
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25






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    (2010) 林芳苓; Fang-Ling Lin
    本論文研究知識分享背後之社會現象,包含兩個研究階段。在第一個研究階段中,發展一個包含知識分享論壇的線上實務社群。 此階段的目標在建立支援專業發展且由參與者自主的線上社群。第二個研究階段則探討知識分享者的潛在社會網路,期能發現有利於促進知識分享的社會關係,找出資訊組長之間知識分享的缺陷,及探討他們專業發展的需求。 研究以社會實踐理論為基礎,運用知識聲望的概念驗證個人社會網路之關係屬性、位置優勢與知識轉介機會。研究使用社會網路分析之自我中心網路方法進行訪談,調查及相關分析處理,應用二次式分派程序(quadratic assignment procedure, QAP)計算多元關係之間的相關性,使用徑路分析檢驗知識聲望與個人知識分享關係屬性的相關性,及使用多元迴歸探討資訊組長在校際間的關係屬性與知識聲望的相關性。 研究結果證明以知識聲望作為知識分享指標的可行性,同時也揭露出大部分的資訊組長個人知識網路薄弱,他們在資訊科技實務分享網路與資訊融入教學實務分享網路的對象並不相似。具有較高知識聲望的資訊組長貢獻知識給線上社群比貢獻知識給其他學校的資訊組長機會高;因此他們較少發展幫助其他學校資訊組長的網路;同時他們也只與幫助過他們的資訊組長發展較密切的關係。線上知識貢獻這因素對於個人知識網路有限的資訊組長獲得知識聲望有中介效果。知識貢獻網路中的結構洞也有促進知識聲望的效果。資訊融入教學種子學校的資訊組長能將知識仲介給其他學校資訊組長。 此研究發展出使用聲望代替工作績效做為知識工作者的指標,以檢查知識分享的特性及說明它可應用於實務社群的研究。本研究結果能說明資訊組長社群中知識傳遞缺乏的現象。本研究的發現也可關連到其他領域的資訊科技實務。
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    Forum Visualizer: Visualizing an Online Discussion Forum Using Social Network Analysis
    (2004) 賴偉誠
    Virtual communities play an important role in knowledge sharing and learning. Recent research has shown that knowledge management and knowledge sharing in virtual communities are important issues for researchers to study more. In addition, the notation of social networks and the methods of social network analysis have attracted considerable interest from social science research community. In this thesis, we developed Forum Visualizer, a web-based tool for visualizing an online discussion forum at a variety of scales with social network analysis techniques. The participants are 44 students from a class of Information Ethics at NTNU. Our goal is to provide a general, intuitive but useful tool for participants to help them understand the community in which they are a part of and find appropriate forum topics for interaction. These visualizations, therefore, are inherently designed to be interfaces for participants in the community rather than for observers, managers, administrators, etc.; their function is to provide a colorful sense of this abstract space, rather than to accurately depict its statistical features. Besides the graphs/sociograms we provide, data matrices are included to help them understand their sociograms easily and to be as a comparison for mapping their social patterns. We hope that this tool can help build a framework for future directions that every online discussion forum could apply to it as embedding functions for analyzing human interactions, finding great knowledge sharing methods, and exploring social patterns and structures.