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在亞洲英文為外國語言(EFL)教學面臨了許多挑戰,因為多元文化和環境因素,諸如缺乏互動對話的環境、重視測驗分數和外語焦慮。本研究進行一個英文為外語教學的課程,藉由整合角色扮演教學策略、Facebook(社群軟體)和Skype(網路語音通訊軟體)作為學習環境,來促進英文寫作與口語技巧能力,並觀察學習成效與口說錯誤行為。本研究計劃由兩個子研究組成。在研究一,我們目標是在研究應用Facebook和Skype及結合角色扮演教學策略作為強化英文為外國語言學習者的口語和寫作技巧方法之效果。這研究由42位受試者組成,他們都選修了在臺灣一所商業大學的英語會話課程,我們將進行學習成效分析、相關分析和學習過程的質性內容分析,並且將會探索和討論學習者是否提升他們的口語和/或寫作技能。 在研究一,我們主要聚焦在學習者的英文口語和寫作成效,但沒有對不同類型的口說錯誤類別進行深度分析。因此在研究二,我們將整合角色扮演教學策略和Skype來確認其對於學習者在英文口語進步上的影響,本實驗將對52位在相同的大學,已選修英語會話課程的英文為外國語言學習者進行研究。這些學習者們將會被隨機且均等分配在實驗組或控制組裡,此研究嘗試找出是否學習者在Skype的學習環境裡會比面對面(face-to-face)的環境裡提升他們口語表達能力,及減少口說錯誤的次數。實驗組將透過Skype進行線上口語討論活動,而控制組要在面對面的環境進行口語討論,本研究將在這兩種環境中分別逐字記錄所有學習者口語討論的內容,並編碼分析每個句子裡所出現的口說錯誤,也將探索學習者是否在Skype的學習環境或面對面學習環境裡會降低其口說錯誤的次數和提升口語表達能力。
English as a foreign language (EFL) instruction faces many challenges in Asia because of many cultural and environmental factors, such as the lack of interactive speaking environments, emphasis placed on test scores, and foreign language anxiety. The purpose of this research is to conduct an EFL instructional course by integrating Facebook (social network service) and Skype (voice over IP) as learning environment through which learners perform role-playing based learning activities and to observe the effects of the course on the challenges mentioned above. This research proposal consists of two sub-studies. In the study 1, we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of applying the role-playing instructional strategy to Facebook and Skype as a means to enhance learners’ speaking and writing skills in an EFL class. This study consisted of 42 participants who enrolled in an English conversation course in a business university in Taiwan. We conducted a learning performance analysis, correlation analysis, and qualitative content analysis of learning process, and explored and discussed whether the learners improved their speaking and/or writing skills. In study 1, we mainly focused on learners’ speaking and writing performance and did not have an in-depth analysis of different type of speaking error category. Therefore, in study 2, we integrated role-playing and Skype to determine their impacts onthe learners’ English speaking improvement. This experiment conducted on 52 young adult EFL learners registered in an English conversation course in the same university. These learners were randomly and equally assigned into the experimental or the control group. The research tried to find out whether the learners in the Skype learning environment outperform the learners in the face-to-face environment in terms of the occurrence of speaking errors in their oral productions. The experimental group undertook the tasks via Skype and the control group perform the tasks in a face-to-face environment. Verbatim data from the learners’ recorded utterances in two environments were analyzed. This study explored whether learners in the Skype learning environment and the face-to-face environment reduced their speaking errors and improve their oral performance.



電腦輔助語言學習, 英文為外國語言, 角色扮演, 網路語音通訊, 社群軟體, CALL, Skype, Facebook, EFL, Role-playing

