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Item 以計算語言學方法研究英文的認知基本名詞(2010) 林淑晏; Shu-Yen Lin本論文探討認知科學中相當著名的原型理論(Prototype Theory)長久以來一直存在的一個議題,研究認知分類的文獻多是倚賴一些少數經典的例證,像是「扶手椅」、「椅子」、「傢俱」等的例子(Rosch et al. 1976; Taylor 2003; Ungerer& Schmid 1996, 2006)。就本作者所知,至今尚無任何研究試圖分析任一語言中所有詞彙的認知層(superordinate level, basic level, subordinate level),本論文以大型電子資料庫(WordNet, CELEX, BNC, CHILDES, ELP)為底,對英語的所有名詞進行全面性的研究,為羅須等人(Rosch et al. 1976, 1978)所提出的認知分類理論提供了有力的實證。本作者設計了一個找出WordNet裡的英文名詞認知層的計算法,比較每一個名詞在其所處的層級鍊中與其他名詞在形成複合詞能力上的相互關係,自動偵測出每個名詞的認知層級。 以上述方法所擷取的英文名詞在詞彙、語意、構詞等各方面都有明顯的數據可呼應我們以三個認知層的認知顯著性差別所做的各種預測,尤其是以多元回歸(multiple regression)分析詞彙判別時間差(lexical decision latency)的實驗結果顯示,利用本論文所提出的計算法找出的認知層與詞彙判斷之間有很高的關聯性,這些數據上的實證對於本論文所提出的計算法的效度以及原型理論的可信度都是強力的佐證。 分析母語習得的語料也達到與上述相同的結論,幼兒學習基本層詞彙的速度與詞彙量遠大於其他兩個認知層的詞彙,上層詞對幼兒而言特別具挑戰性,但一旦習得了的上層詞就成為幼兒常用的詞彙。 由本論文的研究結果可看出認知科學與計算科學是可緊密聯繫且齊頭並進的。Item Roles of Lexical Aspect and Narrative Structure in Early Tense-Aspect System of L2 English: A New Perspective from Cognitive Linguistics(英語學系, 2014-06-??) Yu-da LaiThis paper presents a unified cognitive linguistics (CL) account grounded on the iconicity principle (i.e., iconic markedness and iconic proximity) for motivating the L2 asymmetric associations of thegrammatical aspects, respectively, with verbs of different aspectual classes and the narrative structure (i.e., foreground-background distinction). The study, consisting of 44 written narratives by Taiwanese EFL college students at elementary and intermediate levels, suggests that first, the interlanguage aspect system develops from the unmarked usages parameterized with the degree of conceptual fitness between the (un)boundedness of the situations projected by the lexical verbs and the (inner/outer) perspectivization embedded in the grammatical aspects (principle of iconic markedness), and second, learners’ sensitivity to the grounding influence positively correlates with their proficiency, and the connection strength of the grounding influence to the aspectual use is overall weaker than the consideration of conceptual fitness (principle of iconic proximity). Based on the above, a CL-based constructive approach is suggested to provide learners with step-by-step input (mass/count noun → verb-aspect combination → grounding distinction) that is comprehensible enough to motivate the aspectual usages in relation to the (un)boundedness and perspectivization under the intricacy of lexical aspectual class and narrative structure.Item 認知語言學為基礎之語言教學法(英語學系, 2011-12-??) 賴昱達; Yu-da Lai本文旨在比較以「認知語言學為基礎之輸入處理教學法」(cognitive linguistics-based processing instruction, CLPI) 與「輸出導向式之傳統教學法」(traditional output-based instruction, TOBI) 應用於英語教學的成效,並以分詞構句相對於主句之不同位置所隱含的語義功能做為教學成效的評估標的。研究參與對象為三個班級共108 位之英語系大二學生, 其中兩班為實驗組, 分別接受CLPI 與TOBI,另一班則為不進行教學之對照組。CLPI 的內涵包括以語境呈現分詞構句於不同位置所隱含的語義、「順序象似性」為基礎的解釋與處理輸入練習;TOBI 則包括了文法規則的解釋、衍生方式的改寫導引、條列方式呈現語義功能並立即給予輸出練習。資料蒐集分別於教學前、教學後二天與後八週實施「接受度測驗」與「改寫測驗」以評量學習者理解與輸出分詞構句及其語義的能力。結果顯示CLPI 組於「接受度測驗」與「改寫測驗」的成效與其持續性皆優於TOBI 組,不僅說明了CLPI 對學習者的文法系統轉化與輸出有正面效益外,也證明了功能學派所提出的語言解釋應用在語言教學法上的實用價值。Item Roles of Lexical Aspect and Narrative Structure in Early Tense-Aspect System of L2 English: A New Perspective from Cognitive Linguistics(英語學系, 2014-07-??) Yu-da LaiThis paper presents a unified cognitive linguistics (CL) account grounded on the iconicity principle (i.e., iconic markedness and iconic proximity) for motivating the L2 asymmetric associations of thegrammatical aspects, respectively, with verbs of different aspectual classes and the narrative structure (i.e., foreground-background distinction). The study, consisting of 44 written narratives by Taiwanese EFL college students at elementary and intermediate levels, suggests that first, the interlanguage aspect system develops from the unmarked usages parameterized with the degree of conceptual fitness between the (un)boundedness of the situations projected by the lexical verbs and the (inner/outer) perspectivization embedded in the grammatical aspects (principle of iconic markedness), and second, learners’ sensitivity to the grounding influence positively correlates with their proficiency, and the connection strength of the grounding influence to the aspectual use is overall weaker than the consideration of conceptual fitness (principle of iconic proximity). Based on the above, a CL-based constructive approach is suggested to provide learners with step-by-step input (mass/count noun → verb-aspect combination → grounding distinction) that is comprehensible enough to motivate the aspectual usages in relation to the (un)boundedness and perspectivization under the intricacy of lexical aspectual class and narrative structure.Item 認知語言學為基礎之語言教學法(英語學系, 2011-12-??) 賴昱達; Yu-da Lai本文旨在比較以「認知語言學為基礎之輸入處理教學法」(cognitive linguistics-based processing instruction, CLPI) 與「輸出導向式之傳統教學法」(traditional output-based instruction, TOBI) 應用於英語教學的成效,並以分詞構句相對於主句之不同位置所隱含的語義功能做為教學成效的評估標的。研究參與對象為三個班級共108 位之英語系大二學生, 其中兩班為實驗組, 分別接受CLPI 與TOBI,另一班則為不進行教學之對照組。CLPI 的內涵包括以語境呈現分詞構句於不同位置所隱含的語義、「順序象似性」為基礎的解釋與處理輸入練習;TOBI 則包括了文法規則的解釋、衍生方式的改寫導引、條列方式呈現語義功能並立即給予輸出練習。資料蒐集分別於教學前、教學後二天與後八週實施「接受度測驗」與「改寫測驗」以評量學習者理解與輸出分詞構句及其語義的能力。結果顯示CLPI 組於「接受度測驗」與「改寫測驗」的成效與其持續性皆優於TOBI 組,不僅說明了CLPI 對學習者的文法系統轉化與輸出有正面效益外,也證明了功能學派所提出的語言解釋應用在語言教學法上的實用價值。