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    (2009) 蔡欣純; Tsai, Hsin-Tsun
    杜國清(1941~),目前任職於加州大學聖塔芭芭拉校區(UCSB)東亞系台灣研究中心的主任,積極推動台灣文學在國外的研究與翻譯。曾參與《現代文學》的編輯,於台大就學時期,認識白先勇、趙天儀等人。後於1964年與十一位台灣詩人成立屬於台灣人的文學詩刊─《笠》,為台灣文學的歷史寫下了新的紀錄。杜國清雖然在各方面耕耘,但是卻常被拆成好幾個分身,只記得他是一位學者、翻譯家,甚至稱呼他為《笠》的例外詩人。而近期的研究,也都是針對杜國清單一的身分作探討,尚未對杜國清的翻譯、詩作、詩論作系統性的整理與分析。所以本文從杜國清詩人的身分出發,透過釐清詩人的生平經歷、文學翻譯、詩論,讓其現代詩的分析能更為透徹,以及杜國清在台灣詩壇的角色能更加清楚。 後來詩人到日本、美國等地求學,也繼續從事翻譯、創作等研究,他曾經研究、翻譯艾略特、西脇順三郎、波特萊爾、李賀等人的作品,所以在創作上也受到西洋、日本、中國等文學的影響。近幾年在美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校擔任台灣研究中心的主任,提倡世華文學,並推展台灣文學英譯叢刊,讓世界看見台灣文學。透過文學翻譯,杜國清能看見前人的作品與詩論,雖然不同時期有不同的翻譯偏好,但是因為深入探討過他人的創作,詩人進而能去挖掘出屬於自己的詩論與作品。 杜國清除了翻譯、寫詩之外,他也發展出一套寫詩的原則,與對詩的看法。他先從詢問文學的形上(mataphysical)問題—「詩是什麼」開始,早期認為詩是靈魂絕望的呼喚聲,後來認為詩是一種想像的美的世界。而後為了要將抽象的「美的世界」解釋清楚,他說明好的詩是一個平衡的狀態,詩的本質應該是由四維—情、理、事、物所構成,同時詩人寫詩要本著詩學三昧─驚訝、譏諷、哀愁而成,以便達至美的世界。不過在杜國清眼裡,美及哀,若要表達美的世界,還需要透過詩人之心以及感性與知性的操作,才能讓此詩達成平衡的境界。但是杜國清認為詩永遠只能接近平衡,而不能永遠的與詩神同在。所以要透過「超然」,使得詩人之心呈現一多相即的珠子,以圓融的應付有限生命對無限宇宙的哀愁。 所以詩人的創作,受到自己學問的啟發,讓他的詩作品產生階段性的不同,早期的詩作是單純的抒發個人之情,慢慢的生命經驗、學識增廣之後,杜國清則試圖將自己的理念透過創作來實踐,希望能夠為人類靈魂帶來安慰,進而形成一個永恆的藝術品。然而為了達到這宏大的理想,杜國清的作品呈現獨特的個人風格,若是與文學翻譯或詩學建構比較起來,他的詩目前仍屬小眾。雖然杜國清的詩與詩論還沒有深刻的影響臺灣詩壇,不過他在文學翻譯推界上的成果,卻是值得肯定的。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1992/3/1) 汪明輝
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1987-03-01) 潘朝陽
    Traditionally, geography has always been regarded as a branch of the so-called “positive science”, and as such geography is held to abide by such rigorous scientific inference procedures as hypothesis, collection; evaluation; and analysis of data; verification, establishment of model, and consequently forecasting based on conclusion. Geography derived accordingly is referred to as ‘scientific geography’, the philosophy underlying known as ‘positivism’. The progress of natural sciences which has been advancing vehemently in our times has considerable impacts on the philosophy, since the 19th century positivism has become an emerging trend for methodology, calling for the application of natural sciencse, mathematical and physical models to the study of social phenomena with a view to find out universal law accountable for all that is seen and that which prevails in the cultural and social phenomena everywhere worlwide. Way back following World War II, especially during the 60's and the 70’s, Geography for study has been deeply influenced by theories like positivism and logical positivism, a lot of spatial scientifically oriented theses on the subject of geography came up one after the other, with strong backgrounds of math and physics, especially geometrical spirits, as reflected in the points, segments of line, and surfaces characterising geographical settings. As a matter of fact, there is an ab-positivism philosophy which has been prevailing and outstanding enough in the tradition of the evolution of history, be it ‘Romanticism", “Neo-Kantianism”, “Historicism”, they altogether run contrary to “Naturalism”, “Materialism”, “Empiricism”, and even “Positivism”, any that which favors “Mechanism”, they opposed researching, handling of cultural and social issues by means of natural science in one way or another, but instead they advocated “cultural historical sciences”, with stresses given to humanitarian value, individual meaningfulness, and as such they can hardly agree with the pursuit of the so-called “universal law”, they proposed instead that the target set for humanitarian and sociological subjects should be to uphold the meaing of “human being”. In as early as days when Ritter became prominent, for geography a branch of study, methodology, unrelated to positivism, has been established, in particular a series of geographic thoughts including those propounded by Schlüter-Carl Sauer, Paul Vidal de la Blache, Hettner-Hartshorne, were aimed at illustrating the meaning of “Regional Uniqueness” through interpretative expression the philosophy behind all these is obviously other than positivistic in nature. In short, their philosophy openly and unanimously oppose the pursuit of a universal Jaw as the goal for geography, and prefer to interprete the meaning of Regional uniqueness by means of the structure and evolution of the heritage of the culture and historical contexts. The philosophical influence of Neo-Kantianism, Historicism, and even Ro­manticism call be found by means of their methodology.
