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    (2003) 林素瑜
    本文的主旨在於探究清末民初中學歷史教科書的發展概要。探討年代起自光緒二十八年(1902)《欽定學堂章程》頒布後,至民國二十六年(1937)抗戰爆發為止。 本文所討論的內容是以歷史教科書為中心,然教科書的編訂,需配合各級學校不同的需求,教科書的教材選擇也必須有所依據。因此,有必要分析各個階段歷史課程的設置,與歷史教育目標的內涵,方能明瞭各個時期歷史教科書的種類、名稱由來、施教對象,與教材編選的標準。故本文先行探討歷史課程的變化,與教學目標對教材內容的指示與規範,再論及歷史教科書的出版概況與審查制度。此外,本文還選取清末民初較具代表性的歷史教科書各兩至三部,分析其教科書架構與教材內容,藉由對教科書內容的實質探討,來呈現早期歷史教科書的內容特色與結構變遷。 綜觀清末民初歷史教科書的發展,可說是一個從無到有的歷程。這其中包括了:教學目標方面,從傳統借鑑、教化忠良的功能,擴大到歷史知識的吸收,與對社會現狀的認識;教材方面:從傳統政治取向,擴大到社會、文化層面。由本研究可見,歷史教科書的編輯,深受統治者的政治意識型態,與社會普遍的意識形態影響。前者如清政府訂定的忠君愛國政策,以及國民政府的三民主義教育思想;後者例如清末開始流行的進化觀念、教育界中尚武、尚公,以及民族主義愛國思想,與民國初年的共和思想、新文化運動等等。而這些不同的意識型態落實為教育宗旨或教育目的後,轉化為各科教學目標,更進一步規範了教材的選擇與呈現。故可以說,教科書實是時代的產物。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2000-06-01) 石蘭梅
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1995-03-01) 陳國川
    The development of Physical and Group education is one of the important objectives of junior high school education of our country. From the contents of Physical and Group education, what really helps Physical and Group education in the junior high school are Field-work, Out-door Teaching Observation and Classification Activities. Observing from the process of Field-work, interview and record, they can promote students' physical capability, cultivate their collective livelihood, and collective co-operation, create the habit of group discussion, train them to recive people properly, basic principle of being a person, and form a habit of fostering responsibility and hornest attitude. Through observing of Out-door Teaching Observation, we can train students to obey rules and regulations, self-respect, respect of others and patience. The commencement of Classification Activities not only can urge students' thinking power, expand their experience in terms of study, train them on grigraphical techniques, but also assist in promotion of students helping each other, to have reasonable aspiration, and to have a humber and patient attitude.
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    (臺北市教師研習中心, 1993-02-01) 施添福; 陳國川 
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    (地理學系, 1995-03-??) 陳國川
    The development of Physical and Group education is one of the important objectives of junior high school education of our country. From the contents of Physical and Group education, what really helps Physical and Group education in the junior high school are Field-work, Out-door Teaching Observation and Classification Activities. Observing from the process of Field-work, interview and record, they can promote students' physical capability, cultivate their collective livelihood, and collective co-operation, create the habit of group discussion, train them to recive people properly, basic principle of being a person, and form a habit of fostering responsibility and hornest attitude. Through observing of Out-door Teaching Observation, we can train students to obey rules and regulations, self-respect, respect of others and patience. The commencement of Classification Activities not only can urge students' thinking power, expand their experience in terms of study, train them on grigraphical techniques, but also assist in promotion of students helping each other, to have reasonable aspiration, and to have a humber and patient attitude.
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1983-06-??) 劉德美
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1981-05-??) 王更生
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1993-06-??) 王仲孚
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    (國立台灣師範大學文學院, 1988-06-??) 鄭勝華; 江碧貞
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    (國立台灣師範大學英語學系, 1992-04-??) 龔亞夫