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Item 借象徵的方式:王文興短篇小說人物分析(淡江大學中文系漢學研究中心, 2009-12-01) 陳義芝王文興最受推崇的作品為1978年出版的長篇小說《家變》。在此之前他所創作的短篇小說,相對未獲重視。五十年來,王文興堅持的藝術理念一貫,《家變》所表現的存在境況、生存主題,在青年時期寫就的短篇小說,已多方探索;儘管篇幅、結構、情節不同,但作為一位「思考」型小說家的主題,早經確立。重視文字的精確獨特,講究文體的沉深穩重,追求詩的語言效果,借用象徵的方式,都是他短篇小說的特色。米蘭‧昆德拉說:「所有的小說家或許只寫一種主題,用的卻是許多變奏。」王文興的短篇是其一生繁複藝術面貌的源頭,深具研究價值。本文藉精神分析學,針對王文興小說人物的表呈面向,試探王文興短篇小說的特色。Item 夫使知者不為,為之者不惑--〈鶯鶯傳〉主題寓意別解(淡江大學中文系漢學研究中心, 2012-12-01) 李志宏在中國文學史上,唐人元稹所撰〈鶯鶯傳〉作為唐代小說中婚戀題材的名篇,可以說受到歷代讀者的重視。一般而言,過去論者對於〈鶯鶯傳〉主題寓意的探討,大體不離「痴心女子負心漢」的看法。而此一看法的形成,又多與論者視〈鶯鶯傳〉為作者元稹自敘之作的解讀觀點有所聯繫。筆者以為,傳統研究者致力探求〈鶯鶯傳〉的思想情感和藝術表現,雖然不乏新見的提出,但要解決詮釋見解不一的論爭問題,首要之務必須先擱置「元稹自寓說」的成見,重新返歸小說文本之中,針對〈鶯鶯傳〉的敘事形式進行整體性考察。基於上述認知,本文在論述過程中將著重參考敘事學理論進行小說文本分析,最後再輔以歷史文化分析角度,綜整論述〈鶯鶯傳〉的主題寓意,嘗試以之評估唐人小說中「傳記」之作的作意問題。經過對〈鶯鶯傳〉的敘事形式表現重新確認和分析,筆者認為〈鶯鶯傳〉一文的主題寓意主要反映在「夫使知者不為,為之者不惑」的「女禍」議論之上,而不僅止於愛情書寫而已。Item 我國國中地理教材的主題和地理概念分類(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1991-03-01) 陳國川Through the reflection and discussion of the problems such as the aims of education of junior middle school, objectives of geographical education of junior middle school, editing and compiling tradition of geography textbook of junior middle school, the contribution of geography curriculum to school education, and the development of regional geography in recent ten more years, this study finds that no matter from the point of academic development of geography, or the mission taken by geography curriculum in school education, the regional geography should be the main theme of subject matter of our junior middle school's geography curriculum. Secondly, in order to convert the structure of knowledge of geography smoothly to the structure of regional geography subjects and take off the condition that the same concepts upsurge repeatedly in different units and similar geographical facts show among the texts in the traditional regional geography textbooks, this study through the analysis of structural elements of geography knowledge and the review of the classifica-tion method of cognitive concepts have presented one geographical concept classification system which can not only maintain the completeness of geographical knowledge system, but also cope with the development of students' cognitive ability. By using this classification system a geographical educator is able to merge properly the most basic and most meaningful geographical concepts to the synthetic description of regional specificity (ex. modus vivendi) in order to make our junior middle schools' geographical education, through the learning of geographical concepts and the cognition of regional specificity, achieve the goal of our junior middle schools' education effectively.Item 影響臺灣兒童讚美語回應發展之因素(華文世界雜誌社, 2014-12-01) 郭玥慧; 陳純音本研究旨在探討兒童讚美語回應的發展情形,同時也探討讚美者性別與社會地位和讚美主題對判斷以及回應讚美語的影響狀況。本研究方法包含看圖判斷讚美語實驗與看圖回應讚美語實驗。受試者由幼稚園中班、大班、小一、小二、小三以及大學生共一百四十四位學生所組成,依年齡分為六組,每組二十四人,男生女生人數各半。Item 主題冠對臺灣兒童表達中文關係子句之影響(國立高雄第一科技大學外語學院, 2013-12-01) 楊立勤; 陳純音; 林千哲Item 戴望舒詩的寂寞主題(中國現代文學理論季刊社, 1997-12-01) 顏瑞芳Item 論王昌齡「從軍行」詩的意象經營(國文學系, 2005-09-??) 蒲基維「意象」是辭章中最重要的部分,抽離「意象」則無法建構完整的文學作品。而一般對於辭章「意象」的研究,多偏於個別意象的探討。本文分析王昌齡「從軍詩」的意象經營,不僅注重傳統個別意象的研究,更專意於意象與意象之間的排列組合,期望尋得王昌齡〈從軍行〉詩的「整體意象」。本文研究發現,歸結〈從軍行〉詩的整體意象,更能契合王昌齡「高闊悲壯」的邊塞詩風。也由此印證,從整體辭章學(含個別意象、詞匯、修辭、文法、章法、主題、風格等範疇)的角度來探索辭章的意象經營,較能掌握其整體藝術風貌,也是值得推展的意象研究方法。Item 我國國中地理教材的主題和地理概念分類(地理學系, 1991-03-??) 陳國川Through the reflection and discussion of the problems such as the aims of education of junior middle school, objectives of geographical education of junior middle school, editing and compiling tradition of geography textbook of junior middle school, the contribution of geography curriculum to school education, and the development of regional geography in recent ten more years, this study finds that no matter from the point of academic development of geography, or the mission taken by geography curriculum in school education, the regional geography should be the main theme of subject matter of our junior middle school's geography curriculum. Secondly, in order to convert the structure of knowledge of geography smoothly to the structure of regional geography subjects and take off the condition that the same concepts upsurge repeatedly in different units and similar geographical facts show among the texts in the traditional regional geography textbooks, this study through the analysis of structural elements of geography knowledge and the review of the classifica-tion method of cognitive concepts have presented one geographical concept classification system which can not only maintain the completeness of geographical knowledge system, but also cope with the development of students' cognitive ability. By using this classification system a geographical educator is able to merge properly the most basic and most meaningful geographical concepts to the synthetic description of regional specificity (ex. modus vivendi) in order to make our junior middle schools' geographical education, through the learning of geographical concepts and the cognition of regional specificity, achieve the goal of our junior middle schools' education effectively.Item 應用衛星影像繪製主題地圖之研究(國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1991-12-??) 吳信政; 陳哲銘