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Item A new assessment for computer-based concept mapping(International Forum of Educational Technology & Society, 2005-07-01) Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.; Chang, R. B.; Lin, S. CConcept maps are widely used in education, and have been acclaimed for their excellent results. For efficiently using concept maps in education, computer-based concept mapping systems have been developed. However these computer-based concept mapping systems are limited in their assessment algorithms. The assessment takes only concept nodes as the primary basis, with relation links playing only a minor role. To address this problem, this study proposes a new style of concept map, called the weighted concept map, which assigns a weight to each proposition in a concept map to represent its importance. This study proposes a new assessment based on a weighted concept map and diagnosis analysis. Two studies are conducted to evaluate the methods of assessment.Item 台灣參加國際學生評量計畫(PISA 2006)之規劃與推動─電腦測驗工具及電腦素養問卷之研發(乙)(2006-05-12) 邱貴發; 鄭湧涇; 張俊彥; 柯華葳; 郭重吉; 吳正己; 胡志偉; 鄭昭明; 林煥祥; 陳昭地; 張惠博; 林福來; 邱美虹這個CBAS FT 計畫是PISA 預試(PISA FT)計畫下的選項計畫(Option)。目的在於將CBAS 試題中文化、CBAS 軟體中文化、及測試 CBAS 軟體、硬體、試題、及施測可能發生的問題。也可以視為在協助 OECD建立中文化軟體與軟體及測試 CBAS 的可用性。試題中文化、軟體中文化、及整個施測過程,皆如期完成。由於是預試,中文化及測試工作都是事務性工作,研究的成分不多。但從中文化及測試過程中,教授們都認為 OECD 的電腦化試題的呈現方式很好,軟體也合適,台灣應仿 OECD 模式,建立自己的學生評量方式與工具。但亦認為不宜仍用電腦化評量,應運用網路化評量。Item 台灣參加國際學生評量計畫(PISA 2006)之規劃與推動─電腦測驗工具及電腦素養問卷之研發(甲)(2006-05-12) 邱貴發; 郭重吉; 張俊彥; 林福來; 邱美虹; 柯華葳; 鄭湧涇; 胡志偉; 張惠博; 林煥祥; 鄭昭明; 陳昭地; 吳正己這個CBAS FT 計畫是PISA 預試(PISA FT)計畫下的選項計畫(Option)。目的在於將CBAS 試題中文化、CBAS 軟體中文化、及測試 CBAS 軟體、硬體、試題、及施測可能發生的問題。也可以視為在協助 OECD建立中文化軟體與軟體及測試 CBAS 的可用性。試題中文化、軟體中文化、及整個施測過程,皆如期完成。由於是預試,中文化及測試工作都是事務性工作,研究的成分不多。但從中文化及測試過程中,教授們都認為 OECD 的電腦化試題的呈現方式很好,軟體也合適,台灣應仿 OECD 模式,建立自己的學生評量方式與工具。但亦認為不宜仍用電腦化評量,應運用網路化評量。Item A new assessment for computer-based concept mapping(International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS), 2005-01-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Sung, Yao-Ting; Chang, Rey-Bin; Lin, Shui-ChengConcept maps are widely used in education, and have been acclaimed for their excellent results. For efficiently using concept maps in education, computer-based concept mapping systems have been developed. However these computer-based concept mapping systems are limited in their assessment algorithms. The assessment takes only concept nodes as the primary basis, with relation links playing only a minor role. To address this problem, this study proposes a new style of concept map, called the weighted concept map, which assigns a weight to each proposition in a concept map to represent its importance. This study proposes a new assessment based on a weighted concept map and diagnosis analysis. Two studies are conducted to evaluate the methods of assessment.