未來職業意圖受「情境」影響? 以社會認知生涯理論分析TIMSS 2011年 數學資料

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National Taiwan Normal University


Understanding the reasons for selecting mathematics as their intended career can help students become familiar with their own goals and help teachers encourage their students to achieve “talent development.” By using data from TIMSS 2011 (2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science) on 5,042 eighth-grade students from Taiwan, the current study confirmed the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) and accounted for situational variables, such as school, teacher, and parent characteristics. The partial least squares structural equation modeling results confirmed the main path hypotheses of SCCT and demonstrated that math outcome expectations and interests have a direct effect on the students’ career-choice intention, whereas self-efficacy has an indirect effect. SCCT included situational variables to demonstrate that teacher instruction had moderate implications on self-efficacy and an indirect effect on the career-choice intention, with regard to student interests, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations. Other situational variables, such as school atmosphere and parental support, had little-to-no effect on the career-choice intention. Finally, some conclusions and suggested applications were stated.


