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Item 美麗新世界:尚順廣場的廣場舞行動者之社會網絡生產、形塑與情感流動之研究(2022) 蕭又誠; Hsiao, Yu-Cheng「廣場舞」,是中國中老年人的新興活動代名詞之一,除了對其身強體健功能的推崇及近年討論的噪音干擾爭議,廣場舞活動也成為不可忽視的勢力,學術界亦掀起一股廣場舞研究熱潮,無論是關於廣場舞的精神展現、運動健康學視角、公共管理政策上,皆有學者提出不同觀點,不過幾乎都以中國廣場舞為研究田野。實際上台灣苗栗頭份竹南地區也有廣場舞社群,在華隆工業地轉變為尚順廣場後,其中西堤廣場成為頭份竹南地區廣場舞社群的最大開放活動空間,與此同時在其他不同地點也可以發現大大小小的廣場舞社群,連地方政府舉辦活動也常以廣場舞作為活動號召。廣場舞在此雙子城中,成為中老年族群的休閒新熱潮,究竟為何廣場舞能在近幾年內,迅速成為頭份竹南地區的新興休閒?廣場舞究竟對個人有何吸引力在短時間內吸引眾多中老年族群在固定時間參與活動?本文以頭份西堤廣場與廣場舞社群為研究田野及對象。本研究透過西堤廣場舞團隊的田野駐足,研究發現如下:台灣廣場舞具彈性、活潑、自由之舞蹈特色,與中國廣場舞相近,而非完全是台灣土風舞轉型,第二,開放空間的使用合理性並非屬確定性,而係由空間使用者協商而達成;第三,廣場舞體現著中、老年女性各種情感反應,情感流動的身體即是廣場舞中的體現;第四,廣場舞空間成為部分中、老年女性對抗傳統家庭的抵抗空間;第五,廣場舞成為頭份、竹南中老世代活力、元氣的在地展演,形成「廣場舞陣頭化」現象,因此頭份竹南地區的廣場舞之所以能形成新興活動,是與其活動背後複雜的空間政治、社會網絡、情感流動與內外部功能交織下產生的結果。Item 現代廢墟中的身體感:以梅洛龐蒂之視野觀看畢贛的《路邊野餐》(2018) 李念茨; Li, Nian-ci在《路邊野餐》中,畢贛透過緩慢的鏡頭運動、非線性敘事、符號與意象之使用、詩歌朗誦,以及少量對白架構出一獨特視野,並成就一種對科技化時代之詩性抗衡。其中,現代廢墟之場景設定與其敘事架構是相輔相成的,在此充滿多維度感官經驗之場域,創作者、觀眾,以及電影角色皆立身於意義的多重詮釋過程。此論文旨在探討人與環境之非二元動態辯證關係,並以梅洛龐蒂哲學作為切入視角,據此強調「曖昧」(ambiguity) 之力道,進而提倡一種詩性的觀看態度。本論文由緒論與三個章節構成。在緒論的部分,我將本論文之架構進行簡單的梳理,並透過文獻回顧以及研究方法,將《路邊野餐》以及梅洛龐蒂觀點之相容性進行探討,以呈現論文探討對象之切要性。在第一章,我則會深入探究電影中之曖昧現象,並以畢贛運用「碎片」之手法,觀察充斥於日常生活中的「衡量」(evaluation) 過程。在第二章,重點則延伸至該象徵性碎片所在之場域:現代廢墟。其「跨界」之特殊性不僅使其成為梅洛龐蒂體現觀 (embodiment) 之理想的探索對象,更在畢贛之剪輯和敘事手法中達到了另外一層意義。在第三章,我進而將《路邊野餐》視為一蘊含「廢墟情境」之生活世界,並藉由梅洛龐蒂對於「情境」 (situation) 以及「肉」 (flesh) 之詮釋,強調環境與身體之相遇,以及生命經驗之豐富性。Item 揭開「澳」秘:臺灣跨國打工度假的地理想像與體現之探究(2017) 鍾堂筠; Zhong, Tang-Yun世界各國紛紛協議制定打工度假簽證制度,在全球脈絡下是哪些原因促使這樣的現象?臺灣的青年度假打工計畫,目前共有15個簽署合作國,其中僅有澳洲沒有名額限制且有二簽的制度,而澳洲的打工度假者計畫則共有39個簽署國,臺灣為其第五個簽署的亞洲國家。在協議制度簽署的歷程中,牽涉國家政府間的地理想像,而協議制度制定後,政府於實施歷程中的體現展演,則會牽涉影響打工度假青年的身體體現。 本研究旨在去自然化臺灣與澳洲打工度假協議制度,並分為建構主體國家政府尺度,與實踐主體臺灣赴澳洲打工度假青年尺度分別探討,並加入地理想像與體現進行探究分析。本研究根據地理想像中的地理幻想(geographical imaginary)與地理思考(geographical imagination)詮釋論述,並探究不同主體在經驗協議制度後的體現,在臺灣赴澳洲打工度假青年尺度的探討中,更進一步去自然化打工度假者的自我剝削體現,以了解打工度假青年從事黑工的背後原因。此外,也探究打工度假青年在遷移網絡中,於不同國家地域所呈現的集體體現。 研究發現確實有解構詮釋建構主體意識形態的必要,去自然化打工度假協議制度與打工度假青年自我剝削體現,可使臺灣赴澳洲打工度假青年實踐不從事黑工的體現,維護自身的勞動權益,進一步使打工度假制度關於勞動權益的政策更加完善,也能促使改進臺灣的青年度假打工計畫。Item Seeing Bones Speaking(英語學系, 2012-03-??) Jun-nan ChouThe central question that informs the South Central Review special issue on women detectives published in 2001 is, “Whose body makes it possible to identify mystery and detective fiction as feminist?” In response to the above concern, this essay aims to address the issue of the body in terms of the posthuman embodiment. The body is important in women’s crime fiction because it provides a perspective nearer to that of the victim and his/her body, in contrast to the kind of police procedural novel that is focused on the psyche of the killer. Women’s crime fiction has two other features