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    Holism as Idealism: The Zhuangzi and the Concept of the "Understanding of the Men of Ancient Times"
    (英語學系, 2021-03-??) Benjamin B. Olshin
    This paper examines the concept of "idealism" in the famed Daoist text known as the Zhuangzi (莊子). In particular, this study notes a foundational source of Western thought, Platonic idealism, and then investigates whether such concepts as "ideals" or transcendent values appear in Eastern sources, notably Daoist literature. This study argues that even while the concept of a fixed, external ideal does not exist in Daoist sources, the Zhuangzi nonetheless presents a clear conceptualization of an ideal state. In this Daoist framework, idealism is conceived as a complete resolution of the dualism between the individual and the universe or tian (天), the latter of which is erroneously understood by human beings, the Zhuangzi argues, as external and separate. This paper goes on to argue that the "idealist projects" of Western and Eastern idealism are quite different. For Western idealism, most characteristically as found in Plato, the ideal is an external goal to be reached: a capturing of an eternal, paradigmatic truth. The Eastern idealist model proposed here, by contrast, is against even the conception of anything "external"—in the Daoist framework, any belief in an external, objective reality is rejected as illusory. Thus, while Plato's philosophy is characterized by his idealist "Forms," Daoist thinking as it appears in works such as the Zhuangzi has a sense of the "ideal" in the concept of a "holistic idealism." This is a dissolution between the subject and the object, between the observer and the observed, into one holistic entity.
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    The Idealistic Elements in Modern Semiotic Studies: With Particular Recourse to the Umwelt Theory
    (英語學系, 2021-03-??) Lei Han
    This paper explores the idealistic elements in modern semiotic studies, with particular recourse to Jakob von Uexküll's concept of Umwelt. It firstly addresses Uexküll's affinities with and indebtedness to Kant's philosophy, pointing out that Uexküll took Kant's transcendental idealism as a metaphilosophical method to bring forth his own non-mechanistic, constructivist description of an organism's relationship with its environment and other organisms. Secondly, the paper refines the Uexküllian concept of Umwelt todifferentiate the functionally constructed Umwelten of non-human animals from the linguistically and symbolically constructed Umwelten of humans, with the focus on the peculiarity of human language. This is followed by a discussion of the semiotic properties of the human body and its semiotic and symbolic interactions with natural and cultural environments. In the final section, the paper touches on the speculative question of whether an artificial intelligence has an Umwelt. Arguing that the interpreting, meaning-generating capability of a subject plays a significant role in constituting its Umwelt, this paper emphasizes again the idealistic elements that the concept of Umwelt contains within itself. Echoing previous discussions across biosemiotics and anthroposemiotics, the paper aims to contribute to shaping a new understanding of the time-honoured philosophical concept of idealism through the lens of modern semiotic studies.
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    Tantric Metaseity in the Rig Veda's "Creation Hymn" : A Sarkarian Reading and New Translation of X.129
    (英語學系, 2021-03-??) Justin M. Hewitson
    Western surveys of idealism have historically overlooked Indian sources as scholars were unfamiliar with Indian metaphysics and lacked appropriate exegetical translations of India’s ancient Sanskrit spiritual literature. But millennia before the (Neo)Platonists conceived their idealist arguments, Indian sages who meditated on causal consciousness produced esoteric teachings, metaphorical descriptions of abstract states, and influential philosophical ideas thatshaped the ancient worldview of monistic idealism. Many Indologists argue that the Vedic religion introduced by the prehistorical or ancient Aryan migrants into northern India catalyzed the growth of later Hindu traditions that regard Brahman (Metaseity) as the supreme ontological entity. However, P. R. Sarkar tilts the origins of Indian idealism away from this monolithic Vedic source with his polemical claim that indigenous Śiva Tantra initially existed independently from Aryan Vedic beliefs and propitiatory rites. This essay therefore interrogates the first ancient expression of metaphysics in India through a new translation and reinterpretation of the Ṛg Veda’s canonical “Creation Hymn,” mediated by Sarkar’s Tantric historiography and spiritual metaphysics. By engaging with Sarkar’s emic claim for Tantra’s spiritual and epistemic influences on Vedic thought, I reconstruct the Creation Hymn’s influential monistic ontology to explain its radical departure from the Ṛg Veda’s traditional sacerdotalism. It is proposed that monistic idealism likely originated in India and that the Creation Hymn is the first textual evidence of this philosophy infused with proto-Tantra.
