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    (地理學系, 2003-05-??) 徐勝一
    北魏孝文帝將首都從平城遷到洛陽,史家認為是拓跋宏考量當時政治、經濟、軍事、文化等多元因素所做的決定,也有認為是他的漢化思維所誘發的舉動。然而司馬光在資治通鑑所載「魏主以平城地寒,六月雨雪,風沙常起,將遷都洛陽」,強調當時之惡劣氣候是南遷的主因。 本文採三個步驟來比較平城古今氣候:(1)利用近年之地面氣象觀測紀錄,了解大同之氣候現況。(2)演譯古詩詞及古文獻中之環境信息,重塑平城之古氣候。(3)根據樹輪、冰芯、及湖泊沉積物等具有時間序列的地球科學資料,展現出西元五百年左右的氣候環境。 研究結果顯示,不論是演譯史籍文獻或是根據地球科學資料,平城在北魏時代的氣溫低於現今。從文史記載分析北魏時代霜期的長短,推估408AD-537AD間的平均最低溫度,至少比今日低0.820℃,而在479AD-509AD的最冷時期,其平均最低溫度則比今日低2.66℃。寒冷氣候應是拓跋宏南遷的重要原因之一。 歷史文獻對古環境之描述存在著定性之氣候信息,而技術逐漸成熟的地球科學分析又能提供時間序列的數化依據,若能妥善利用此兩項工具,對重建二千年來氣候變化的時間序列資料是具有重大意義的。
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    (地理學系, 1997-11-??) 徐勝一
    When reviewing the ancient historical books and local chronological records, it is recognized that ancient Chinese is very respectful to the destructive power of thunders. when thunders appeared, the time of occurrence, the sky condition, and the accompanying rumbling noise, usually signified the degree of disaster that the civilians and the emperor were going to suffer in the coming future. Ancient records of thunders and the associated hazards are interpreted through the principles of climatology in the text. This article also attempts to explain the phenomena of 「 clear day thunders 」 as they were often recorded in Chinese history. The huge rambling noise in the natural environment might be attributed to the land slide, mountain humming, earth quake, tidal wave, and meteor shower in addition to the genuine thunders. The phenomena of 「 clear day thunders 」 are believed to relate with the meteor showers most of the cases, although other possible causes such as remote volcanic eruption and the atmospheric auto-convective lapse condition should be considered if detailed records are available for further interpretation.