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本研究發展資訊科技融入體育教學模式,以「擴增實境」為輔助工具,探討對於跑步動作技能之學習動機、知識與動作技能學習成效的影響,研究對象為56位國中一年級學生,接受4次實驗施測,總計約175分鐘。實驗法採用準實驗設計之「實驗組控制組前後測設計」,自變項為不同教材學習模式(擴增實境/影片),依變項為學習者的學習表現,包括學習成效、學習動機與動作技能等。 研究結果發現 : 一、實驗組(擴增實境)在動作技能學習成效上,比起控制組(影片)有較佳的表現;二、實驗組(擴增實境)在學習動機上,比起控制組(影片)有較好的學習動機;三、實驗組(擴增實境) 在動作技能表現上,比起控制組(影片)有較佳的表現;四、實驗組(擴增實境)在教材上,比起控制組(影片)有較正向的使用態度與接受程度。
By integrating information technology into PE class, this study investigates how augmented reality (AR) influences students’ motives, knowledge, and motor skill performance, with a focus on their acquisition of running forms. The objects of this study are 56 seventh-grade students. The experiment consists of four tests, and lasts 175 minutes in total. A pretest-posttest control group design is adopted in this study. Independent variables are different learning modes (AR/clips), while dependent variables are participants’ learning performance, including their learning outcomes, learning motives, and motor skills. The results are as follows: First, the experimental group (with AR) has better learning outcomes of motor skills than the control group (with clips). Second, the experimental group (with AR) has stronger learning motives than the control group (with clips). Third, the experimental group (with AR) has better motor skill performance than the control group (with clips). Fourth, the experimental group (with AR) has a more positive attitude toward using the teaching materials and the materials are more acceptable to the group, compared with the control group (with clips).



擴增實境, 體育教學, 動作技能學習, Augmented Reality (AR), PE class, Motor Skill Learning

