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過去許多研究都發現教練的行為,尤其是回饋行為,與兒童及青少年運動員的自尊、自覺能力及動機可能有顯著的相關。「 教練評量系統(Coaching Behavior Assessment System, CBAS) 」是過去運動心理學領域的研究者測量教練的回饋行為最常使用的工具之一,測量方式大多以問卷量表測量運動員對平時訓練教練回饋行為的認知,或以觀察者透過觀察系統來觀察平時訓練教練回饋行為,並進一步探討教練回饋行為與運動員心理反應的關係。 本研究希望藉由調查教練在羽球比賽中場給予選手的回饋方式,探討青少年選手自覺教練回饋行為對其運動表現的影響。研究先以問卷訪談方式調查出以下六種羽球教練在比賽中場通常都給予選手的回饋訊息(一)正向訊息(二)負向訊息(三)動作修正相關訊息(四)策略修正相關訊息(五)心理技能相關訊息(六)無回饋,再依據此分類回饋去做分析歸納,製作成選手問卷。最後以此問卷調查選手自覺比賽中不同的教練回饋對於其運動表現上的影響,統計方式以採用Excel整理歸納及SPSS軟體進行考驗,依據量化結果結合質性研究進行相關說明,最後提出結果及建議。
Many research discovered that the behavior of a coach, especially about giving feedback, possibly has a high correlation to young athletes’ self-esteem, self-awareness and motivation. Coaching Behavior Assessment System (CBAS) is one of the mostly used tools in sports psychology to measure the feedback given by coaches. There are two ways of measuring. Some researchers use questionnaires to measure how athletes usually perceive the feedback from their coach. Others use different observation systems to observe how coaches usually give their athletes feedback. After the above, they inquire the connection between the coaches’ behavior of feedback and the psychological reaction of the athletes. This query is to study how coaches give their feedback to their athletes and how do the athletes think it affect their sports behavior. The query starts with a survey about how coaches give their feedback to their athletes by giving questionnaires. The survey shows that coaches usually give their feedback in six ways, 1.Positive Feedback 2.Negative feedback 3.Feedback of movement correction 4.Feedback of strategy correction 5.Feedback of psychological skill 6.Without any feedback. Then compile another questionnaire for athletes depending on this questionnaire’s outcome. After recycling all the questionnaires from the athletes, excel and SSPS were used to generalized and examination. At last, make a conclusion and some suggestions about this subject based on the result of the research.



回饋行為, 羽球, 運動表現, feedback, badminton, sports performance

