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Item 自然和人為因子對南投縣和社溪流域之邊坡崩壞的影響(臺灣省文獻委員會, 2009-12-01) 劉盈劭; 沈淑敏Item 地理資訊系統與都市環境災害評估(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2001-05-01) 張國楨; 彭佳姿The main goal of this paper is to construct a GIS model to evaluate the risk of disasters related to certain kinds of land use types in the urban area. The relationship between land uses and environmental hazards were studied and intergraded into the model. The hazards were categorized into two types, continuous and discrete, The hazardous land uses used in constructing the model include fire, explosion, air pollution, and magnetic field. The potential impact for each type was calculated separately and then integrated into a single hazard index. Taichung City was chose as pilot study area for its long urban hazards history in the past few years. Land use data was collected through field survey and converted into an ArcView GIS database. By using Spatial Analysis Module from ArcView GIS 3.2, the results showed the tight relationship between hazard potential and certain types of land use. The distribution of population and locations of daycare centers were overlaid with the distribution of hazard potential to demonstrate the impact from these hazardous land uses in Taichung City.Item 地景指標與溪流水中硝酸鹽濃度關係之探討--以水里溪上游集水區為例(中華水土保持學會, 2012-06-01) 葉春國; 廖學誠; 詹進發; 黃正良; 薛美莉Item 桃園海岸防風林時空變遷之研究(中華民國工程環境學會會刊委員會, 2013-01-01) 連美綺; 吳治達; 莊永忠; 廖學誠Item 應用馬可夫模式分析桃園海岸地區土地利用變遷之研究(中華民國工程環境學會會刊委員會, 2011-01-01) 連美綺; 吳治達; 莊永忠; 廖學誠在工業化過程中,臺灣沿海地區常被設置為工業區或開發區,桃園海岸地區即是一例,包括觀音工業區、大園工業區及大潭工業區等。工業區的設置雖然帶動地方的發展,創造就業機會,增加交通建設及房屋建築,但也改變了當地的生態環境,破壞海岸防風林及沙丘,惡化海岸自然景觀。海岸防風林具有防沙、保護農田及人為設施的用途,對於常受到季風、颱風及鹽霧侵襲的臺灣西北部沿岸地區具有甚高的防護作用。然而,現今桃園縣沿岸防風林因海岸線、沙丘的內移及土地利用的改變,使其發展受到影響。為瞭解桃園海岸地區土地利用之變遷,並預測未來的發展狀況,本研究利用地理資訊系統分別建置1978年、1994年及2004年當地土地利用的空間分布,並應用馬可夫模式,分析土地利用的變遷情形,進而探討在不同土地轉移之情境下,未來可能的發展趨勢。Item 水里溪上游集水區土地利用與溪流水中硝酸鹽濃度關係之探討(中華水土保持學會, 2008-06-01) 葉春國; 廖學誠; 詹進發; 黃正良; 薛美莉本研究主要目的在於探討土地利用與溪流水中硝酸鹽濃度之關係,並以水里溪上游集水區作爲探討對象。結果顯示,研究區溪流水的硝酸鹽濃度與流量呈正相關,隨著流量的增加而增加。研究區最主要的土地利用類型爲林地,其次爲檳榔園,再其次爲建地及草地,研究區內的土地利用型態與當地農業發展的歷史變遷有關。此外,根據皮爾森相關係數分析後得知,研究區溪流中硝酸鹽濃度與農業土地利用面積比例呈正相關,尤其是濱水帶25 m及50 m內之檳榔園比例與溪流中硝酸鹽濃度關係最爲顯著正向。由於研究區檳榔園大都緊鄰溪流兩側,爲了避免上坡過多營養鹽隨著地表逕流或泥砂流入溪流中,本研究建議將溪流兩側50 m寬濱水帶設爲森林保護帶,以攔截泥砂並過濾水質。此外,農業開墾位置及其施肥耕作方式亦應特別留意,如此將有助於未來集水區經營的永續發展。Item 地理資訊系統與都市環境災害評估(地理學系, 2001-05-??) 張國楨; 彭佳姿The main goal of this paper is to construct a GIS model to evaluate the risk of disasters related to certain kinds of land use types in the urban area. The relationship between land uses and environmental hazards were studied and intergraded into the model. The hazards were categorized into two types, continuous and discrete, The hazardous land uses used in constructing the model include fire, explosion, air pollution, and magnetic field. The potential impact for each type was calculated separately and then integrated into a single hazard index. Taichung City was chose as pilot study area for its long urban hazards history in the past few years. Land use data was collected through field survey and converted into an ArcView GIS database. By using Spatial Analysis Module from ArcView GIS 3.2, the results showed the tight relationship between hazard potential and certain types of land use. The distribution of population and locations of daycare centers were overlaid with the distribution of hazard potential to demonstrate the impact from these hazardous land uses in Taichung City.Item 新店丘陵的土地經營(1810-1890)(地理學系, 2002-05-??) 張瓊文本文試圖以十八世紀末新店的丘陵土地利用的變遷過程為例,探討在時序脈絡中,區域如何通過社會再生產的體現以及土地資源與國家政策的交互辯證,而持續形塑其社會空間的實質內涵。在外部世界經濟體系的機制與內部國家重商主機的運作之下,新店丘陵因風土條件適宜而發展茶業,並成為市場需求的供應所在地,從而由邊際土地轉化成為可與世界經濟接軌的經濟丘陵。