
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25






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    (2005) 許華珊; Hsu, Hua-Shan
    本研究主要目的是透過線上教師實務社群的經營,觀察並評估經營策略的實施對社群成員參與社群活動意願的影響程度。希望藉由禮物策略、導引技術、電子報定期發行三種社群經營策略的運用,以數位學習領域與資訊科技相關教師為對象,觀察他們參與社群活動的過程,嘗試累積社群資產與提昇社群整體價值,並根據社群實際經營過程觀察到的現象與經營者自身經驗反思,進行資料分析與討論,作為後續社群經營者的參考依據。 社群開放時間為民國92年5月20日至94年6月30日,第一、二階段社群名稱為ASTC(Association of School Technology Coordinators,資訊教師社群),第三階段社群名稱更改為ASE(Association for School E-learning,學校數位學習)。 根據資料分析結果,歸納本研究結論如下: 一、定期提供禮物能充實社群資產,累積社群資源,社群內容與討論主題的結合能有效吸引會員再度蒞臨社群、取用社群資源,但禮物策略在提昇討論風氣、達到知識分享效果上仍須加強。 二、內嵌式連結討論與投票活動兩種導引技術沒有得到預期中刺激成員觀看討論文章、參與討論的效果,未能有效提升會員參與社群活動意願。 三、電子報的定期發行能吸引會員不同程度的參與,達到宣傳社群、擴展會員及維持社群活力效果。 四、社群必須建立自己的風格、展現獨特性,才能與其他社群區隔。社群的定位清楚有助於經營者建立社群目標、規劃社群活動、定義社群知識和期望社群成果,但社群目標與活動必須隨著經營狀況作適當的調整才能符合現況。 五、細水長流式的經營方式需要充份的規劃、準備與策略,亦需要投入更多時間與耐心才能得到預期成果。
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    Facilitation Strategies and Their Results on a Sparsely Knit Virtual Community
    (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2005-06-27) Lin, Fang-Ling; Hsu, Hua-Shan; Chiou, Guey-Fa
    This paper discussed a three-stage evolution framework and reported the results of several facilitation strategies in the course of managing a sparsely knit virtual community. For the past two years, we created a virtual place, called ASTC, to support online interaction for school technology coordinators. Although the results don't show a highly positive effectiveness, meaningful implications and further research issues emerged.
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    Exploring Online Social Capital in an Online Community
    (2004-07-08) Lin, Fang-Ling; Pan, Wei-Li; Hsu, Hua-Shan; Chiou, Guey-Fa
    This research-in-progress (RIP) paper described the research plan of online social capital investigation through running an online educational community. Social capital rationale was used as the conceptual foundation to guide the research project. Two preliminary online surveys were executed to collect IT coordinators’ existing IT usage patterns and their favored issues about online discussion. An online community system was developed based on the rationale of social capital and the preliminary survey results. The research goal is to integrate several sustaining strategies with community development and exploring online social capital during the evolution.