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    艾倫‧金斯堡〈嚎叫〉及〈卡第绪〉中 失敗的真摯性
    (2023) 尚法諾; Robert Sean Farnon
    摘要 本論文探討金斯堡最著名的兩首詩的意義和文本經驗──這兩首詩在二十世紀美國文學生態中定義了他這一代人。如本論文所論,這些文本之所以有意義,在於它們表達了主張擁有真摯性卻失敗的後果,這種失敗部分源自於一種神話化形式的國族主義意識形態。我想闡明,金斯堡浩瀚的詩歌結構並不支持引起分裂的個體主義,而是將官方(白人新教)美國文化暴露在其自身邊界內產生的異質記憶和話語材料中。美國對真摯性的主流主張是基於一種物化的國族主義,被這種詩歌形式的暴露所破壞。 第一章通過探討金斯堡的閾限狀態如何影響他在〈嚎叫〉中對美國的批評,以及國族主義的問題是如何透過將歐洲的猶太大屠殺意象與美國對自身麻煩的闡述並置來呈現的,從而探討了為什麼美國國族主義對金斯堡而言如此有問題。金斯堡的作品試圖通過收集美國歷史敘事中未被承認的聲音,並通過引起人們關注少數民族對美國生活的詮釋,來糾正和修正美國被認定存在的真摯性。 在第二章中,我的焦點是金斯堡在其詩〈卡第绪〉中針對失敗的真摯性的詩歌形式清算,這裡的真摯性以更加私人的形式被感知到。透過心理健康評估和母親角色的脈絡,以及作為解構猶太人哀悼祈禱文的一部分,這些形式被問題化。背負著他母親的遺澤,金斯堡在〈卡第绪〉中比在〈嚎叫〉中更直接地處理了歷史上猶太教的正式儀式。在這篇後來的作品中,詩人調整了傳統宗教權威與他自己的精神真摯性之間的關係,這種方式提供了一種重構存在於世界的可能,但也承擔了在他自己的真摯性方面失敗的風險。
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    (英語學系, 2020-03-??) Peter D. Mathews
    The ambivalence at the heart of Rachel Kadish’s third novel, The Weight of Ink(2017), comes from the tension between Kadish’s exploration of Jewish identity,on the one hand, and her position as a feminist on the other. Kadish thus usesthe form of the historical novel to critique patriarchal traditions in Jewishculture that exclude women from the domain of scholarship and philosophicalthought. The Weight of Ink weaves a complex narrative contrasting the life of atwenty-first-century historian, Helen Watt, to the fierce intellect of EsterVelazquez, a female scribe from the seventeenth century, who is forced todevelop her philosophy secretly under a series of male pseudonyms. This essaystarts out by examining the delicate balance required for this kind of culturalcritique, for while Kadish excoriates the past ill-treatment of women andhomosexuals, she nonetheless is also clearly proud of her identity as a Jewishwoman. The second section of this paper looks at the extent to which Kadishlaunches a successful feminist analysis of Jewish culture and traditions. Herstrongest points come when she turns the logic of this tradition back on itself:the very existence of Ester’s intellect or Alvaro’s homosexuality, she argues,are proof that such things are ordained by divine will rather than itscontradiction. The conclusion of the paper explores the limitations of Kadish’sapproach, focusing in particular on the way she creates a biological tie betweenEster and Shakespeare. This narrative twist appropriates Ester to the realm ofthe patriarchal law, encapsulating the irresolvable tension between Kadish’sJewishness and her feminist politics.