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    The Heterotopic Agent in Chu T'ien-hsin's "The Old Capital"
    (英語學系, 2012-09-??) Chien-Hsin Tsai
    A number of heterotopias coexist in Taiwanese writer Chu T'ien-hsin's novella "The Old Capital": spaces of memory, reality, history; and here I analyze the female narrator in the story as a "heterotopic agent."Building on Michel Foucault's initial conceptualization of heterotopia as literature, I examine the agency of Chu's narrator in terms of the operation of walking, the act of seeing, and the art of remembering, which, I argue, make the construction of a heterotopic space possible. The purpose of my Foucauldian reading of "The Old Capital" is twofold. On the one hand, it seeks to reconceptualize "heterotopias" in relation to the human subject. On the other hand, it intends to cast a new light on the creative agency of Chu, substantiated in her attempt to rewrite the past, live the present, and realize the future. From the perspective of "heterotopic agent," we may further entertain a creative hermeneutics of contemporary Taiwanese identity.
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    (2010) 邱正祥; Chen-hsiang Chiu
    在翁達傑(Michael Ondaatje)的小說中,「空間」可說是反複出現的主題;但甚少有評論者分析其空間面向。本論文將以空間觀點詮釋翁達傑的四部作品:《行過斯洛特》(Coming through Slaughter)、《以獅為皮》(In the Skin of a Lion)、《英倫情人》(The English Patient)與《菩薩凝視的島嶼》(Anil’s Ghost)。縱貫全文的主要論題為:就事件的發生而言,空間本身並非是個給定的靜態結構或背景;空間是各種「他者」生活世界軌跡的相互交疊,顯現為無數的差異與複雜性。 緒論〈翁達傑的小說:邁向空間化的閱讀〉論及「空間化」的重要性。之前評論者傾向透過後設歷史主義(metafictional historicism)解讀翁達傑的作品,認為歷史主義顛覆地重構遭排除的他者敘事。然而我們應視「空間」為動態與差異化的過程,體認他者的敘事必然牽涉到地理空間,敘事無法化約為歷史。重新審視空間乃差異與異質的體現,筆者援引列伏斐爾(Henri Lefebvre)、傅柯(Michel Foucault)與德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)的空間理論來探討抵抗的空間。第二章〈反再現的空間:《行過斯洛特》〉以列伏斐爾的觀點說明他者空間抗拒再現。本章開頭的題旨為:即便是後現代式的主體亦需佔據空間位置以展現話語行動。基於主體性根植於空間的論點,本文進一步探討小說主角所佔據的主體空間是否能被再現。筆者將以列伏斐爾的「概念空間」(conceived space)、「生活空間」(lived space)與「節奏分析」(rhythmanalysis)回答此提問。第三章〈《以獅為皮》:書寫異質烏托邦〉分析翁達傑如何重寫多倫多城移民的空間經驗,以及他們如何挪用城市空間以作為抵抗策略。《以獅為皮》呈現這樣的矛盾:權力滲透至各空間角落,卻無可避免地遭遇主體的抵抗。傅柯的「異質烏托邦」(heterotopia)概念有助於我們理解此矛盾:宰制與反抗、秩序與失序實為共存關係。第四章〈解構中心∕邊緣:《英倫情人》中的德勒茲式繪圖學〉首先批判中心∕邊緣的空間典範:對照於充滿霸權與壓迫的中心,邊陲常被浪漫化為抵抗的場域;然而此空間觀奠基於二元對立邏輯。為突顯空間是更複雜的交疊過程,筆者以德勒茲與瓜達理的「平滑空間」(smooth space)及「條紋空間」(striated space)來重新思考空間的動態關係:空間是力量(force)匯聚的場域(field),這些力量時而相互角力,產生矛盾;時而構連,機動接合(assemblaged);時而組織疆域(territorialized),又忽而解疆域化(deterritorialized)。第五章〈逃逸家園─移動中的空間歸屬感:《菩薩凝視的島嶼》〉指出作者翁達傑未將邊緣(如斯里蘭卡)置於優位,以返(反)寫(write back)帝國;相反地,他挑戰反殖民(anti-colonial)論述中常見的思維:邊陲,亦即被殖民的母國,代表應許「培力」(empowerment)的所在,俾使被殖民的主體尋回國族認同。對此,筆者將論述家園的概念如何受區位政治(politics of location)所建構,並探討此概念如何在跨國移動的情境下面臨解構。
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    (2009) 張鈞婷; Chun-Ting Chang
