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本研究旨在了解桃園市政府文化局藝文研習班學員知覺課程價值、學習滿意度與忠誠度之現況,及其相關性,並探究提升服務品質之策略與建議;根據文獻回顧,歸納出相關變項,採李克特5點量表編撰「藝文研習班學員知覺課程價值、學習滿意度與忠誠度問卷」,以桃園市政府文化局108年第1期藝文研習班學員為研究對象,透過通訊軟體line發送google表單進行網路問卷調查;問卷總計發放284份,剃除一致性填答部分後,計回收有效問卷258份,有效回收率為90.85%;所得資料採用IBM SPSS Statistics 22統計軟體進行資料處理,以獨立樣本分析、敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,就分析結果再對桃園市政府文化局局長、專門委員、長期參與學員,以及當期開課後辦理退費之學員進行訪談分析。 研究發現如下: (一) 藝文研習班學員以女性居多,佔77.9%;年齡上以51-60歲居多,佔39.1%;以新舊生為不同身分別的藝文研習班學員對學習滿意度之服務品質的認同程度,有明顯差異。 (二) 知覺課程價值部分學員達相當認同程度,新舊生無明顯差異;學員對於服務品質、價格和教育機關忠誠度的認同程度偏低,新舊生對於前述面項之認同程度無明顯差異。 (三) 學員知覺課程、學習滿意度及學員忠誠度之間皆呈現正相關,且學員學習滿意度對於知覺課程價值與忠誠度具完全中介效果。 依據上述發現本研究提出建議如下: (1)建立品牌知名度,提升課程價值;(2)重視學習滿意度為藝文研習班推動效能的重要因素;(3)改善藝文研習活動報名網頁及程序。
The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of perceived course value, learning satisfaction and loyalty, and the relevance of the students in the art and culture workshop delivered by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan, and to explore strategies and recommendations for improving service quality. Based on the literature review, the relevant findings are summarized. In the case of the change, the "Certificate of Perceptual Course Value, Learning Satisfaction and Loyalty Questionnaire for Students in the Art and Literature Workshop" was compiled by the Likert 5-point scale, and the participants of the 108th year of the Taoyuan Municipal Government Cultural Bureau were studied. The google form was sent through the communication software line for online questionnaire survey; A total of 284 questionnaires were issued, and 258 copies of valid questionnaires were collected after shaving the consistency. The effective recovery rate was 90.85%. The data were processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 statistical software for independent sample analysis and narrative statistics. Analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis and other methods for statistical analysis, the analysis results will be interviewed and analyzed by the director of the Taoyuan Municipal Government Cultural Bureau, special committee members, long-term participants, and the students who refunded the fees after the start of the course. The research findings are as follows: (1) The majority of students in the arts and literature workshops are women, accounting for 77.9%; the age is 51-60 years old, accounting for 39.1%; the quality of service for the students of the arts and crafts workshops with different old and new students There is a significant difference in the degree of recognition. (2) Perceived course value Part of the students reached a certain degree of recognition, there is no significant difference between the old and the new students; the students' recognition of service quality, price and educational institution loyalty is low, and there is no significant difference between the old and new students in the above-mentioned facial items. (3) There is a positive correlation between the participants' perception curriculum, learning satisfaction and student loyalty, and the student's learning satisfaction has a complete mediating effect on the perceived curriculum value and loyalty. Based on the above findings, the research suggests the following: (1) Cooperate with colleges and universities to establish brand awareness and enhance course value; (2) Emphasize learning satisfaction as an important factor in promoting the effectiveness of art and literature workshops; (3) Improve the registration page and procedures for arts and cultural activities.



知覺品質, 忠誠度, 滿意度, 藝文研習, perceived quality, loyalty, satisfaction, art study

