
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1


本院為國內歷史最久之教育學院,系所規模、師資,及學生品質向為國內首屈一指,培育英才無數,畢業校友或擔任政府教育行政單位首長及中堅人才、或為大學校長及教育相關領域研究人員、或為國內中等教育師資之骨幹、或投入民間文教事業相關領域,皆為提升我國教育品質竭盡心力。此外,本學院長期深耕學術,研究領域多元,發行4本 TSSCI 期刊,學術聲望備受國內外學界肯定,根據 2015 年 QS 世界大學各學科排名結果,本校在教育學科名列第22名,不僅穩居臺灣第一,更躍居亞洲師範大學龍頭。


Search Results

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    (2006-02-05) 邱貴發
    The concepts of CoP (community of practice) and social networking are moving toward the center stage of today’s e-Learning researches. School teachers’ professional development could be regarded as a community building that can support the experience/knowledge sharing mechanisms. Using the CoP and the social networking concepts to create and to manage an online teacher community is a potential research direction. This paper was to describe our attempts to build an online teacher’s community of practices for the past two years. Our focus was on the soft sides of online CoP building. Facilitation strategies were tried and reviewed. The hard sides, such as community software and community networking were not our foci during our study. Online gift strategy, embedded linking strategy, and newsletter strategy were tried. From June 2003 to June 2005, we have invited school technology coordinators and ICT using teachers to come to our community site (called ASE, Association for School E-learning) in the hope of forming a community incrementally through purely online approach. The aim was to construct a virtual space, also a mental and spiritual place, in which opinions and experience could freely flow and eventually would produce something collective that could have positive impacts upon the teachers. The creating and managing process was tough and didn’t reach our expected outcomes. The numbers of members were not reach critical mass. The online discussions did not form a tightly-knit social interaction. Although the management of the ASE community was not a success, the data could still give us some clues about the process of building an online teacher’s CoP. We will discuss the phenomena indicated by our data. And we also will try to find out whether there are any proper models for analyzing the data and make some predictions. This study was an exploratory one. Further studies might try to explore the underlying physical social networks of ICT-using teachers and technology coordinators for the purpose of interpreting the formation of the virtual social networks. This study also might provide some experience for creating other subject-teachers’ communities of practice.
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    Exploring Online Social Capital in an Online Community
    (2004-07-08) Lin, Fang-Ling; Pan, Wei-Li; Hsu, Hua-Shan; Chiou, Guey-Fa
    This research-in-progress (RIP) paper described the research plan of online social capital investigation through running an online educational community. Social capital rationale was used as the conceptual foundation to guide the research project. Two preliminary online surveys were executed to collect IT coordinators’ existing IT usage patterns and their favored issues about online discussion. An online community system was developed based on the rationale of social capital and the preliminary survey results. The research goal is to integrate several sustaining strategies with community development and exploring online social capital during the evolution.