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    (2005) 張金櫻; Chin-ying Chang
    本文旨在探討華裔劇作家黃哲倫劇作內容及風格之發展與轉變。全文分三部份。第一部份探討其早期三本以美籍華人為題材的作品 --《剛下船的》, 《舞與鐵路》, 《家庭崇拜》。在第一章指出黃哲倫對美籍華人圈內的衝突作了細緻描寫與反省。第二章探討此三劇中描述的華人屬性(Chineseness) -- 中國傳奇人物、飲食、及京劇元素。 第三章針對美籍華人的特殊語言形式作一分析。從這三部作品可看出作者強調美籍華人文化之族群特色,與擴展美國文學範疇之企圖心。第二部份討論作者受多元文化主義影響下寫出的三本劇本:《睡美人之家》、《聲音之聲》、《有錢的親戚》。在此時期,黃哲倫認為美國劇場應該製作以各個不同族群文化為題材的作品,作家的寫作題材也不必局限於自己的族群文化。第四章及第五章分別討論了以日本文化及白人家庭為主的作品。作者除了深刻描述日本及白人的文化觀,也點出了一些跨文化的主題供人深思。本文第三部份討論較後期包含不同種族的角色的作品。在此階段,黃哲倫宣稱自己已轉變為平跨文化主義的思想模式,他認為發掘出不同族群間的相似點更是迫切之需。第六章討論的作品中點出不同文化、性別、及階級的人之間共有的生活體驗。第七章針對兩齣在美國百老匯曾上演的作品:《蝴蝶君》及《金寶貝》做深入的分析,藉由檢視劇中呈現的中國文化,了解作者在多種族及多文化並存的美國社會裏,對自己身為“美國作家”之定位。
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    (英語學系, 2016-03-??) Christopher B. Patterson; Y-Dang Troeung
    This paper explores how Larissa Lai’s novel Salt Fish Girl (2002) and Changrae Lee’s novel On Such a Full Sea (2014) use speculative tropes to unsettle the “post-racial” futures imagined through the tethering of neoliberalism and multiculturalism. By combining speculative elements with tropes of queer reproduction, both novelists forgo the racial identities that make individuals recognizable to neoliberal multiculturalism. Instead, these texts focus on how the bodies, talents, stories, and memories of racialized subjects become appropriated and reconstructed for the purpose of maintaining a multi-racial upper class. In this essay, we consider how these Asian diasporic speculative texts enact their critique of neoliberal multiculturalism and its instrumentalization of ethnic/diasporic memory through the deployment of speculative tropes of (queer) reproduction.
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    (英語學系, 2016-03-??) Zhang Dexu
    Since its publication, V. S. Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival has been read as either a national allegory or English postcolonial literature. Based on the dual models, critics are prone to getting trapped in identity politics, unable to break away from the postcolonial interpretive framework. In this essay, I revisit the issue of identity from a transnational perspective in hopes of capturing the complexity and significance that Naipaul invests in his representation of identity in this novel. Specifically, I argue that Enigma mobilizes identity not so much as a fixated category but as a radically revisionary act of knowing the self. The perspectival oscillation between the narrating ‘I’ and the experiencing ‘I’ enables readers’ access into the narrator’s emotional responses to his uneven development, whereby he comes to a fruitful understanding of human identity. Through a series of vision and revision, Enigma enacts a cognitive process of inward self-examination that culminates in a kind of ethical knowledge, unravelling identity discomfort as a universal human experience at the global moment of cultural mixing in the second half of the twentieth century. Moreover, Naipaul’s deconstruction of identity executes a critique of his own formation and thereby illuminates the great significance of recognizing the self’s foreignness to himself in cultivating cultural cohesion in a multicultural society.
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    (英語學系, 2016-03-??) Christopher B. Patterson; Y-Dang Troeung
    This paper explores how Larissa Lai’s novel Salt Fish Girl (2002) and Changrae Lee’s novel On Such a Full Sea (2014) use speculative tropes to unsettle the “post-racial” futures imagined through the tethering of neoliberalism and multiculturalism. By combining speculative elements with tropes of queer reproduction, both novelists forgo the racial identities that make individuals recognizable to neoliberal multiculturalism. Instead, these texts focus on how the bodies, talents, stories, and memories of racialized subjects become appropriated and reconstructed for the purpose of maintaining a multi-racial upper class. In this essay, we consider how these Asian diasporic speculative texts enact their critique of neoliberal multiculturalism and its instrumentalization of ethnic/diasporic memory through the deployment of speculative tropes of (queer) reproduction.
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    (英語學系, 2016-03-??) Zhang Dexu
    Since its publication, V. S. Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival has been read as either a national allegory or English postcolonial literature. Based on the dual models, critics are prone to getting trapped in identity politics, unable to break away from the postcolonial interpretive framework. In this essay, I revisit the issue of identity from a transnational perspective in hopes of capturing the complexity and significance that Naipaul invests in his representation of identity in this novel. Specifically, I argue that Enigma mobilizes identity not so much as a fixated category but as a radically revisionary act of knowing the self. The perspectival oscillation between the narrating ‘I’ and the experiencing ‘I’ enables readers’ access into the narrator’s emotional responses to his uneven development, whereby he comes to a fruitful understanding of human identity. Through a series of vision and revision, Enigma enacts a cognitive process of inward self-examination that culminates in a kind of ethical knowledge, unravelling identity discomfort as a universal human experience at the global moment of cultural mixing in the second half of the twentieth century. Moreover, Naipaul’s deconstruction of identity executes a critique of his own formation and thereby illuminates the great significance of recognizing the self’s foreignness to himself in cultivating cultural cohesion in a multicultural society.