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    (2013) 鍾炳永; Bing-Yong Chung
    喬治‧巴岱伊的普遍經濟觀一直以來都是個廣泛被討論的議題,然而他的小說並沒有得到相同的關注,更遑論會得到讀者的青睞,他的小說不受欣賞是因為讀者對小說中蔓佈的暴力、死亡和性等禁忌感到恐懼。對巴岱伊而言這些耗費被視為禁忌是因為這些耗費對以生產為導向的資本主義造成威脅,就巴岱伊而言這些耗費深深的吸引讀者,因為它們是讀者跳脫出奴役狀態的橋樑。 本論文的主體分成四個章節。第一章〈巴岱伊的普遍經濟觀:獻祭與情色〉簡述巴岱伊的普遍經濟觀,此章敘述巴岱伊將耗費視為一種溝通的形式與跳脫奴役狀態的橋樑。第二章〈情色論:耽溺焦慮式的閱讀〉闡述情色與動物式的性之間細微的差異。第三章〈情色論:禁忌與逾越〉探索禁忌與逾越之間的關係。對巴岱伊來說禁忌與逾越不是互相衝突抵制而是呈現互相追逐互動的關係。第四章〈情色論:禮物與重生〉探討耗費的原則。此章並闡述情色為一種禮物與重生的形式。
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    The Crime Scene of Revenge Tragedy
    (英語學系, 2012-03-??) Carol Mejia LaPerle
    Analyzing the parallel gestures of ritualistic brutality deployed in the cannibal banquet of Seneca’s Thyestes and Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, I reveal how the genre of revenge tragedies is simultaneously an instance of, and challenge to, Georges Bataille’s socio-economic theory of excess within a general economy. Excess, and not scarcity, is the motive and the condition for revenge. Both revengers react to a surplus of energy, or what I will call the “excess of possibilities,” that threatens autonomy. Thus, the victims of revenge embody the excess of possibilities in the plays since they are reminders of the contingency, and potential indistinguishability, of the agents of revenge. Sacrificial cannibalism emerges as the revenger’s means for autonomous differentiation, thus eliminating the unbearable interchangeability generated by surplus. Furthermore, by theorizing the excess of possibilities as the underlying pressure driving Atreus as a Senecan revenge figure, I argue that the citation of a specifically Senecan cannibal banquet, appropriated in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, is a gesture by the author to sacrifice, and thus gratuitously consume, the surplus violence generated by the act of representation itself.
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    The Crime Scene of Revenge Tragedy
    (英語學系, 2012-03-??) Carol Mejia LaPerle
    Analyzing the parallel gestures of ritualistic brutality deployed in the cannibal banquet of Seneca’s Thyestes and Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, I reveal how the genre of revenge tragedies is simultaneously an instance of, and challenge to, Georges Bataille’s socio-economic theory of excess within a general economy. Excess, and not scarcity, is the motive and the condition for revenge. Both revengers react to a surplus of energy, or what I will call the “excess of possibilities,” that threatens autonomy. Thus, the victims of revenge embody the excess of possibilities in the plays since they are reminders of the contingency, and potential indistinguishability, of the agents of revenge. Sacrificial cannibalism emerges as the revenger’s means for autonomous differentiation, thus eliminating the unbearable interchangeability generated by surplus. Furthermore, by theorizing the excess of possibilities as the underlying pressure driving Atreus as a Senecan revenge figure, I argue that the citation of a specifically Senecan cannibal banquet, appropriated in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, is a gesture by the author to sacrifice, and thus gratuitously consume, the surplus violence generated by the act of representation itself.