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    (2011) 廖宏域
    生態旅遊向來被認為是可以兼顧旅遊、環境、社會發展的工具。坪林在北宜高速公路通車後,遊客人數大量減少,當地觀光產業發展面臨困境;此外,本地區位於翡翠水庫的水源特定區,不允許高強度的觀光活動發展,因此發展生態旅遊成了兼顧當地觀光發展和環境生態保護的利用模式之一。 坪林金瓜寮溪流域近年來被選定為生態旅遊、低碳旅遊示範區,吸引了不少的遊客造訪。遊客對旅遊地的態度、遊憩行為及居民對生態旅遊的參與態度均影響生態旅遊發展。因此,本研究以問卷調查、質性訪談及實地調查的方式,探討坪林鄉金瓜寮溪流域遊客與居民之環境識覺。 研究結果顯示,遊客以女性偏多,教育程度高,有著環境態度友善、旅遊行為良好的特質,多數遊客旅遊動機是以親近自然、放鬆心情為主,對於金瓜寮的自然景觀印象良好。一般遊客與低碳旅遊遊客的比較中,在環境識覺問項低碳旅遊遊客在解說教育及環境保護行為分數高於一般遊客。在未來發展認知問項,低碳旅遊遊客在導覽解說及茶業體驗的分數高於一般遊客。 旅遊活動對居民的衝擊分經濟、社會文化、環境、個人四個面向討論,影響居民參與旅遊活動的因素是外在環境、旅遊衝擊認知、居民屬性三方面交互作用所形成。對於金瓜寮未來旅遊方向,居民的共識是以當地環境保護為重。在管制措施方面,遊客與居民的配合意願不高,這是公部門需加強宣導的地方。本研究以遊客和居民的角度來看待生態旅遊活動,希冀作為相關經營者未來規劃之參考。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1998-11-01) 韋煙灶
    The coastal area of Hsinchu plain locates in the periphery of agricultural land-use. The coastal type of the area belongs to liman coast, that combines lagoons with offshore bars and spits. In general, there are rich biomass in the ecological region of lagoons. They offer multiple opportunities for the inhabitant living in study area to develop their various sustaining styles. These sustaining styles included fishery of alongshore, cultivation of oyster, shells gathering, saline making and port charges and so on. Bacause more and more lagoons, offshore bar and spits became tidal flat in study area, the sustaining styles had been changed from marine to land by degree. At same time, the carrying capacity of cultivated land rises gradually. Owing to the various and highly productive water district, the increasing gradually tidal flat and the rise of carrying capacity of land, even though over-population resulted from overloading of cultivated land the lineage clans could be still last and more prosperous than ever.
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    (私立中國文化大學地理學系, 2010-12-01) 周佳雯; 郭乃文; 徐勝一 
    本文主要探討居民社區依附與觀光發展衝擊認知之關係。由於近年來宜蘭地區與北部都會區出現了新的連結 - 北宜高速公路,將台北與宜蘭的時間距離縮短。這項重大交通建設對於宜蘭居民的對外聯繫造成影響;因此,進一步探討重大交通建設對於社區依附感與觀光發展衝擊認知的中介效果。本研究以人文主義地理學的觀點,將社區依附分為「情感」、「網絡」「參與」三構面;觀光發展衝擊認知採取「經濟」、「社會文化」「環境」三個觀光衝擊構面。使用問卷調查法,以宜蘭地區的社區居民為研究對象。研究結果發現,社區依附與觀光發展衝擊認知為正相關,並且高依附感的居民對於觀光發展衝擊之認知大於低依附感的居民。本研究亦發現重大交通建設對於社區依附與觀光發展衝擊認知具有完全中介效果。
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    (地理學系, 1998-11-??) 韋煙灶
    The coastal area of Hsinchu plain locates in the periphery ofagricultural land-use. The coastal type of the area belongs to liman coast, thatcombines lagoons with offshore bars and spits. In general, there are richbiomass in the ecological region of lagoons. They offer multiple opportunitiesfor the inhabitant living in study area to develop their various sustainingstyles. These sustaining styles included fishery of alongshore, cultivation ofoyster, shells gathering, saline making and port charges and so on.Bacause more and more lagoons, offshore bar and spits became tidal flat in studyarea, the sustaining styles had been changed from marine to land by degree. Atsame time, the carrying capacity of cultivated land rises gradually. Owing tothe various and highly productive water district, the increasing gradually tidalflat and the rise of carrying capacity of land, even though over-populationresulted from overloading of cultivated land the lineage clans could be stilllast and more prosperous than ever.
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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 吳劍蘭
    The focus of this paper is to examine, through the interviews and questionaires I have made, the environmental perception and adjustment of the residents who live in the badly polluted Nannkang(南港)and Neihur(內湖)areas of Taipei. The approach I’ve taking is mainly the environmental perception study. According to my research, the residents’ image of the environment and behavior result from the informa?tion provided by the substantial environment, the specific places they live, and their characteristics. On the other hand, their behavior also affects the environment. The pollutions in the targeted area sinclude air, noise, the sanitary landfilI site in Neihur arid the water of Keelung river. The air pollution is caused by the suspended particulates and the noise by the bad traffic. Noticeably, the land of these two areas is highly used for industries and, moreover, the residents are seldom separated from plants. Residents are not satisfied with their living environment, especially those who live in Sanchung(三重)and Peikang(北港)neighborhoods. Attitudes toward pollution are related to differences in educational and occupational level. Residents who are the higher edlicational level and employed by government tend to be less satisfied with their living environment. Results also indicate that environmentaI perception can be explained by the locational attributes of residents. As to the adjustments, residents preferred to rely on emergency action such as "close windows" or "stay indoors”, some of them were considering moving away from these polluted areas, and significantly less willing to adopt the anti-polIution behavior.