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    (地理學系, 1991-03-??) 施添福
    During the past two decades, most of the scholars who studied traditional houses in Taiwan focused their attention on the explanation of the cultural significance of traditional houses. In other words, they tried to examine the external characteristics of environmental features, the internal arrangement of spatial elements and the setting of indoor functions according to the concept of gods and ghosts in folk religion, the living breath concept in Feg-shui, and the ethic order concepts within the traditional thought. Such research, despite contributive to the her-meneutics of the cultural style of traditional houses, touch little on the material basis upon which the existence of traditional houses depends. Therefore, it seems not yet complete in the com-prehension of the integral meaning of traditional houses. To complement the above-mentioned inadequacy, this paper intends to adopt an human ecological approach to decipher the ecological meaning of traditional houses in Taiwan. First of all, the major views of architects on the cultural meaning of house space are briefly retrospected. Then the process of intensity traditional rice cultivation is analysed as a basis to explain: (1) How did the farmers turn their farm-house complex into a energy-renewable and self-sustainable ecosystem step by step? (2) under the operation of such ecosystem, how did the houses con-tinually adjust their internal function structure and delicate their spatial forms together with the development of the whole ecosystem? (3) How did the traditional houses gradually disinte?grate together with the breakup of the ecosystem?
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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 潘朝陽
    Traditionally, geography has always been regarded as a branch of the so-called “positive science”, and as such geography is held to abide by such rigorous scientific inference procedures as hypothesis, collection; evaluation; and analysis of data; verification, establishment of model, and consequently forecasting based on conclusion. Geography derived accordingly is referred to as ‘scientific geography’, the philosophy underlying known as ‘positivism’. The progress of natural sciences which has been advancing vehemently in our times has considerable impacts on the philosophy, since the 19th century positivism has become an emerging trend for methodology, calling for the application of natural sciencse, mathematical and physical models to the study of social phenomena with a view to find out universal law accountable for all that is seen and that which prevails in the cultural and social phenomena everywhere worlwide. Way back following World War II, especially during the 60's and the 70’s, Geography for study has been deeply influenced by theories like positivism and logical positivism, a lot of spatial scientifically oriented theses on the subject of geography came up one after the other, with strong backgrounds of math and physics, especially geometrical spirits, as reflected in the points, segments of line, and surfaces characterising geographical settings. As a matter of fact, there is an ab-positivism philosophy which has been prevailing and outstanding enough in the tradition of the evolution of history, be it ‘Romanticism", “Neo-Kantianism”, “Historicism”, they altogether run contrary to “Naturalism”, “Materialism”, “Empiricism”, and even “Positivism”, any that which favors “Mechanism”, they opposed researching, handling of cultural and social issues by means of natural science in one way or another, but instead they advocated “cultural historical sciences”, with stresses given to humanitarian value, individual meaningfulness, an
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    (地理學系, 1992-03-??) 汪明輝
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    Traditional Virtues and Modern Sensibility
    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1988-06-??) 方珀
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    The Japanese Tradition in Geography
    (國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1991-12-??) 桑立剛