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Item 科普活動---2010年高中與國中小地理競賽(2010/06-2011/02) 沈淑敏; 陳哲銘; 李明燕為迎接新世紀挑戰,世界各國教育改革均強調為學生培養「帶得走的能力」。地理科跨自 然與其他人文社會學科,強調自然與人文環境的互動,著重地方、區域、國家、全球的關連, 並且培養使用地圖和3S 資訊科技(含GIS、RS、GPS)、環境觀察、議題討論等技能,極有助 於培養青年學子認識環境和理解世界。我國社會「考試領導教學」的偏執仍盛,現階段大學 學測或高中基測等又以選擇題為主要測驗題型,不但限制了評量的多元化,進而更妨礙高層 次能力的培養。有鑑於此,地理學界和各級學校教師合作,為高中和國中小辦理競賽,開發 多元評量方式,並派隊參賽與國際競賽,以掌握國際地理教育發展脈動。 「高中地理奧林匹亞」分為團體賽(地理小論文賽)和個人賽(國際地理奧林匹亞選手 資格賽),主要目的為勵高中生進行專題研究,並選拔出優秀選手出國參賽。國中小的「國家 地理知識大競賽」強調開發多元的題型,自2008 年增設的「環境觀察能力測驗」,更一步推 動青少年對在地環境的觀察技能和態度,透過貼近學生日常生活經驗的提問,來熟悉科學歷 程。本年度將承繼以往的良好基礎,辦理第九屆「高中地理奧林匹亞」和第六屆「國家地理 知識大競賽」。配合兩項國內賽,辦理教師研習,以求競賽辦理和教學現場的良性互動;並將 持續開發線上地圖拼圖遊戲,擴大競賽推廣成效。此外,我國也將於今年夏天主辦8th International Geography Olympiad(已於另專案申請獲得補助)。目前「高中地理奧林匹亞」、「國 家地理知識大競賽」是國內分別針對高中和國中小社會領域唯一的全國性和國際性比賽,本 工作團隊將繼續努力,使競賽辦理更臻完善。Item 科普活動---2010年高中與國中小地理競賽(2010/06-2011/02) 沈淑敏; 陳哲銘; 李明燕為迎接新世紀挑戰,世界各國教育改革均強調為學生培養「帶得走的能力」。地理科跨自 然與其他人文社會學科,強調自然與人文環境的互動,著重地方、區域、國家、全球的關連, 並且培養使用地圖和3S 資訊科技(含GIS、RS、GPS)、環境觀察、議題討論等技能,極有助 於培養青年學子認識環境和理解世界。我國社會「考試領導教學」的偏執仍盛,現階段大學 學測或高中基測等又以選擇題為主要測驗題型,不但限制了評量的多元化,進而更妨礙高層 次能力的培養。有鑑於此,地理學界和各級學校教師合作,為高中和國中小辦理競賽,開發 多元評量方式,並派隊參賽與國際競賽,以掌握國際地理教育發展脈動。 「高中地理奧林匹亞」分為團體賽(地理小論文賽)和個人賽(國際地理奧林匹亞選手 資格賽),主要目的為勵高中生進行專題研究,並選拔出優秀選手出國參賽。國中小的「國家 地理知識大競賽」強調開發多元的題型,自2008 年增設的「環境觀察能力測驗」,更一步推 動青少年對在地環境的觀察技能和態度,透過貼近學生日常生活經驗的提問,來熟悉科學歷 程。本年度將承繼以往的良好基礎,辦理第九屆「高中地理奧林匹亞」和第六屆「國家地理 知識大競賽」。配合兩項國內賽,辦理教師研習,以求競賽辦理和教學現場的良性互動;並將 持續開發線上地圖拼圖遊戲,擴大競賽推廣成效。此外,我國也將於今年夏天主辦8th International Geography Olympiad(已於另專案申請獲得補助)。目前「高中地理奧林匹亞」、「國 家地理知識大競賽」是國內分別針對高中和國中小社會領域唯一的全國性和國際性比賽,本 工作團隊將繼續努力,使競賽辦理更臻完善。Item The Continuity of Geography Learning Contents in Japan(地理學系, 2013-11-??) Yoshiyasu IdaIn Japan, geography is taught in Social Studies in elementary and junior high school, and in Geography and History which is subject name in senior high school. World history has been the required course while geography has not. As a result, less than half of senior high school students learn geography now and many students only learn it in elementary and junior high school. While the learning contents have been still focused on life area in elementary school, they have been focused on “Geography of Japan and the world” in junior high school since the National Curruculum in 2009. On the other hand, some people believe geography should be the require course in senior high school because geography learning is not enough now. Some schools already set geography as the required course experimentally and the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) pays attention to the effect. In addition, the integrated education for elementary and junior high schools, and the one for junior high and senior high schools have increased in Japan. Though the impacts of this new trend are not clear now, there is a possibility that the opportunities to learn geography may be expanded because such schools have more time to teach the subjects. Moreover, the curriculum will be reconstructed according to geographical points of view and inquiry, not learning areas. It is expected that they will be more theme-centered in senior high school so that students can cultivate the geographical perspectives and thinking ability, and conduct field research more often than before.Item Changing Perspectives of Geographical Education in Singapore: Staying Responsive and Relevant(地理學系, 2013-11-??) Geok-Chin Ivy TanInvestment in education has always been a key national strategy to ensure Singapore's economic competitiveness and growth. Before the turn of the century, in 1997, a major educational reform with the official vision of Thinking Schools, Learning Nation (TSLN) was introduced by the then Prime Minister at the 7th International Conference on Thinking. The aims of Thinking Schools, Learning Nation were to develop critical and creative thinking, instil lifelong learning passion, and promote nationalistic commitment in the young. To support the TSLN vision several initiatives were implemented to promote thinking skills, National Education, and information technology in schools.Sequentially, to enable schools to implement these new initiatives another thrust called Teach Less, Learn More (TLLM) was introduced by the Ministry of Education. This paradoxical phrase is a call to teachers to be less dependent on the use of rote learning and to move away from teaching for tests and examinations. Instead, they are to engage their students with more studentcentered pedagogies to prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century. The focus of Teach Less, Learn More was on the transformation of teaching pedagogies in order to promote more active learning on the part of the learners. To support all these new thrusts and initiatives, the curriculum review committee boldly recommended a content reduction in all subjects thereby freeing up more curriculum time for more studentcentered pedagogies in the classrooms.Against this background, geographical education in Singapore has undergone critical transformations to be responsive and relevant to the needs of the changing educational scene inSingapore since the turn of the century. This paper will critically discuss the changes in terms of geographical content, pedagogy and assessments and also highlight the challenges in geographical education in Singapore as a result of these changes.