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    (2006) 古國宏; Guo-Hong Gu
    本研究希望透過兩組不同水準選手之比較,除了找出動作技術的關鍵點也幫助一般選手更進一步。受試者為大專男子選手,優秀選手組最佳紀錄平均為68.04±5.68 m,一般選手組為55.74±7.17 m。利用四台同步之Redlake高速攝影機(兩台125 Hz拍攝人體動作,另兩台250 Hz拍攝槍體)與一塊Kistler測力板(1250 Hz)來擷取資料;以Kwon 3D軟體處理資料並以Butterworth 4th order修勻(6 Hz)。以三維動力學逆過程計算槍體及下肢各關節受力情形,槍體受力程式以Matlab 6.5版來執行。經由比較分析後發現: (一)優秀選手出槍前最大軸向力平均194.6±19.6 N,一般選手平均為147.81±18.54 N,優秀選手顯著地大於一般選手。(二)優秀選手前後傾的角度比一般選手來得大,另外成績越好的選手肩關節的角速度也有越大的現象。(三)制動腳剛著地時,優秀選手之左膝角度(166.3±4.9 deg)顯著地大於一般選手(154.4±10.4 deg)。另外助跑時身體質心速度方面,不管是在推蹬腳著地、制動腳著地及出槍時優秀選手之身體速度皆顯著地大於一般選手(四)標槍在腳跟剛著地時地面反作用力會急速上升,造成一2000 ~ 2222 N左右的最大垂直力量峰值;且由測力板之前後分力來看,出槍瞬間是發生在制動期階段,非推蹬期階段。
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    (2002) 古國宏; Ku Kuo-Hong
    本研究主要在探討,各入水參數及身體姿勢對於截面積及水底滑行期的影響,希望藉由結果改善選手的出發動作、減低水阻,以增進滑行期表現。十三位男性受試者皆為甲組水準的選手,年齡平均為18.31±2.84 歲,泳訓時間平均7.77±3.98年。以Peak攝影機(60Hz)、JVC(60Hz)行2-D攝影法,來蒐集騰空期及滑行期的資料。結果分析後得到: (1) 在滑行期方面,攻擊角與截面積皆與滑行表現呈負相關,若欲減小 水阻以維持前進動量則必需減小攻擊角與截面積。 (2) 另外,影響入水截面積最重要的因素是攻擊角(相關值達0.92,兩者呈高度正相關)。 (3) 動作技術上,身體傾角大於入水角度時較能減小入水截面積;故為盡量減低入水截面積,有必要進一步修正身體入水角度。 關鍵詞:游泳出發、入水截面積、攻擊角、滑行期
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    (中華民國體育學會, 2009-12-01) 古國宏; 黃長福; 廖逢錦; 蔡永川
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    (中華民國大專院校體育總會, 2006-06-01) 古國宏; 黃長福; 蔡於儒
    Purposes: According to the javelin rules, a throw is valid only if the tip strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin. Therefore, it is important to control precisely the distribution of applied forces to the javelin for further distance and tip-first landing. Methods: Two synchronized Redlake high-speed cameras (250 Hz) were used to videotape an elite thrower and a javelin with three fixed non-collinear markers. The aerodynamic and inverse dynamics were taken into account in the 3D dynamic analysis. Rerults: When the hand gripped the javelin, the applied force was mainly distributed to the axial direction. At release, the javelin was controlled by distal parts of fingers, and the distribution of force was changed from the axial to the lateral direction. The lateral torque was significantly larger than the axial torque all the phase. The peaks of lateral and axial torques were 24.08 and 1.31 Nm respectively. Conclusions: The results calculated by the inversed dynamics were similar to those by previous research. In addition, the method adopted in this study is simple and has no interference of connecting wire, which could be used for further javelin research.
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    (中華民國體育學會, 2006-03-01) 古國宏; 黃長福; 蔡葉榮