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    (2020) 丁威中; Ting, Wei-chung
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    倫理與恐怖: 寰宇小說與九一一
    (2013) 張懿仁; Yi-Jen Chang
    九一一恐怖攻擊是二十一世紀的前十年中最獨特和具標誌性的事件,因為此事件為人類最深層的恐懼定調。九月十一日這個日期無疑地標誌了我們在認知層面深陷於恐懼和安全,危機和秩序,敵人與朋友等概念的戀物般地崇拜。隨著九一一事件,一個「我們/他們」,「朋友/敵人」的分際不斷地被用以構築公共情感、國際結盟和認同的座標。我們能瞭解九一一事件對全球人類帶來的創傷,但我們也必須警覺到這個創傷被挪用為合法化美國為鞏固其全球霸權而發動的反恐戰爭的理想托辭。 本論文以九一一恐怖攻擊事件為出發點,欲探討是否仍有別於主流「我們/他們」論述的其他可能。本文的關懷在於討論這個對於九一一事件的非主流的回應如何自寰宇論述、生命政治論述、全球化理論、邊界與移動的論述以及性別與種族論述的重重對話中產生。本論文據此試圖爬梳出一個能跨越國家邊界且能涵蓋當代人類經驗的回應。我認為寰宇論述內在的政治承諾與倫理責任的深刻意涵能夠使我們抽離受限於國家邊界的個別經驗而以全人類作為理解九一一事件的參照點,生產出我們對九一一事件的非主流回應,免於被收編於一個霸權式的大論述中而抹除了個體的獨特單一性的微觀論述。藉由寰宇論述及其倫理意涵的批判視角作為方法論,本文認為Ian McEwan的 《星期六(Saturday)》,Joseph O’Neill的 《荷蘭 (Netherland)》 與Mohsin Hamid的《拉合爾茶館的陌生人(The Reluctant Fundamentalist)》不能因其書寫者之國籍簡約歸類為當代英國小說,美國小說或南亞裔小說,也不能因其書寫內容關乎九一一恐怖攻擊此一「全球」事件而將之歸類為世界文學。本文認為這些小說作家自身及筆下人物背景呈現的多國連結的複雜性及對九一一事件之回應揉合了他者的再現與批判應被定義為寰宇小說。本文先就寰宇小說之關懷對象與再現策略定調,進而藉由重思德希達的aporetic hospitality和對他者的責任的概念與全球危機和美國霸權間的對話以分析小說中所再現九一一事件中被妖魔化的他者來討論寰宇論述與實踐如何真正公平對待全球危機與恐怖威脅下的真正「受害者」。
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    Invoking the West: Giorgio Agamben’s “Romantic Ideology” and the Civilizational Transference
    (英語學系, 2014-09-??) Jon Solomon
    Inspired by Giorgio Agamben’s critique of the “Romantic Ideology” that consciously created a tautological equivalency between language and people, this essay is interested in drawing upon elements of the philosopher’s conceptual kit to explore the ways in which his attempt to trace ontological origins recuperates “Romantic ideology” with regard to civilizational difference. We will take as our point of departure the construction of that ambiguous yet ubiquitous civilizational entity, the “West.” In order to tease apart the status of the “West” in Agamben’s work, we will return to the conceptual distinction and historical narrative deployed in one of the philosopher’s earliest works, Language and Death, which plays a seminal role in the development of the author’s later philosophy. Having thus established the moment when the “Romantic Ideology” criticized by Agamben reappears in the form of civilizational transfer, we proceed by way of asking, once again both with and against Agamben, if the “West” might not be seen as a form of translational apparatus such as the concept is critically taken up in the philosopher’s 2006 essay, “What is an Apparatus?” The essay concludes with a reflection on the relation between translation and species difference in the context of the new biospheric colonization that characterizes contemporary capitalism.
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    Accepting/Rejecting: China’s Discursive Reconfiguration of Zoe for a New Era in Organ Donation
    (英語學系, 2014-09-??) Melissa Lefkowitz
    In the Chinese state’s attempt to rectify its organ shortage, an openly acknowledged problem nationwide, it must harness the body as a source of life. Whose bodies, exactly, form the crux of this paper, and it is here that Giorgio Agamben’s work is useful for a discussion that expands beyond a biopolitics centered on disciplines and technologies of power. Drawing upon articles in the U.S. and Chinese media, this paper analyzes the disparate logics inherent in media coverage following the establishment of China’s voluntary organ donation system in 2010. Though conceived at a great distance, Agamben’s bios/zoe dialectic operates as a fitting tool in the examination of an emergent discourse that is evolving in China, one that harnesses a rhetoric centered on value(s), scientific rationalism and charity in order to re‐define zoe(s) and reinforce the legitimacy of the state.
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    “Trafficking in Seeds”: War Bride, Biopolitics, and Asian American Spectrality in Ruth Ozeki’s All Over Creation
    (英語學系, 2013-09-??) Hsiu-chuan Lee
    Taking a cue from Pheng Cheah’s discussion of nationalism’s paradoxical relation to life and death and his invocation of the idea of spectral haunting (in light of the Deleuzian “nonorganic vitalism”) as the genuine source of life in postcolonial cultures, this article conceives a life-begetting Asian American ethno-politics via a reading of the ethno- and biopolitics represented in Ruth Ozeki’s novel All Over Creation. I argue that All Over Creation intervenes in the discussion of Asian American ethno-politics of life and death not simply because it engages with food politics and advocates agricultural biodiversity, but also because it creates narrative linkages between biodiversity and ethno-diversity. First, by telling the story of a Japanese war bride, All Over Creation brings to the fore Japanese war brides to emphasize their significance as the “ghostly figures”—or “random seedlings”—occupying the margins of both Asian American and white communities. Moreover, the novel introduces “seed-dissemination” as a(n) (agri)cultural logic that makes “Asian American” less a category of hereditary permanence than an avenue for one to generate and become others. All Over Creation spells out affirmative life forces that sprawl from the migratory trajectories of people and seeds (or “people as seeds”)—trajectories that bring disorganizing force to the inherited logic or vertical continuity of both agricultural and ethnic cultural productions with lateral networking and changeable relationships.