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隨著科技發達,網路成為預測人們生活行為的重要工具。當旅客進行國外旅遊前,在網路上進行資訊搜尋是重要的管道取得對目的地的資訊及形象 。此外也會考慮評估國家旅遊環境的旅遊競爭力作為旅客進行旅遊決策的參考依據。因此本研究目的在探討旅遊競爭力在2018台灣燈會網站使用者的網頁瀏覽紀錄對於燈會期間各到訪國來台旅客人數關係之角色定位為何。本研究利用Google Scholar進行文獻搜尋與整理,探討旅客的資訊搜尋行為與網頁瀏覽紀錄以及旅遊競爭力對於DMO策略、政策之關係,並使用檔案分析法分析從2018台灣燈會網站開站以來至活動開始前的網路日誌及觀光年報中2017年11月至2018年2月的來台旅客居住地分析統計,從中獲得結論後建立一個關係性模型並以描述性統計與偏最小平方法進行後續的資料處理分析。本研究將旅遊競爭力作為自變項、中介變項及調節變項進行討論。研究結果顯示在預測來台旅客人數時,網頁瀏覽紀錄是一個關鍵的潛在變項影響來台旅客人數。而加入旅遊競爭力作為自變項時,對於來台旅客人數的解釋率提升至36.0%;作為中介變項時,旅遊競爭力為部分中介效果,將解釋率從35.3% 提升至37.8%;而作為調節變項時並沒有顯著的調節效果。因此,旅遊競爭力可作為自變項及中介變項的角色,影響網頁瀏覽紀錄與來台旅客人數之間的關係。
With the development of technology, the Internet had become an important tool for predicting people's behavior . When visitor searched information before traveling abroad, searching on the Internet was an important way to obtain information and image of the destination. In addition, the travel and tourism competitiveness (TTC) would be a reference for visitors’ tourism decision-making. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the position of TTC in the relationship between the web browsing history (WBH) of the users and the number of visitors during the Lantern Festival. This study used Google Scholar for literature search to explore the WBH of visitors and the relationship between TTC and DMO strategies and policies, and adopted documentary analysis to analyze the web log of 2018 Taiwan Lantern Festival and the report of visitor arrivals by residence in November 2017 to February 2018. And then, we established a relational model with descriptive statistics and PLS. This study discussed TTC as an independent variable, a mediator, or a moderator. The results show that WBH was a key variable affecting the number of visitors to Taiwan. When TTC became an independent variable, the interpretation rate was increased to 36.0%. When TTC became a mediator, the interpretation rate was from 35.3% increased to 37.8%. And when TTC became a moderator, there was no significant adjustment effect. Therefore, TTC could be used as a role of independent variable and mediator, affecting the relationship between WBH and the number of visitors to Taiwan.



台灣燈會, 旅遊競爭力, 網頁瀏覽紀錄, 來台旅客人數, 偏最小平方法, Taiwan Lantern Festival, the travel and tourism competitiveness, web browsing history, visitor arrivals, PLS

