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    (2005) 黃欣然; Hsin-jan Huang
    本研究依據Flip G. Droste所提出之後設隱喻理論,旨在探討其在中文報紙中新聞標題及廣告用語之語意與語用功能。研究所採用語料來源為中國時報、聯合報、自由時報、及其網站。 研究結果顯示﹐後設隱喻在中文語料中為自然語言的必要之一部分,而非僅是修辭潤飾上的功能。語言是因為需要而產生,以達到某種效果;後設隱喻的功能正符合新聞標題及廣告用語之目的:吸引讀者注意,並在有限的時空內,表達雙重的涵義。在依據內容、結構及觸發之語料分類中,社會新聞、雙字詞及語意歧義分別為各類中出現頻率最高者。中文的語言特性使後設隱喻在相較英文下,有良好的發揮空間且有更多的表現型態。它可以是由下列所觸發:(1)句法歧義;(2)語意歧義;(3)專有名詞之嵌入;(4)音譯。需要強調的是,語料蒐集過程中發現,中文後設隱喻的先決條件為先有隱喻的涵義,再從字面上獲得另一符合語境和指涉架構之用法,尤其字音、字型需一致,才不至於與隱喻、雙關語、假後設隱喻混淆。
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    Spatial Orientation in Yami
    (英語學系, 2012-05-??) 陳美秀; Mei-hsiu Chen
    There are three frames of reference, which we call the Relative (egocentric), the Intrinsic (object-centered) and the Absolute (using fixed bearings like the mountain). Since these frames are coordinate systems used to compute and specify the location of objects with respect to other objects, they have long been thought of as innate concepts, built into our neurocognition. However, recent work shows that the use of such frames in language, cognition and gesture varies cross-culturally (Majid et al. 2004). For example, although a relative encoding is also used, most Balinese employ the Absolute frame of reference provided by their language and culture (Wassmann and Dasen 1998). This paper aims to find out which frame(s) of reference the Yami people use to describe the spatial relationships and point out the difficulty encountered during the elicitation. Data related with spatial orientation in Yami are mainly collected by picture elicitation. The results show that Yami allows the use of all three frames of reference. Similar to Balinese, the absolute reference system in Yami fits with its symbolic importance in Yami culture, i.e., there is an obvious coherence between the cultural and linguistic systems.