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Item 家族、地理與書院:以宋代湖湘學派的發展為中心(2011) 黃莉雯湖湘學派自胡安國一家在北宋末避難湖南起,開始成長茁壯;在經由張栻結合學派與嶽麓書院後,迅速發展、並臻於其發展史上的高峰。然而,湖湘學派卻也在達於鼎盛不久、張栻去世後,便快速地衰落下去。中間所歷經的時間,大約僅有五十餘年左右(1129-1180)。湖湘學派真正存在於歷史上的時間固然不算長,學界對於它的形成與發展過程,卻迄今未有充份的認識。本論文的研究目的,即希望取法思想史的研究經驗,參以社會史研究方法,置湖湘學派於宋代湖南的社會背景中,嘗試解決尚待釐清、論證的問題,並藉此呈現湖湘學派歷史發展過程的一端。 本論文的撰寫,主要以三個問題——湖湘學派經世主張的形成、湖湘學派與嶽麓書院的關係、湖湘學派無法持續壯大——為核心、交叉使用家族、地理與書院三個研究向度、按照湖湘學派由形成、發展到沒落的過程展開探討。Item 論戰國後期燕國的對外關係(B.C.361-221)(2017) 林佩蓉; Lin, Pei-Rong燕國於七雄之中,位置最為偏遠。燕國此一位置,雖在春秋時期至戰國早期,不容易遭到他國攻伐,而能自立於一隅,然而,當中原諸國相互攻伐、吞併國土走向激烈,且鄰近的齊國、趙國亦開始向北拓展土地,燕國已不能繼續獨善其身,在戰國時代合縱連橫的局勢之下,燕國需要與他國聯合,以圖自保或向外發展。 燕國的對外關係,主要環繞在齊、趙兩國身上。齊國自從被田氏篡奪以來,多次進攻燕國。燕王噲六年(西元前315年)燕國發生內亂,齊國趁勢佔領燕國,使燕國差點遭到齊國併吞。在趙武靈王等諸侯的援助之下,燕國才免於此難。而在此之後繼位的燕昭王,即發誓向齊國復仇,派蘇秦前往齊國作間,引導齊國走向遭到秦、趙、魏、韓、燕五國討伐的局勢。就在齊國衰弱之後,取而代之的是趙國與燕國的關係變為顯惡。最後在燕王喜四年(西元前251年),燕、趙關係終於破裂,燕國也自此走向衰弱。 關係的變化並非一時造成,而是長久的累積,本文意圖研究戰國後期(B.C.361-221),影響燕國對外關係走向的因素。考量戰國時代,戰爭是生存最主要的手段,因此本文將對爭奪地點進行分析,並以此切入,分析燕國對外關係的變化。Item 英國中學教育地理簡介(教育部人文及社會學科教育指導委員會, 1993-04-01) 沈淑敏Item 「道」的自然與空間﹣﹣老子的地理環境理念 -上-(鵝湖月刊社, 1990-10-01) 潘朝陽Item 我國國中地理課程設計的運作模式和內容選擇原則(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1990-03-01) 陳國川This paper is written in an attempt to construct an operational model for planning the junior middle school's geography curriculum, as well as to suggest some selecting principles of curriculum contents which are applicable to China. In the aspect of construction of the operational model, the first step is to review the latent contents of objectives and process model which are developed by educationalist. In the second step, we discuss some geography curriculum models which are constructed by scholars of geographical education in China and abroad. Finally, base on the results of the review and discussion above, we then construct an operational model for planning the junior middle school's geography curriculum. There are some characteristics in this operational model. First, it is a combination of merits of objectives and process model; second, it has looked after both some outcomes of geographical studies and developing orientation of geographical education; third, it has integrated western educational ideas and traditional features of Chinese culture and society. In the other aspect of selecting principles of curriculum contents, we first induct some selecting principles of contents of general curriculum and social disciplines; then, we analyze four types of geographical knowledge and two syllabuses of textbooks which are used in elementary and secondary schools in U.S.A.; third, we review the essential spirit of Chinese junior middle school's geography education objectives; finally, relied on the results of induction, analysis and review, we then suggest some selecting principles of the curriculum contents of Chinese junior middle school's geography. Those principles are: 1. it must accord with those selecting principles of general curriculum and social disciplines;2. the subjectives of curriculum contents of the junior middle school's geography must be the way of life of inhabitants who live in the important regions of China, or live in the important countries of the world; 3. when it describes the way of life, it must introduce some geographical concepts, generalization or theories, as well as some geographical skills and methods which are helpfull to understand those concepts, generalization or theories.Item 高中高職聯考地理科試題的品質及其對國中地理教學正常化的影響(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1993-06-01) 陳國川; 翁國盈This study is based on the viewpoint of practice. It is the attempt to evaluate the influ-ence of geography questions in the joint entrance examinations of senior high schools and voca負ional schools on geography teaching normalization of junior high schools. The approach includes (1). evaluating the quality of geography questions in several categories of joint entrance