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    (2023) 劉翊嫺; Liu, Yi-Hsien
    本論文研究楊小娜的《綠島》(2016)和吳明益的《單車失竊記》(2015),探討以下問題:在不同的背景和世代下,臺灣對於創傷性歷史事件的記憶是如何轉變與發展?文學作品如何協助挑戰和動搖官方的歷史紀錄?文學又是如何處理記憶的?我的研究顯示,透過對記憶的生動描繪,以及多種形式的幽靈纏繞的隱喻,顯現記憶變動軌跡超越了時間、空間、世代和族群的界限。我同時主張這兩部小說,提出了一種關於記憶的倫理和未來導向的觀點。第一章「引言」聚焦我對這兩本小說的閱讀是如何有助於有關台灣歷史暴力爭議性的記憶的議題,著眼於對二二八事件的討論。第二章「綠島¬¬─縈繞的鬼魂與跨太平洋的記憶之旅」,分析活鬼的隱喻以及與跨太平洋連結相互交織的多層記憶。第三章「單車失竊記─亞際間的創傷後記憶」,揭露了在20世紀亞際間記憶的背景下,臺灣創傷性記憶的不同再現。我的分析顯示了這兩部小說如何挑戰傳統的歷史觀念,打破時間順序、受害者-加害者二元對立和國族觀點。我借鑒了記憶研究中的重要概念,包括瑪麗安娜·赫希(Marianne Hirsch)的「後記憶」(postmemory)、邁克爾·羅斯伯格(Michael Rothberg)探索的「牽連主體」(implicated subject)、阿斯特莉特·埃爾(Astrid Erll)的文化記憶和「旅行記憶」 (travelling memory),以及阮清越(Viet Thanh Nguyen)的「正義記憶」(just memory)。這些概念共同揭示了多種記憶形式,正如我所提及的,為20世紀台灣暴力歷史中具有爭議性的記憶提供了倫理理解。同時,這兩章也分別援引埃絲特·碧倫(Esther Peeren)的幽靈概念,以考察活鬼隱喻的多種表達,是如何為無數被壓迫的聲音發聲,並擾亂了臺灣創傷性記憶的論述。通過這兩部小說帶來的新視角,我得出結論:文學具備描繪記憶和幽靈動態本質的能力,有望緩解圍繞於臺灣暴力歷史記憶中的持續衝突。
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    “Trafficking in Seeds”: War Bride, Biopolitics, and Asian American Spectrality in Ruth Ozeki’s All Over Creation
    (英語學系, 2013-09-??) Hsiu-chuan Lee
    Taking a cue from Pheng Cheah’s discussion of nationalism’s paradoxical relation to life and death and his invocation of the idea of spectral haunting (in light of the Deleuzian “nonorganic vitalism”) as the genuine source of life in postcolonial cultures, this article conceives a life-begetting Asian American ethno-politics via a reading of the ethno- and biopolitics represented in Ruth Ozeki’s novel All Over Creation. I argue that All Over Creation intervenes in the discussion of Asian American ethno-politics of life and death not simply because it engages with food politics and advocates agricultural biodiversity, but also because it creates narrative linkages between biodiversity and ethno-diversity. First, by telling the story of a Japanese war bride, All Over Creation brings to the fore Japanese war brides to emphasize their significance as the “ghostly figures”—or “random seedlings”—occupying the margins of both Asian American and white communities. Moreover, the novel introduces “seed-dissemination” as a(n) (agri)cultural logic that makes “Asian American” less a category of hereditary permanence than an avenue for one to generate and become others. All Over Creation spells out affirmative life forces that sprawl from the migratory trajectories of people and seeds (or “people as seeds”)—trajectories that bring disorganizing force to the inherited logic or vertical continuity of both agricultural and ethnic cultural productions with lateral networking and changeable relationships.