以Web 2.0工具支援國小資訊課合寫筆記之研究

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Chiu, Chiung-Hui

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本計畫針對國小學童於學校資訊課教學中使用Web 2.0工具(Google Docs)實施小組合寫筆記的效果進行研究。寫筆記的效用通常可從產出筆記「過程(process)」和複習筆記「結果(product)」兩部分來檢視,本計畫因此探討因不同產出過程及不同複習策略形成之不同「合寫筆記方法」的影響,本計畫關注的產出筆記過程包含共編及分享;複習策略則包含提問及摘要,規劃分三個階段,以三年時間完成,第一年探討學生共編及分享筆記的效果和差異;第二年於複習筆記時導入「提問」策略,探討共編式及分享式合寫筆記方法的效果和差異,第三年則導入「摘要」策略,探討共編式筆記及分享式合寫筆記方法的效果和差異。三年的研究皆透過學生的學習成就、學習態度、筆記品質、及小組互動特徵來檢視不同合寫筆記方法的效果。本計畫目前執行至第一階段,對於運用Web 2.0工具(Google Docs)於課堂合作(共編及分享)產出筆記的設計及應用將可提出具體、有效的建議。
This project is to investigate the effects of integrating Web 2.0technology into collaborative note taking particularly for the elementary computer classes. Since investigators usually look at the note-taking process and product functions to determine whether the activities are effective, this project therefore will concern two key variables: note-taking process and note-taking product review. Note-taking process has two levels: co-editing based and sharing based. Note-taking product review could be questioning and summarizing. This project is divided into three phases and will be accomplished in three years. The effects of adopting co-editing based note-taking and sharing based note-taking (using Google Docs) is probed in the first year, and then will be explored with questioning strategy and summarizing strategy in the following two years. The effects of different collaborative note-taking approacheswill be examined from four perspectives, including learning achievement, learning attitude, quality of note-taking and group member interaction.The first phase of the study is about to be completed.The results will provide valuable insights for the design, application and feasibility of combining Google Docs technology with collaborative note-taking process.



