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根據最新2017年國際高等教育資訊機構QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)公布「全球大學學科領域排名」,本校排名持續上升至全球310,而本系專精三大領域學科均獲佳績。包括語言學科從過去4年名列51至100名,進步到第48名;現代語言學科從去年101至150名,進步到51名至100名,進入全球百大;英語文學學科從去年201至250名,上升至151名至200名。顯見本系於外國文學、語言學及英語教學三大領域具備高度國際競爭力。










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    (2013) 謝雁茹; Yen-ju Joy Hsieh
    本研究主要著重在兩種句末否定詞的問句(VP-NEG questions),分別是當句末否定詞為mo或是mang的句構,藉由呈現客語VP-mo問句和中文正反問句的相同處(短語答句、副詞、語氣詞、能產度、中性問句),我主張客語的VP-mo問句其實就是我們所謂的正反問句,有鑒於這些相同處,我承接了黃(1991)在對中文正反問句的分析時所提出疑問曲折詞組(Interrogative INFL)的抽象概念,我認為VP-mo問句中的mo其實就是疑問曲折詞組的體現。在這樣的分析之下,我提出客語VP-mo問句的形成歷經了兩個階段,首先,否定詞mo歷經了NEG-I-C的位移,再者IP會整個移位到CP spcifier而得到疑問的語意。這樣的分析也適用於分析VP-mang問句的形成,雖然VP-mang不屬於正反問句,但由於mang自身就帶有時貌的語意,進而驅使了否定詞mang歷經NEG-I-C的位移。 另外,此研究也重新檢視了前人對客語疑問句的分類,我認為前人的觀察中,有三項是需要修正的,第一,客語句末的mo不應等同於中文句末的’嗎’,更進一步的說客語句末mo疑問句不應該被歸類為語助詞問句,因為真正的語助詞問句應該要可以跟否定詞一起出現;第二,我證明客語A-ya-m-A的句構不該被視為正反問句,因為A-ya-m-A不受限於孤島約束而且它的正向結構(A)和反向結構(not-A)是可以互換的;第三,我提出[you......mo]被視為正反問句的真正原因是因為mo為疑問曲折詞組的體現,並不是因為you和mo分別擔任A 和not-A的角色,證據來自於在[you......mo]這樣的問句中,省略you並不會改變疑問的語意,這點和中文的正反問句完全不同,因為省略正向結構(A)或反向結構(not-A)都會使得原來的句子喪失疑問的語意。
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    Mastery and Mock Dialectic in Thomas Bernhard's Correction
    (英語學系, 2010-09-??) Jeffrey W. Salyer
    A central conflict in Thomas Bernhard's novel Correction (Korrektur) concerns the relation between the narrator and his deceased friend, Roithamer, for whom the narrator serves as literary executor. Although Roithamer is dead, the two men nonetheless appear to enter a conflictive struggle involving domination and mastery since the narrator understands Roithamer's bequest as an aggressive gesture intended to destroy him. Though the general form of the contest resembles the Hegelian master-slave dialectic, the dialectic is subjected to two types of critique. The first critical point concerns the theatricalization or staging of conflict in Höller's garret, the spatial focus of the novel; the second is connected to identity and the recuperation of meaning vis-à-vis correction in the special sense of the novel's title. Although the notion of dialectic as a process initiated by non-identity is already present in the special meaning of correction, by which concepts are ruthlessly subjected to negations of negations, correction also refers to suicide—Roithamer "corrects" himself out of existence. In this sense of correction, the struggle does indeed respond to internal contradiction but cannot be recuperated in sublation; the result is more akin to abstract negation, annihilation, andtherefore an attack on the very conditions which make meaning possible. The question remains whether the narrator is compelled to function slavishly by extending recognition to Roithamer through his labor, or whether he can evade both the "restricted economy" of Hegelian negation without succumbing toRoithamer's extreme act of self-destruction. Several critics (Adorno, Deleuze, and Derrida) point the way through these two applications of Hegel—first, inhelping to show how what is in fact happening, in the potential discursive reduction of Roithamer through the labor of the narrator, is either mock-dialectic or formal liquidation and second, in pointing up the significance of the narrator's laug
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    Lexical vs. Syntactic Negation in Taiwanese
    (英語學系, 2004-06-??) 林惠玲