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    (英語學系, 2017-03-??) Aaron Deveson
    The publication in 2013 of The Palm Beach Effect, a book of critical “reflections” on Michael Hofmann, confirmed the importance of this British but German-born poet, translator, and critic. Picking up where some of the contributors to this recent volume left off, this article evaluates a major part of Hofmann’s poetic career through a focus on his cosmopolitanism, and is an attempt to find out what sort of cosmopolitan poet Hofmann has been, at a time when his poetic voice has gone mostly quiet. Hofmann’s poetry is explored on its own terms and through the prism of some recent sociological and other theoretical writing on cosmopolitanism, including the idealistic Europeanist and globalist work of Gerard Delanty.The investigation begins with a close-read and contextual analysis of the cosmopolitanism of Hofmann’s Nights in the Iron Hotel (1983) and, especially, Acrimony (1986). Though these works deploy a variety of anti-imperial figures, I suggest that their way of using European culture to hold Hofmann’s father, the author Gert Hofmann, to account for the displacement suffered by his poet-son adds up to a powerfully internalized but ultimately Eurocentric form of cosmopolitanism. The article goes on to contrast this early phase of Hofmann’s writing with the poems of Corona, Corona (1993), with special emphasis on the Mexico-set travel sequence at the end of that book. I argue that it is in the expansively historical and materialist poetry of this later volume—where Hofmann stages a memorably polyglot encounter between local and global forms of capitalism through an awareness of shared yet differently “rooted” inauthenticity—that this writer approaches the limits of his and “British” poetry’s cosmopolitan imagination. A final section considers the drift away from an engagement with the “stranger” (Appiah) in Hofmann’s later books, as well as the implications of his recent poetic silences.
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    (2010/08-2011/07) 陳室如
    本計畫為兩年期整合性研究計畫「文學藝術與物質文化研究」之子計畫,內容以 筆者2008 年修訂出版的博士論文專書《近代域外遊記(1840-1945)》為基礎,針對 其中晚清海外遊記部分,結合物質文化(material culture)之研究理論與方法,嘗試以 新切入點為進一步拓展的延伸性研究。 處於傳統與現代的衝擊之下,晚清海外遊記為當時中國旅人跨出國門、觀看他者 的紀錄,遊記內容充滿了大量異國物質的描寫,旅人們使用的不同語彙與關注焦點, 反映出在中西交流的過程中,他們認識世界、詮釋世界的多元方式。 本計畫擬從飲食、服飾、城市三個層面分析晚清外遊記的物質文化,首先由飲食 層面切入,分析晚清海外遊記中的飲食文化與食物相關的象徵意涵,思考旅人在描述 異國食物之際,如何從感官經驗與物質經驗的再現,建構出異域形象;接著探討服飾 文化,從異國人物形象的裝扮描述,探討背後所隱含的旅人觀感與價值判斷;最後從 旅行的日常生活細節跨至城市文化,探討在不同年代的海外旅行過程中,晚清旅人在 觀察與描述中所表現出的城市觀念演進過程。從遊記內容的具體層面出發,探討其豐 富意涵,開拓晚清海外遊記更完整的弘觀研究。
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    Orwell and Kipling: Global Visions
    (英語學系, 2014-05-??) Douglas Kerr
    This essay argues for a close relationship and intriguing similarities between George Orwell and Rudyard Kipling, writers a generation apart, who are usually thought of as occupying opposite ends of the political spectrum, with Kipling’s wholehearted conservative belief in the British Empire standing in contrast to Orwell’s socialist hatred of the same institution. Yet these two great writers of fiction and journalism have much in common: born in India into what Orwell called “the ‘service’ middle class,” both had their political and intellectual formation in the East. Empire made Kipling proud and it made Orwell ashamed, but their imperial experience overseas gave both of them a global vision, which each in turn tried to share with their readers at home who understood too little, they felt, of Britain’s global responsibilities (Kipling) or her reliance on a “coolie empire” (Orwell). This essay examines the global vision of both writers, and the highly partial perspective conferred on it by the optic of empire. It does so by looking at two journalistic or “travel writing” texts about other people’s empires: Kipling’s account in From Sea to Sea of a visit to China in 1889, and Orwell’s essay “Marrakech,” written during his stay in French Morocco in 1938-39.