
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/2





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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 陳憲明
    Based on the viewpoint of man-environmental relationship, this study attempt to use the time-space approach to design an analytical framework for dealing with the fishing activities at Fan-tsu-au, a coastal village in the northern Taiwan. Data were collected by direct observation of fishing activities on the sea, as well as by interviewing the fishermen. In the 1950s, the fishermen at Fan-tsu-au were engaged mainly in torch light net fishery. They organized three non-powered fishing crafts as a team and used weak fishing lamps to catch round herring, squids and other phototaxis fishes that migrate on the surface-water. The fishing season for torch light net fishery is from May to the beginning of October in each lunar year. In this period, because of moonlight which interferes fishing efficiency, the fishing activities formed a monthly cycle in compliance with the moon's transit, duration and intensity of moonlight. But, such fishery is restrided by such factors as the physical capacity of non-powered fishing crafts, illumination capacity of fishing lamps, prey-food habits of fish schools and sleeping requirements of fishermen. Therefore, the fishing activities are restricted to a space of three nautical miles from the shore and 2-3 hours after dark and before dawn. In 1950 to 1960, with the advance of fishing technology, and the powered fishing boats were popularly adopted, the fishermen at Fan-tsu-au has replaced traditional torch light net fishery with modernized stick-held dip net fishery, long-line fishery and spear fishing. Though the stick-held dip net fishery and torch light net fishery use the lamps to allure the fish schools on the surface-water, because of powered fishing boats, and increased illumination capacity of fishing lamps, the time-space scope for stick-held dip net fishery is expanded. At the moment, the fishing season for catching squids, from February end to the beginning of October in each lunar calendar, the fishermen woul
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    (地理學系, 1989-03-??) 陳憲明
    Recent time-geographic studies have focused upon an examination of the conceptual framework of Hagerstrand’s original model, while there has been little applied research except for its introduction to the techniques of urban planning. However, there remain some other fields where it can be applied, since time-geography is fundamentally designed as a common language for the expression of interactions not only between individuals and man-made objects but also between individuals and natural environmental elements. The present article aims to apply certain time-geography notions to observed human behavior under certain natural conditions, and thus to obtain a rational interpretation of individual behavior choices from a time-geographic point of view. As a case study, this article describes some fishermen's daily behavior in Hsingkang (新港), a fishing port in eastern Taiwan. Spatial-temporal paths of spear fishermen aiming to catch giant black marlin (Makaira malina) are described in Fig. 2-4. The paths of long-line fishermen aiming to catch dolphinfin (Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus) are described in Fig. 7-8, and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Fig. 9-11. From a time-geographic view, these paths are interpreted as follows: Individual behavior is limited by a fisherman's physiology and by the physical capability of his tools. These two factors form a “prism”, which may be transformed by day-to-day weather conditions. Within this “prism” a fisherman's behavior, which aims at coupling with fish in space-time, is influenced by certain natural environmental conditions. There is a spatial condition characterized by the distribution of fishing spots, which is determined by submarine topography. The temporal conditions consist of seasonal and daily fluctuations of prey-food.
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    (地理學系, 1992-03-??) 薛雅惠
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    (地理學系, 1991-03-??) 張燦穩
    This paper, written from the geographical viewpoint of man-environmental relations and based on data obtained by participant observation and interviewing, aims to analyze the ritual fishing practice of the Yami of Yayu village, together with its environmental, economic, social and cultural relations. Until 1956, the villagers, controlled by shamanistic beliefs and taboos, only caught flying fish by torchlight fishing using large boats. Limitations imposed by taboos and shamanism, the fishing technique itself, and the promptings of heroism and glory between fishing groups, as well as the requirements of food, social relations and sacrificial rituals, meant that their time usage of the fishing grounds was severely restricted. The spatial usage of fishing grounds by large boats carrying out torchlight fishing was mainly affected by the habits of the flying fish and the fishing ground territorial system between villages. During the flying fish fishing period another method was used, catching dolphinfish using troll lines strung out from small boats. The influence of taboos and shamanism, together with the fishing method and the habits of the dolphinfish, meant that the time usage of the fishing grounds by small boats trolling for dolphin-fish was also severely restricted. Spatial usage tended to be influenced more by the boat equipment and the ecology of the fishing ground. In the period 1956-1980, as contacts with the outside increased and changes occurred in religious belief among the Yami, changes also took place in their fishing practice. The introduce-tion of new fishing methods altered the traditional organization of fishing groups, as well as bringing changes in the time and spatial usage of flying fish fishing grounds. The times at which these fishing methods could be used were still subject to the limitations of various taboos. Since 1980, under the influence of the aborigines policy, powered fishing boats have taken the place of traditional