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本系圖書計有地理學專用書籍萬餘冊,中外文期刊三百餘種,大比例尺地形圖兩萬餘張、中外地圖集三百餘冊、航空照片圖三千餘張。「區域研究中心」為配合鄉土地理的研究與教學,先後蒐集甚多台灣、中國大陸、亞洲鄰近國家,乃至於全球各地相關之地理研究成果與地理資訊,包括自然環境與資源、地名、地圖以及各種方志、文獻及公私典藏文書等,並應用地理資訊系統 (GIS)技術,將蒐集到的各項資料加以分類整理、建檔、研究,以充實區域地理學術研究,奠定區域研究基礎。 系裡之實驗室及教室頗具規模,如地形實驗室、水文實驗室、氣候實驗室、人文與區域地理實驗室、空間資訊實驗室、電腦教室等,這些實驗室對教學與研究均具有重大意義及指標。












Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Item
    (地理學系, 1995-10-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 劉明錡; 陳政典
    The vincinity of the estuaries is one of the most populated area in the world. In order to ultilize the resources of this area more reasonably, the understanding of its geomorphological, hydrological and sedimentary characteristics becomes a main and basic task. Since estuary is located on the interface of river and sea, the morphology of estuary is influenced by the factors coming from both environments. The drainage basin area, shoreline length, shape factor, channel gradient, runoff, sediments and monthly discharge, etc. are factors coming from land, while the wind, current, wave and tide etc. coming from the sea. This study focuses on eleven estuaries of the eastern coast of Taiwan. Based on the stream slope, number of channels, discharge, etc., these estuaries can be divided into straight and braided pattern. The former has sandbars or spurs, such as Hualien Hsi, Hsiukuluan Hsi and Kangkou Hsi, while the latter have braided channels, sandy-gravel sediments and changeable sandbars, such as Hoping Hsi, Liwu Hsi and the estuaries in Taitung coastal area. The eastern coast is classified as wave-dominated type according to average wave height and tidal range. The wave impacting upon the area between Hoping Hsi and Hsiukuluan Hsi is severer. The forms of the estuaries in eastern Taiwan have significant seasonal change due to the seasonal differences of discharge, monsoon and typhoon. In the summer, the channels usually become wider and the sandbars are gentler and extended seaward for most estuaries. In the winter, however, these sandbars become narrower, steeper and extend toward right bank. The mouth of channels will be narrowed or even closed when typhoon coming. The forms of estuaries are stable in the long-term scale. Eleven estuaries have only slight change during the period from 1904 to 1989, moving back and forth within the distance of 250m. The channel migration of most estuaries, however, is obvious.
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    (地理學系, 1989-03-??) 陳憲明
    Recent time-geographic studies have focused upon an examination of the conceptual framework of Hagerstrand’s original model, while there has been little applied research except for its introduction to the techniques of urban planning. However, there remain some other fields where it can be applied, since time-geography is fundamentally designed as a common language for the expression of interactions not only between individuals and man-made objects but also between individuals and natural environmental elements. The present article aims to apply certain time-geography notions to observed human behavior under certain natural conditions, and thus to obtain a rational interpretation of individual behavior choices from a time-geographic point of view. As a case study, this article describes some fishermen's daily behavior in Hsingkang (新港), a fishing port in eastern Taiwan. Spatial-temporal paths of spear fishermen aiming to catch giant black marlin (Makaira malina) are described in Fig. 2-4. The paths of long-line fishermen aiming to catch dolphinfin (Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus) are described in Fig. 7-8, and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Fig. 9-11. From a time-geographic view, these paths are interpreted as follows: Individual behavior is limited by a fisherman's physiology and by the physical capability of his tools. These two factors form a “prism”, which may be transformed by day-to-day weather conditions. Within this “prism” a fisherman's behavior, which aims at coupling with fish in space-time, is influenced by certain natural environmental conditions. There is a spatial condition characterized by the distribution of fishing spots, which is determined by submarine topography. The temporal conditions consist of seasonal and daily fluctuations of prey-food.
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    (地理學系, 1990-03-??) 陳憲明
    Fishing ports and landing bases function as the points of transference of catches to markets and to land distribution systems. They are the functional nodes of the fishing grounds and fishing market areas. This paper aims to assess, according to the spatial function viewpoint, the function and location of seven fishing ports and 48 undeveloped landing places (i.e. lacking wharf infrastructure) on the Eastern Taiwan coast. On the whole, the location of fishing ports is principally determined by the following conditions: (1) the degree of agglomeration of fishing functional facilities; (2) the size of fishing grounds utilized by a port and the richness of its fishery resources; (3) the economic distance between a fishing port and its markets. Fishing ports in Eastern Taiwan are small scale, their fishing fleets are of small tonnage, their fishing grounds are of limited scope, and their distribution and marketing are affected by topographical obstacles to transportation to the large consumer markets of Western Taiwan. In Eastern Taiwan, only the ports of Hsinkang, Hualien and Taitung possess landing, freezing, storing, packing, delivery and marketing functions. Due to the strong spatial convergence of these three fishing ports, they form three fishing marketing areas. The port with the strongest centrality, Hsinkang, possesses a regional wholesale market function. Huaiien and Taitung only possess a local wholesale market function. Green Island is a fishery base for the offshore islands of Eastern Taiwan. The Kuroshio current passes by this island and it has rich fishery resources. However, this offshore island is isolated from Taiwan proper, and yet must rely on the Taiwan market. These factors limit the development of its fishing industry. Apart from a small minority of fishing ports, the majority of fishing villages of Eastern Taiwan are lacking in fundamental infrastructure. They are without wharves and their fishermen just use plastic fi
  • Item
    A Geomorphological Study of Active Fault in Northern and Eastern Taiwan
    (國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1984-10-??) 石再添 張瑞津 黃朝恩 石慶得 楊貴三