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    (2014) 蕭伊珊; Yi-shan, Hsiao
    隨著網際網路(以下簡稱為網路)及相關科技的發展,如何將其應用於實際課堂教學成為一研究課題。語言教學領域在探討將網路科技應用於實際課堂教學可能性的同時,相關衍生問題也接踵而至。網路資訊包羅萬象,訊息量大且豐富,易造成學生在學習時的理解困難與在搜尋閱讀時迷失方向。過去研究已提出數個引導學生利用網路學習的方式,其中之一便是WebQuest。WebQuest為一網路探究學習活動,引領學生循序漸進,有目標地和網路資訊互動,進而學習相關主題知識。文獻顯示其在提升EFL學生閱讀及批判性思考上有顯著成效,但並未細述WebQuest如何促使學生此兩方面能力進步。此外,學生在WebQuest網路探究學習活動中需頻繁地閱讀、分析網路資訊,閱讀能力及批判性思考能力二者實為密不可分,應納入同一研究探討。 本研究旨在探討台灣EFL學生在進行WebQuest網路探究學習活動時,閱讀及批判性思考兩者能力的發展情形。九位高中學生分成三組進行活動,參與此項為期兩個多月的WebQuest學習研究。期間學生們共完成兩個長期(long-term) WebQuest,主題分別為英雄故事,以及世界飲食文化。研究者觀察並記錄每一次課堂活動(task),並將各組學生上課討論對話錄音轉譯成逐字稿,供後續分析之用。學生在每堂課後需填寫一份課堂心得日誌,詳細記錄今天上課活動進行過程,學習心得等。研究者在每一WebQuest結束後與學生進行訪談:第一次為團體訪談,第二次為個人訪談。 結果顯示學生在閱讀及批判性思考兩方面皆有所發展。在閱讀能力方面,學生自我發展出閱讀策略,學生的閱讀理解能力也有所提升。在批判性思考能力方面,學生設立了不同的資訊篩選標準,發展出個人網路資訊搜尋模式,以及進行了深刻批判思考。最後,本研究提供英語教師在進行WebQuest教學時的具體建議。
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    A Review of Recent Language Teaching Literature in Taiwan
    (國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 2004-07-??) 劉顯親
    This paper examines recent locallanguagelEnglish teaching literature in Taiwan, the Republic of China via a professional review of existing research reports, and compares the findings with topics presented in Taiwan's first English teachingconference in 1984 and in the World Congress of Applied Linguistics in 2002 (AILA). It also points out possible avenues or future directions for local scholars who rnay wish to integrate new insights from the intemational academic comrnunityto address local issues. The database for the review includes various conference proceedings, some issues of a particular joumal, and the program book of an international conference, AILA. Content analyses of abstracts were conducted topoollogistic data about content areas or issues and levels of leamers. A comparison is then made on the findings of local literature and those of AILA. The results showed that college leamers were the major participants or subjects investigated,followed by high school and prirnary school students; and quantitative research approaches such as experimental design and survey were the major methods adopted. The topic of Technology and English leaming has stayed a popular theme, preceded by that of four skills. Those of English teaching for young leamers and language testing/assessment are on rise. Lastly, issues concerning research on English teaching in Taiwan as compared with those addressed by some intemational joumal papers are discussed with research implications.