examinations 1992;(2) analysing the content validity and structural form of geography questions in the stage examinations of junior high schools 1991;(3) investigating the geography teaching situation in junior high schools. The result reveals as the following: 1. The quality of geography questions in the joint entrance examinations of public senior high schools and vocational schools has been improved a lot through endeavour for more than 10 years. But the content validity and structural form of geography questions in the joint entrance examinations of junior colleges still need a further improvement. 2. The content validity and structural form of geography questions in the stage examina負ions of junior high schools are not so good as we expect. It reflects that the content and direction of geography teaching in junior high schools still have some problems. 3. Certainly the content and quality of geography questions in the joint entrance examina負ions affect the teaching direction in junior high schools. But apparent improvement of geogra計hy questions has only been done in the joint entrance examinations of public senior high schools and vocational schools, the effect of guiding a normal teaching is not obvious yet. 4. The reasons that the effect of guiding a teaching normalization is not satisfactory are (1) the quality of geography questions in the jojnt entrance examinations of junior colleges is not improved simultaneously; (2) the authorities of educational administration and geography teach苟rs in junior high schools do not comprehend completely that the evaluation and teaching are indivisable parts in a whole teaching process. Evaluation belongs to evaluation, and teaching belongs to teaching, consequently both of teachers and learners will not focus their concentra-tion on the proper objectives and points of emphasis.Item 臺灣省立高職職考地理試題的項目分析(國立臺灣師範大學地理系學會, 1993-06-01) 陳國川; 翁國盈Item 我國國中地理教材的主題和地理概念分類(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1991-03-01) 陳國川Through the reflection and discussion of the problems such as the aims of education of junior middle school, objectives of geographical education of junior middle school, editing and compiling tradition of geography textbook of junior middle school, the contribution of geography curriculum to school education, and the development of regional geography in recent ten more years, this study finds that no matter from the point of academic development of geography, or the mission taken by geography curriculum in school education, the regional geography should be the main theme of subject matter of our junior middle school's geography curriculum. Secondly, in order to convert the structure of knowledge of geography smoothly to the structure of regional geography subjects and take off the condition that the same concepts upsurge repeatedly in different units and similar geographical facts show among the texts in the traditional regional geography textbooks, this study through the analysis of structural elements of geography knowledge and the review of the classifica-tion method of cognitive concepts have presented one geographical concept classification system which can not only maintain the completeness of geographical knowledge system, but also cope with the development of students' cognitive ability. By using this classification system a geographical educator is able to merge properly the most basic and most meaningful geographical concepts to the synthetic description of regional specificity (ex. modus vivendi) in order to make our junior middle schools' geographical education, through the learning of geographical concepts and the cognition of regional specificity, achieve the goal of our junior middle schools' education effectively.Item 地理教學目標的設計(國立臺灣師範大學, 1984-04-01) 施添福; 陳國川Item 淺談地理課程設計(國立臺灣師範大學, 1988-04-01) 歐陽鍾玲
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