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Item 臺灣地區各縣市體育館營運績效評估之實證研究(中華民國大專院校體育總會, 2006-06-01) 鄭志富; 呂宛蓁; 曹校章Studies on sports facilities in Taiwan indicated that effective performance assessment is necessary for facility management. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) could be used to assess the organization performance of sports facilities and reflect environmental changes and customers' demands. Therefore, this study appraised the operation performance of gymnasiums in eighteen counties and cities in Taiwan. A self-developed questionnaire of "Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Operation Performance Appraising County and City Municipal Gymnasiums" was used to evaluate the current performance assessment system through interview, document analysis, and the BSC. The results indicated that: First, the customers were the most important factor of all. And "customers' satisfaction" occupied over 70% in customer dimension. It showed that the customers' needs would be the core of the gymnasium operation in the future. Second, after evaluating, we could know that the financial dimension performed best in operation, followed by the internal procedure dimension. There were differences between planning and performance. Therefore, we should consider the internal and external environments to respond to the customers' needs when making plans. Third, the results showed that Taipei and Kaohsiung did best in coverall performance. On the contrary, the Tainan County Stadium had inferior performance in financial and internal procedures, and innovation and learning dimensions because of constructional factors.Item 臺灣地區公立大學體育館營運績效評估之實證研究(國立臺灣師範大學, 2005-10-01) 鄭志富; 蔡秀華本研究以我國公立大學體育館管理者為對象,引據平衡計分卡之觀點,運用文獻分析及訪問調查法,以「臺灣地區公立大學體育館營運績效指標之分析層級程序法問卷」為工具,建構公立大學體育館營運績效指標類目,再實際運用於三所大學體育館營運績效之分析,研究結果如下: (一)本研究建構之指標類目為:財務等四大構面,創造營運收入等十個關鍵驅動因素,並向下開展為卅七項行動指標。 (二)各層級指標權重分析顯示:四大構面之權重分配均衡,能與平衡計分卡概念相符合。創造營運收入、健全的組織、顧客滿意度及自我成長因素,分別為各構面中具較高權重之因素。 (三)三所公立大學體育館營運績效評估結果類似,均在達成教育目的之核心價值下,有日漸朝向企業化經營之趨勢。Item 大學體育館營運績效指標之研究(國立臺灣大學體育學室, 2005-03-01) 蔡秀華; 鄭志富本研究旨在探討大學體育館營運績效指標,並以國立臺灣大學綜合體育館爲個案,引據平衡計分卡發展之觀點,透過文獻分析及專家訪談,明瞭個案實際營運狀況,分析其現行營運指標內涵,進而建構個案營運績效指標類目,並採用分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP)分析各指標之權重,提出專家對各指標構面及關鍵驅動因素重要性的看法,研究結果顯示:一、個案目前營運採公辦公營模式,財務上需自負盈虧,組織架構設計爲中心制度,但尚未落實,人力資源則主要爲校內主管、體育教師及約僱人員。二、個案目前未建立績效評估制度,主管所重視之營運績效指標,尚能歸納在平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorcared; BSC)顧客、財務、內部程序及創新與學習構面中,但均衡度不足,仍須進一步建構。三、本研究建構之個案營運績效指標,爲財務等四大構面、創造利潤等十三項關鍵驅動因素及五十三項行動指標。四、個案營運績效指標權重分析結果,學者專家認爲財務構面最重要,顧客構面次之,其次爲內部程序及創新與學習構面。