
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1


本院為國內歷史最久之教育學院,系所規模、師資,及學生品質向為國內首屈一指,培育英才無數,畢業校友或擔任政府教育行政單位首長及中堅人才、或為大學校長及教育相關領域研究人員、或為國內中等教育師資之骨幹、或投入民間文教事業相關領域,皆為提升我國教育品質竭盡心力。此外,本學院長期深耕學術,研究領域多元,發行4本 TSSCI 期刊,學術聲望備受國內外學界肯定,根據 2015 年 QS 世界大學各學科排名結果,本校在教育學科名列第22名,不僅穩居臺灣第一,更躍居亞洲師範大學龍頭。


Search Results

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  • Item
    The design and application of a Web-based self- and peer-assessment system
    (ELSEVIER, 2005-09-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Chiou, S. K.; Hou, H. T.
    This study describes the web-based self- and peer-assessments system, or the Web-SPA, which has been shown to provide teachers with a flexible interface with which to arrange various self- and peer-assessment procedures. Secondly, this study examines the effects of the application of the progressively focused self- and peer-assessment (PFSPA) procedures that are made available with the Web-SPA. In an evaluative study with 76 third-graders (14 or 15 years old) of junior school, it has been found that the upon completion of the PFSPA activities, the students demonstrate greater objectivity in their self-assessment scores; it has also been shown that significant consistency is found between the students’ self- and peer-assessments results and that the assessment results of teachers. Furthermore, the quality of the students’ works improved after the assessment activities.