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    (2007) 王伯仁; Bonifacio Po-jen Wang
    近十五年來各種新興節慶在臺灣各地有普遍增加的趨勢。本研究試圖透過節慶化的觀點,來探討節慶地景的形塑過程,以及這些現象背後所蘊含的社會與空間意涵。 在理論探索方面,本論文是以Lefebvre的日常生活批判和空間生產作為基本架構,加上Bryman的迪士尼主題樂園化和Hannigan的奇幻城市概念,用來釐清節慶、節慶化與節慶地景等相關概念,並與Debord的奇觀社會對話。 在經驗分析方面,首先針對台灣的節慶現象進行廣泛調查。藉由現代節慶在時空分布的基本特性,以及對於節慶內容的歸納、整理,試圖建構出一些臺灣現代節慶的理念型,以掌握節慶化現象的整體面貌。接著,再透過高雄燈會的個案研究,來探究現代節慶的構成元素,以及節慶地景生產的動態過程。 本研究發現,在2006年7月到2007年六月的一年當中,台灣地區約有434個各式節慶,從中又可以粗略地歸納出五種主要的節慶理念型:地方–產業–創新節、藝文統理節、傳統再現節、消費紀念日以及小眾嘉年華;每一種節慶類型又可追溯出各自不同的發展脈絡。而節慶化的整體現象,又展現了文化統理與文化消費的雙重邏輯,共同創造出台灣的節慶奇觀。另一方面,高雄燈會精心規劃的主題化情境、混雜多元的節目內容,以及熱鬧歡愉的節慶氣氛,所共同打造出來的節慶地景,更清楚地展現出現代節慶作為展示政績、宣傳政策、行銷城市/地方、促進消費與製造商機的節慶政治經濟學。
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    Cultural Geography and Tourism Seen by Tourism Policy of Taiwan
    (地理學系, 2013-11-??) Kyu-Won Kim
    Today, the concept of ‘Culture’ is everywhere. It is in field of economy, politics, industry and even in agriculture of which is originated in meaning. It became a kind of symbolic value to all field of profession as panacea of development. On the other side, the concept and practice of ‘Tourism’ is becoming one of the fastest growing industry and widely spread ‘way of life’ in the world. As for industry, the WTO esteem that the ‘Exports of tourism services generated $1,093 billion in 2010, or 30% of total world exports of services ($3,670 billion) (Vellas, 2011; 12)’. And together, ‘cultural tourism’ is perched as a new, fresh and powerful global trend, rather than Mass tourism which relied mostly on land planning and construction of infrastructure. The Cultural tourism is not only related to some cultural resources but also diverse environmental issues, ethnic policy, democracy and economic development. Otherwise, since the beginning of field of geography, each physical and humane geography has been deeply related each other especially in terms of ‘culture’ and ‘landscape’. In terms of Cultural Tourism, invention, management, and promotion of ‘culture’ and ‘landscape’ is a key factor of policy and marketing in these days. In that case, vice et versa, the ‘cultural tourism’ who deals physical, natural and cultural resources could be a new field where an academic ‘consilience’ along physical and human geography could be achieved, and also dimension of application of geography could be broaden. In this paper I would like to search new horizon of cultural tourism by observing Tourism Policy in Taiwan.