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    (2017) 洪毓涵; Hung, Yu-Han
    國小學生的自主學習能力仍是相對被忽視的研究領域。本研究使用質性研究方法,探討國小學生在行動輔助廣泛閱讀計畫的經驗,以及如何發展自主學習能力。希望能透過國小學生在此計劃中的學習過程的描述,供研究學者及教師往後提升國小學生自主學習能力時參考。本研究對象為來自台灣偏遠地區的小學,一共十四位的六年級生。他們參與了為期十週的閱讀計畫。計畫過程中,學生每週有三天在學校用過午餐後可以使用平板電腦自由的廣泛閱讀,同時也鼓勵他們利用課餘時間自行閱讀。研究者於計畫之初帶領學生進行自主學習相關的課程,讓學生認識何謂自主學習。為了紀錄學生自主學習的發展過程,學生閱讀時需錄下朗讀內容,並在閱讀後完成閱讀札記。其他資料來源如下:研究者在學生自由廣泛閱讀時所做的觀察紀錄以及訪談逐字稿 。 根據以上資料所做的分析,將學生自主學習行為的發展及廣泛閱讀經驗歸成不同類別(category),以三角測定法(triangulation)處理不同資料來源。其研究結果提供。結果顯示國小學生的廣泛閱讀經驗和學生的閱讀習慣、學習英語的原因以及先前的語言學習經驗有關。更重要的是,研究結果針對國小學生自主學習的本質提供了更清楚的解釋,這主要和他們對自主學習的準備程度有關。另外,這些學生展現了正面及負面兩種能觀察的自主行為,包括以下面向:讀本選擇、目標訂定和學習策略。 依據研究發現,本研究建議教師在發展自主學習前注意學生的準備程度和過去的學習經驗。對於此年齡的學生,教師身為促進者和鷹架的角色十分重要。行動科技輔助之廣泛閱讀結合自主學習訓練課程可以提供學生一個發展自主學習行為的環境。未來研究方向可延長研究時間以探究年輕語言學習者自主學習發展。未來研究也可以選擇不同的學習環境,並探查廣泛閱讀的另一個學習結果讀寫能力的發展。
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    Fostering Learner Autonomy Through Empowering Students in EFL Writing
    (國立臺灣師範大學英語系, 2012-09-??) Karen Chung-chien Chang
    In most EFL countries, teaching composition has remained a challenging area for teachers due to the heavy workload associated with grading students’ work, and students’ lack of interest and readiness in developing their writing skills. This paper reports on a study that investigated how some new components of a writing course could foster a higher level of learner autonomy among the participating students. The research design focused on giving the locus of control to students so that they could choose topics of their own interest for their essays throughout the two semesters of the writing course. In addition, a process-oriented approach (involving three drafts) was adopted to help students learn how to improve their writing. For each assignment, comprehensive electronic feedback was provided to guide students in revising their essays. The students would turn in the first two drafts for comments and the last draft for a grade. All three aspects (freedom in making writing choices, electronic feedback and the multi-drafting process) were designed to determine if students could learn to take more responsibility in becoming better writers. The data in this study included the drafts of each assignment, a survey on learning attitudes and outcomes, and interviews. Results showed that students took more responsibility for their own learning, invested more time and effort in information collection and revision on the topics of their own choice, and improved their writing performance in terms of both longer word counts and richer content. It is concluded that to foster autonomy in EFL students, both student empowerment and teacher feedback are essential components in the writing course design.