that distinguish it from its police procedural counterpart: the female forensic pathologist’s “affective” view of the dead and her becoming an intended victim herself. These three aspects of women’s crime fiction point to the possibility of posthuman embodiment in the relationship between the heroine’s gaze and the victim’s body. The TV series Bones, which is adapted from Kathy Reichs’s novels, provides the visualization of the heroine’s posthuman embodiment. For us, this posthuman embodiment is based on a “parallax view” (to follow Slavoj Žižek’s usage of the term), an interface, or an empty screen, by which the heroine’s gaze is inscribed into the bones, enabling her to embody them. We will borrow Jacques Lacan’s theory of the gaze and N. Katherine Hayles’s idea of posthuman embodiment to help us understand the interface or interplay between the gendered technological gaze and the body, as well as the twofold process of disembodiment and reembodiment of the body as rendered in Reichs’s novels.Item Seeing Bones Speaking(英語學系, 2012-03-??) Jun-nan ChouThe central question that informs the South Central Review special issue on women detectives published in 2001 is, “Whose body makes it possible to identify mystery and detective fiction as feminist?” In response to the above concern, this essay aims to address the issue of the body in terms of the posthuman embodiment. The body is important in women’s crime fiction because it provides a perspective nearer to that of the victim and his/her body, in contrast to the kind of police procedural novel that is focused on the psyche of the killer. Women’s crime fiction has two other features that distinguish it from its police procedural counterpart: the female forensic pathologist’s “affective” view of the dead and her becoming an intended victim herself. These three aspects of women’s crime fiction point to the possibility of posthuman embodiment in the relationship between the heroine’s gaze and the victim’s body. The TV series Bones, which is adapted from Kathy Reichs’s novels, provides the visualization of the heroine’s posthuman embodiment. For us, this posthuman embodiment is based on a “parallax view” (to follow Slavoj Žižek’s usage of the term), an interface, or an empty screen, by which the heroine’s gaze is inscribed into the bones, enabling her to embody them. We will borrow Jacques Lacan’s theory of the gaze and N. Katherine Hayles’s idea of posthuman embodiment to help us understand the interface or interplay between the gendered technological gaze and the body, as well as the twofold process of disembodiment and reembodiment of the body as rendered in Reichs’s novels.