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    (2015) 蔡宛玲; Tsai, Wan-Ling
    本研究主要探討清水平原地區的中小型都市發展與機能特色。由清代到民國104年,街肆、市街到都市市區發展的歷程及機能的轉變。研究中透過文獻資料、疊圖分析,初步了解不同時期的市街發展與空間變遷;並且統計商工名錄、電話號碼簿資料,歸納機能特色與分析機能的轉變。研究結果發現: 第一、清代聚落的形成與自然環境密切相關。隨著漢人開墾與港口的發展,街肆興起;加以交通戰略地位重要,設置軍事部門,日常生活物品交易頻繁,商業盛行,中地機能顯著,帶動街肆擴張、人口成長。 第二、日治時期市街持續擴張,初期、中期市街仍以中地機能為主;後期工廠組織、新式工業發展,商業、製造業機能兼具,都市出現,商業活動更為熱絡。 第三、日治後期、戰後工業發展,市區快速擴張,機能轉變。民國60年以前清水、沙鹿、梧棲主要機能特色為食品餐飲,清水、沙鹿市區提供較高等級服務;民國60~80年間臺中港設置及臺中港特定區計畫實施,梧棲轉為行車運輸機能,提供服務等級略有成長,但仍以清水、沙鹿市區提供較高等級服務。民國80年以後清水、沙鹿仍為食品餐飲機能,梧棲為行車運輸機能,大肚、龍井的金屬、化學工業等製造業機能發展,提供服務等級已有成長。 綜合而言,在清水平原都市發展的過程中,執政者的行政策略與交通革新具有相當關鍵的影響;在全球化影響之下,加上兩岸的交流,產業及工廠外移,作為仍以提供日常生活物品、維生活動為主的中小型都市,成長緩慢。
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    (地理學系, 1990-03-??) 陳憲明
    Fishing ports and landing bases function as the points of transference of catches to markets and to land distribution systems. They are the functional nodes of the fishing grounds and fishing market areas. This paper aims to assess, according to the spatial function viewpoint, the function and location of seven fishing ports and 48 undeveloped landing places (i.e. lacking wharf infrastructure) on the Eastern Taiwan coast. On the whole, the location of fishing ports is principally determined by the following conditions: (1) the degree of agglomeration of fishing functional facilities; (2) the size of fishing grounds utilized by a port and the richness of its fishery resources; (3) the economic distance between a fishing port and its markets. Fishing ports in Eastern Taiwan are small scale, their fishing fleets are of small tonnage, their fishing grounds are of limited scope, and their distribution and marketing are affected by topographical obstacles to transportation to the large consumer markets of Western Taiwan. In Eastern Taiwan, only the ports of Hsinkang, Hualien and Taitung possess landing, freezing, storing, packing, delivery and marketing functions. Due to the strong spatial convergence of these three fishing ports, they form three fishing marketing areas. The port with the strongest centrality, Hsinkang, possesses a regional wholesale market function. Huaiien and Taitung only possess a local wholesale market function. Green Island is a fishery base for the offshore islands of Eastern Taiwan. The Kuroshio current passes by this island and it has rich fishery resources. However, this offshore island is isolated from Taiwan proper, and yet must rely on the Taiwan market. These factors limit the development of its fishing industry. Apart from a small minority of fishing ports, the majority of fishing villages of Eastern Taiwan are lacking in fundamental infrastructure. They are without wharves and their fishermen just use plastic fi