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Item 台灣生態詩之初期作品研究──以《自立晚報》副刊一九八四年「生態詩‧攝影展」為例(2012) 謝三進; SAN-CHIN HSIEH台灣生態詩隨著台灣社會邁向工業化的腳步而誕生,一九七○年代以環保議題為關懷的詩作開始出現於詩人筆下,一九八○年代始有報紙副刊製作生態詩專輯、專欄,本篇論文《自立晚報》一九八四年六月至八月間連載刊登之「生態詩‧攝影展」為主要討論文本,以此基礎歸納分析台灣生態詩初期作品之特質與內涵。 台灣生態詩之評論者不少,唯多為小篇論文或評論短文,且隨著評論者學養基礎不同而各有偏重,有從詩學之社會性著眼者,有從自然書寫觀點討論者。生態詩之研究在環境保護的大共識之下,各有意見分歧之處。唯這些不同的細節,事實上並未互相衝突,將不同意見予以整合、分析出生態詩論述者對生態詩的觀察及期許。以求得台灣生態詩的研究基礎,以及廣義的生態詩定義,便是本篇論文第一章緒論的首要任務。 上述生態詩評論者切入生態詩之視野各有不同,事實上,同樣的情形也發生在身為創作者的詩人身上。《自立晚報》「生態詩‧攝影展」專欄邀得二十二位詩人發表二十四首詩作,我們可從詩人們的創作發現其對「生態」的理解其實互有不同。有出自環保新聞而發表批判意見者,也有紀錄自身生態觀察經驗者。在第一章由生態詩論述所得的基礎上,本篇論文第二章「台灣生態詩初期作品分類」再參入由生態詩作文本分析而得的詩作焦點,分由「文化觀」、「自然觀」與「美學觀」三條脈絡切入剖析。 在第二章列出的分類基礎上,第三至五章便分由「台灣生態詩之文化批判」、「台灣生態詩之自然思索」與「台灣生態詩之美學經營」細論《自立晚報》「生態詩‧攝影展」專欄之詩作,並輔以自其他版面蒐羅而得之生態詩作品,以求得台灣生態詩初期作品之發展概況。第六章結論則彙整以上各章的研究結果,列述台灣生態詩之內涵、特質與意義,另列述台灣生態詩研究尚有待著力之部分,以求推進台灣生態詩之研究。Item Stephen Crane and the Green Place of Paint*(英語學系, 2011-03-??) Iris RalphThis paper addresses the influence of French Impressionist painting on the late nineteenth-century writer Stephen Crane (1871-1900), a key figure in the movement of literary naturalism and the author of, among other stories, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, The Red Badge of Courage, The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky, and The Blue Hotel. A journalist and war-time correspondent as well as a literary figure, Crane produced a remarkable number of poems, prose pieces, short stories, and “sketches” in a period of time spanning little more than a decade. Much of his work is characterized by formal devices analogous to Impressionist painting’s seemingly antithetical devices of atmospheric (or animated) paint and flat paint. These formal devices put into question normative, anthropocentric distinctions between human and nonhuman subjects and objects. The short story “An Experiment in Misery” (1889) describes in impressionist painterly language the city’s human and nonhuman subjectobjects that implies that ecogenic (nonhuman-made) human and nonhuman subject-objects are outcast, defaced, or bullied by the anthropogenic (humanmade) environs of the modern industrial city. The influence of French Impressionist painting on Crane has been addressed by scholars. However, these scholars do not comment on its ecocritical significances. I argue that Crane’s animation of the nonhuman figure and the oft-commented on flattening or caricaturing of the human figure by Crane express a nascent ecological argument.Item Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle(英語學系, 2003-01-??) Shu Fen TsaiThis paper attempts to evaluate Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle from the perspective of eco-criticism, arguing that though critics have praised the achievement of the Earthsea Trilogy from the perspectives of anthropology, Taoism, rites of passages, and feminism, the environmental consciousness in the Earthsea has been ignored. Le Guins Earthsea Cycle is an anti-anthrogocentric heroic saga, the outstanding for bringing oriental philosophy and contemporary environmental ethics into western literary tradition. The Earthsea Cycle shall be treasured as a pioneering achievement of an ecological myth on an epic scale, and a successful discovery of an alternative narrative mode to the romantic heroic myth, which we desperately need in this era of environmental crisis.Item Wordsworth Studies and the Ethics of Criticism(英語學系, 2004-07-??) Yu, Eric K. W.