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7 results
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Item Application of Socratic dialogue on corrective learning of subtraction(Elsevier, 1998-08-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Lin, Mei-Ling; Chen, Sei-WangThe purpose of this research is to construct a previous corrective learning system using the previous Socratic dialogue as a guide to correct mistakes in students' knowledge on the domain of previous subtraction. Since the cause of students' mistaken concepts relates to the formation and evolution of mental models, the correction of mistakes cannot be effective if a teacher relies on simply telling the student the standard solution. Instead, they should make the student consider the mistakes and contradictions they themselves discover in the correction process. The previous Socratic dialogue applies a dialectic method to present questions to the student and lets the student reconsider his or her own thinking. In this research, we shall make an inquiry into the fundamental reasoning principles of the previous Socratic dialogue and use the production rules to express the principles that will be used for the previous learning of subtraction. The effect of previous Socratic dialogue on the learning of subtraction has been evaluated by an educational experiment. The experimental results show that the approach of the previous Socratic dialogue on learning is indeed of great help for students.Item A testing system for diagnosing misconceptions in DC electric circuits(Elsevier, 1998-09-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Liu, Sei-Hua; Chen, Sei-WangA testing-based diagnosing system is implemented. The system has a problem library that collects some suitable problems and associated answers. The answers of each problem are related to misconceptions. Problem selector in the system provides some problems to test student. Based on the student's answers, the diagnoser in the system will discriminate the student's misconceptions. The problem selector and the diagnoser are implemented with matrix operations. For evaluating the performance of the system, the topic of basic DC electricity is used as the subject domain. There are nine types of misconceptions found in basic electricity. Based on the experimental results, the system has the satisfactory diagnosis.Item Socratic-dialectic learning system of recursion programming(Baywood Publishing, 2000-01-01) Chang, Kuo-En; Lin, Pin-Chieh; Sung, Yao-Ting; Chen, Sei-WangThe purpose of this research was to construct a recursion programming learning system based on Socratic dialogue. Since recursion programming learning relates to the formation and evolution of mental models, the learning may not be effective if teachers rely only on simply telling the students the standard solutions. Instead, teachers should urge the students to consider the mistakes and contradictions discovered by themselves in the learning process. Socratic dialogue is applied as a dialectic method, which presents questions to students and encourages them to reflect on their own thinking. In this study, we explored the fundamental Socratic dialogue reasoning principles and implemented these principles through production rules. This Socratic-dialectic learning system was implemented using database techniques and evaluated by an empirical study. According to the experimental results, the Socratic dialogue was proven to have positive impact on recursion programming learning.Item Neural-fuzzy classification for segmentation of remotely sensed images(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997-11-01) Chen, Sei-Wang; Chen, Chi-Farn; Chen, Meng-Seng; Cherng, Shen; Fang, Chiung-Yao; Chang, Kuo-EnAn unsupervised classification technique conceptualized in terms of neural and fuzzy disciplines for the segmentation of remotely sensed images is presented. The process consists of three major steps: 1) pattern transformation; 2) neural classification; 3) fuzzy grouping. In the first step, the multispectral patterns of image pixels are transformed into what we call coarse patterns. In the second step, a delicate classification of pixels is attained by applying an ART neural classifier to the transformed pixel patterns. Since the resultant clusters of pixels are usually too keen to be of practical significance, in the third step, a fuzzy clustering algorithm is invoked to integrate pixel clusters. A function for measuring clustering validity is defined with which the optimal number of classes can be automatically determined by the clustering algorithm. The proposed technique is applied to both synthetic and real images. High classification rates have been achieved for synthetic images. We also feel comfortable with the results of the real images because their spectral variances are even smaller than the spectral variances of the synthetic images examined.Item 屬性化概念圖的模糊評量(中華民國科學教育學會, 1998-03-01) 張國恩; 林水成; 潘宏明; 陳世旺; Chang, Kuo-En; Lin, Shui-Cheng; Pan, Hung-Ming; Chen, Sei-Wang一張概念圖是由許多命題(propositions)所組成,而每個命題包括兩個概念(concepts)及他們之間的聯結語,因此一張概念圖描述著某一知識內容中概念問的相互連結關係。然而不同的概念與聯結語在一知識主題(knowledge domain)中扮演著不同的角色,其重要性當然會有所不同。因此本文提出一種屬性化概念圖(attributed concept map)的觀念,也就是對概念圖中每一概念及聯結語給予一權值代表其重要性。假設專家或老師已經建構好一張屬性化概念圖,我們稱它為專家概念圖。我們提出一種以模糊集合理論為基礎的評量方式(或稱模糊評量)。將學生建構的概念圖與專家概念圖比對,來評估學生對某一知識主題的了解程度。實驗顯示以屬性化概念圖為主的模糊評量在合理性、穩定性上均有顯著的改進,結果也顯示此方法是可行的。Item Self-organizing(SO) dynamic deformation for building of 3D models(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1996-03-01) Chen, Sei-Wang; Stockman, G. C.; Chang, Kuo-EnThree-dimensional (3D) modeling based on an ensemble of multilayer self-organizing (SO) neural networks is described. Our objective for 3D modeling is to construct a representation of a 3D object shape from sensed surface points acquired from the object. Current modeling techniques can be classified into two categories: the static and the dynamic approaches, where the former grounded in computational geometry, and the latter rooted in the mechanics of elastic materials. In this paper, a neural-based dynamic modeling approach is presented. The method used is proved to converge and experimental results are shown which support its applicability to real problems.Item An efficient and fast algorithm for routing over the cells(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 1996-01-01) 張國恩; 陳世旺; Chang, Kuo-En; Chen, Sei-WangA linear time algorithm for routing over the cells is presented. The algorithm tries to reduce maximum channel density by routing some connections over the cells. The algorithm first defines a new scheme for channel representation and formulates the problem based on an intersection graph derived from the new scheme. Then, a feasible independent set of the intersection graph is found for routing some subnets over the cells. The algorithm is implemented and evaluated with several well known benchmarks. In comparison with previous research, our results are satisfactory, and the algorithm takes substantially less CPU time than those of previous works. For Deutsch's difficult example, the previous algorithms take about 29.25 seconds on an average but our new algorithm needs only 5.6 seconds.