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    (國文學系, 2000-03-??) 林素英
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    (國文學系, 1999-03-??) 陳麗桂
    郭店儒簡 <性自命出> 以心、性為核心,討論了它們和物、勢、情、義、道之間的關係,強調學、習、教的重要以禮樂之教的功能。它將心、性分開,以「性」為天生本能的需求,心為有主體的意識存在。「性」內受「心」的作用,外受「物」引以呈顯。心與性都可透過習與教,經由義與道的磨鍛、提昇而培成。它並以義為群善之表徵,道亦特指為人道。傳統儒家五經之教中, 《易》言天道,< 性自命出 > 重人道,因此只言詩、書、禮、樂而不及易,尤大力推闡禮、樂之教的功能,強調「情」的重要,歸結於真信無偽。總結它的主題理論和荀子、告子、孟子,乃至《禮記》的〈樂記〉、〈中庸〉等部分篇章都有相當的類似處或關係,若以這些論著為基點來觀測,〈性自命出〉明顯呈現出統合的情況。
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    On Violence, Justice and Deconstruction
    (英語學系, 2003-01-??) Chung-hsiung Lai
    In this paper, I will first explore the chiasmus relation between violence and metaphysics in the thought of Levinas1 and Derrida. Then, I will move to examine “the aporia2 of justice” in Derrida’s reinterpretation of Benjamin’s critique of violence with respect to law-making and law-preserving. Finally, by problematizing the aporia of deconstruction, I will attempt to provide a critique of Derrida’s “Plato’s Pharmacy” in order to place Derrida’s ethical account of deconstruction under erasure. My core contention is: if de- construction is, as Derrida claims, ethical and just, it must be unethical and unjust in the first place in what he calls an “economy of violence.” Violence per se lies at the heart of both deconstructive justice and injustice. Yet, to achieve the former, the latter paradoxi- cally must be accomplished first—a betrayal which functions as the condition of possibility and thus of impossibility of deconstructive justice—thereby making the very moment of deconstructive decision an anxious and painful experience of aporia, or in Kierkegaard’s phrase, “a moment of madness.”
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    Transgressive Flows
    (英語學系, 2005-01-??) Lai, Chung-hsiung