlation between managers’ competence level and work behavior performance. 5. In these fourteen competence dimensions, professional knowledge and goal setting have significant influence upon work behavior performance.



連鎖便利商店店長, 職能重要性, 職能訓練重視度, 職能具備程度, 工作表現指標, chain convenience store manager, importance of competence, emphasis of competence, competence level, work behavior criterion

