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    (2013) 劉又慎
    本研究針對華語母語者接觸非母語聲調的初期情形進行跨語言調查,招募來自中國大陸北方的普通話母語者與台灣的國語母語者,了解受試者對非母語之粵語聲調的感知與產出情形,並透過受試者對同一非母語聲調的不同範疇類比調查普通話與國語受試者的母語聲調範疇差異。本研究包含標記、辨認與發聲三項實驗;在標記實驗中,調查零起點華語母語者對粵語聲調的印象,了解受試者將粵語聲調類比至母語聲調的情形,之後透過辨認與發聲實驗,研究受試者區辨非母語聲調的難易程度和混淆情形,並於實驗結束後對受試者進行問卷調查,了解其語言背景與對實驗和粵語聲調的感想。除了報告華語母語者在學習粵語過程中可能出現的難點與混淆之外,本研究也試圖以 Best 的感知範疇模型來為結果提出解釋 (Perceptual Assimilation Model,PAM),顯示受試者語言變體與方言背景的差異可以對非母語聲調的感知與產出造成影響,應在進行相關研究時納入考量。
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    (輔仁出版社, 1999-06-01) 葉高樹
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    (中國語文月刊社, 2010-04-01) 郭乃禎
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    Mandarin Third Tone Sandhi Revisited
    (臺灣師範大學英語學系, 1998-06-01) 陳秋梅
    This study attempts to give a more adequate account for Mandarin third tone sandhi (T3S) in the light of the optimality theory. In view of the possible discrepancy between the researcher's intuition and the actual behavior, this study bases its analysis on the real outputs of strings of T3 words produced by fluent speakers of Mandarin. It is found that Mandarin TS domains are the result of the interaction between various constraints, i.e. the Lexicon, NAL, AR/NAR, Maximal Domain & NST3 constraints. The former three are derived from the morpho-syntactic consideration of the utterances concerned and the latter two from the general principle of prosodic structure in Mandarin. As for their rank, the Lexicon is the highest, the NAL the second, and the then NAR/AR, Maximal Domain & NST3 constraints. In general, the subjects in the experiment share strong consensus about the reading patterns of lexemes and frequently cited idioms, but beyond this level, variation arises because of the competition among the proposed constraints. Those tone patterns that violate no constraint or violate less of the lower-ranked constraints are al potential optimal forms. Moreover, it is found that performance and pragmatic constraints may be placed even higher than these formally-oriented constraints. However, to make this finding more convincing, a further study is suggested.
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    (The Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, 2009-01-01) 張妙霞; 林欣怡
    本文研究國語回應標記「是哦」及「哦」在即時通上的言談功能。 兩者均用來回應訊息告知,並且反映談話者認知狀態的改變。另一方 面,談話者所要表達的語意,與上下語境息息相關。兩個回應標記的 主要功能如下:第一、兩者都引出敘述句。不同的是,「是哦」所回應 的是新訊息,而「哦」則可回應新舊兩種訊息。第二、兩者都可被使 用成為所在話輪的唯一成份,暗示談話者有意結束進行中的話題。第 三、兩者都可直接在其後引出新話題。第四、兩者都可引出問句,以 詢問與目前話題相關的訊息。此外,「是哦」可出現在隱含負面語意的 語句之前,以緩和談話語氣。雖上述功能的語境類似,總體而言,「是 哦」語氣較「哦」緩和而禮貌。另外,除了第二、三類的用法表示談 話者有意結束進行中的話題之外,第一、四類的語境也時常暗示談話 者對話題的負面態度。兩者各類功能的分佈情形顯示,「哦」是即時通 上常出現的暗示疏離態度的回應標詞;而「是哦」則是一個較緩和的 回應標記,用來表達「小驚訝」,並經常用來暗示談話者疏離的態度。
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    (國文系, 2014-03-??) 陳岸峰; Chan, Ngon-fung
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    (國文學系, 2007-09-??) 余培林
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    Mandarin Third Tone Sandhi Revisited
    (國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1998-06-??) 陳秋梅
    This study attempts to give a more adequate account for Mandarin third tone sandhi (T3S) in the light of the optimality theory. In view of the possible discrepancy between the researcher's intuition and the actual behavior, this study bases its analysis on the real outputs of strings of T3 words produced by fluent speakers of Mandarin. It is found that Mandarin TS domains are the result of the interaction between various constraints, i.e. the Lexicon, NAL, AR/NAR, Maximal Domain & NST3 constraints. The former three are derived from the morpho-syntactic consideration of the utterances concerned and the latter two from the general principle of prosodic structure in Mandarin. As for their rank,the Lexicon is the highest, the NAL the second, and the then NAR/AR, Maximal Domain & NST3 constraints. In general, the subjects in the experiment share strong consensus about the reading patterns of lexemes and frequently cited idioms, but beyond this level, variation arises because of the competition among the proposed constraints. Those tone patterns that violate no constraint or violate less of the lower-ranked constraints are al potential optimal forms.Moreover, it is found that performance and pragmatic constraints may be placed even higher than these formally-oriented constraints. However, to make this finding more convincing, a further study is suggested.