    中文摘要 本論文試圖藉由亨利‧列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)的空間生產理論探討康拉德作品中的現代性議題。不少論者認為現代主義是關注時間的文學而後現代主義則為關注空間的文學,但本論文將論證空間在現代主義中已成為一重要思考概念,據此主張以康拉德兩部現代主義小說—《水仙花號上的黑水手》及《黑暗之心》為例,從空間的角度探討作者如何思考現代性中資本主義此一重要面向。本論文共分成四個章節。論文第一章首先回顧前人對康拉德這兩部現代主義小說中關於現代性議題的研究,發現少有評者從空間的角度探討此議題,認為此一方向值得進一步探究。接著我將論證現代主義實為一關注空間的文學,認為援引空間理論分析康拉德如何在其現代主義作品中批判資本主義現代性有其合理性,同時也在此章介紹列斐伏爾的空間生產理論。第二章專論《水仙花號上的黑水手》。本章認為康拉德筆下的海洋空間並非社會真空,而是為一被資本主義社會關係所穿透的權力空間,而作者對於海洋空間的不同的再現方式則透露出他於資本主義現代性的批判意識。本章將小說置於海洋政治經濟史的脈絡下,比較十八世紀與十九世紀兩種不同生產關係下的海洋空間實踐論證十九世紀海洋空間為一資本主義空間。接著援引列斐伏爾的空間生產理論分析作者如何從統治者及被統治者兩種角度再現海洋空間,以期揭示康拉德對資本主義現代性的批判。第三章則以《黑暗之心》為例,主張康拉德在這本小說中的關懷核心為歐洲而不是非洲,非洲主要是被用來和歐洲做一對照,以突顯資本主義現代性中的壓迫及意識型態的本質。論文末章總結全文論點,認為康拉德在他的現代主義作品中充分展現他對資本主義空間的批判性,同時也驗證了現代主義為一關注空間的文學。
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    Spatial Representation in Three Detective Fiction Subgenres
    (英語學系, 2018-09-??) Zi-ling Yan
    In this study I examine a limited aspect of spatial representation in Golden Age, hard-boiled and postmodern detective fiction. I situate these representations within a theory of architectural enclosure, Tschumi's pyramid/ labyrinth distinction, then employ concepts derived from Gestalt theory as pointing up an ideological tendency in the Golden Age floor plans and diagrams by which crime is contained and spaces are normalized. John Dickson Carr's The Problem of the Wire Cage (1939) serves as a test case. The subsequent sections offer spatial analyses of Dashiell Hammett's "The Whosis Kid" (1925) and "Dead Yellow Women" (1925) and Paul Auster's City of Glass (1987). Hammett's stories illustrate the breakdown of visual mastery in disorienting spaces whose textual representation parallels the Op's own limited knowledge. Auster's diagrams appear to offer a synthesis of prior positions: he incorporates plans which seem to promise meaning but which ultimately fail to establish certainty. I argue, however, that Auster's plans are most effectively read in their specific socio-historical and political context and that the performantive loss of referential certainty in his potagonist reflects a form of critique that differs from earlier gernres' use of these figures.
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    The Heterotopic Agent in Chu T'ien-hsin's "The Old Capital"
    (英語學系, 2012-09-??) Chien-Hsin Tsai
    A number of heterotopias coexist in Taiwanese writer Chu T'ien-hsin's novella "The Old Capital": spaces of memory, reality, history; and here I analyze the female narrator in the story as a "heterotopic agent."Building on Michel Foucault's initial conceptualization of heterotopia as literature, I examine the agency of Chu's narrator in terms of the operation of walking, the act of seeing, and the art of remembering, which, I argue, make the construction of a heterotopic space possible. The purpose of my Foucauldian reading of "The Old Capital" is twofold. On the one hand, it seeks to reconceptualize "heterotopias" in relation to the human subject. On the other hand, it intends to cast a new light on the creative agency of Chu, substantiated in her attempt to rewrite the past, live the present, and realize the future. From the perspective of "heterotopic agent," we may further entertain a creative hermeneutics of contemporary Taiwanese identity.