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    The Rhetoric of Idealism in Tagore's Pan-Asianism
    (英語學系, 2021-03-??) Seong-Woo Choi
    This essay analyzes the rhetoric of idealist Pan-Asianism in the literary and critical writings of a modern poet, Rabindranath Tagore, who was acknowledged worldwide in the early twentieth century for his good sense, good morality, and good will. Through his idealistic faith, based on his own idealist philosophy that viewed the world as a twin-pan balance, Tagore struggles to strike a blow against nationalism, imperialism, and materialism, and he shows his readers his ideal world: one in which "One Asia" and "OneEurope"—the spiritual/soul and material/body—coexist in equality and peace. Rooted in his philosophical idealism, Tagore creates an advanced rhetorical logic that presupposes the Other coexisting with us from the beginning, instead of the rhetoric of exclusion and rejection. Therefore, his rhetoric appeals to the powerless rather than the powerful. However, his international target readers were dominant European, American, and Japanese intellectuals, and unfortunately, he did not receive emotional sympathy from his main audience. Through this failure of Tagore's rhetoric, we can reaffirm the importance of pathos as much as of ethos and logos when idealism works as a rhetoric or a discourse.
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    "The abnihilisation of the etym": Finnegans Wake's Entanglement in Quantum Ideality
    (英語學系, 2021-03-??) Pingta Ku
    In 1996, Alan Sokal's (in)famous hoax impugned the credibility of social constructionism. He deceived Social Text into publishing his paper, a disjointed collage of continental philosophy and theoretical physics. Sokal's calculated choice of quantum gravity is an attack on contemporary philosophers' and literary critics' tendencies to see quantum physics as the scientific support for a new idealism. James Joyce's Finnegans Wake was embroiled in Sokal's hoax: on the one hand, the sneak attack Sokal waged against the humanities is evocative of Joyce's parody of the culture war between "Bitchson" and "Winestain" (Joyce 149.17-28); on the other hand, among Sokal's targets of ridicule are two articles on James Joyce and quantum physics. In retrospect, this paper proposes to re-read Finnegans Wake through the lens of quantum physics and re-evaluate the legitimacy of injecting idealism into the contemporary scientific theory of matter. This paper will trace the conceptual development of modern physics on the basis of Tim Maudlin's and John Polkinghorne's rigorous expositions, expose the epistemological and ontological crises of quantum theory, investigate the philosophical interpretations of subatomic ideality proposed by Elizabeth Grosz and Slavoj Žižek, and finally analyze how James Joyce has meticulously incorporated "quantum theory" and the "most tantumising state of affairs" into the mindscape of Finnegans Wake (149.35- 36).
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    Žižek’s Return to the Idealist Subject: Beckett, the Failed Absolute and the Poetry of Anxiety
    (英語學系, 2021-03-??) Will Greenshields
    This paper introduces the distinctiveness of Slavoj Žižek's reading of literature by examining the import of his praise (proffered in the recently published Sex and the Failed Absolute) for Samuel Beckett as "the great writer of abstraction" and deployment of Friedrich Hölderlin as a counterexample. It begins by distinguishing what Žižek refers to as "idealism pushed to its limits"—that is, his retention of the idealist subject within a materialist project—from other contemporary idealisms and materialisms before turning to the question of how it informs his understanding of literature and other modes of literary criticism such as new historicism. Specific attention is paid to the apparently antimaterialist importance granted to the negative power of abstraction as opposedto a materialist analysis of the concrete and particular. To further elucidate the stakes of Žižek’s project, a comparison is drawn between Kant's transcendental "I" and the "transcendental poetry" or "literary absolute" of the German Romantics on one hand and Žižek's "failed Absolute" and what he has baptized "poetry (of anxiety)" on the other.