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    The Hugos and the Translation of Shakespeare into French, Texts and Cultural and Historical Contexts
    (英語學系, 2021-09-??) Jonathan Locke Hart
    Shakespeare did not go easily into French. Voltaire was ambivalent about him as he helped to introduce him into France, especially when he was in exile in England, but he also had reservations about Shakespeare not being neo-classical or, to put it another way, "barbaric." This neo-classical ambivalence also occurred among the English during the Restoration, after 1660, when Charles II returned from France to England and was restored to the throne. John Dryden and Alexander Pope, for instance, were ambivalent about Shakespeare. With Romanticism, Shakespeare became more popular in France, and Victor Hugo and his son, François-Victor Hugo, were instrumental in establishing Shakespeare in France, with the father, the great writer, lending a preface to his son's work and the son undertaking the work of translating Shakespeare systematically in 18 volumes. This article will focus most on the father's preface in the first volume and on the son's translations of the Sonnets in volume 15. The reason for this choice and method is that the pioneering work in the first phases of literary translation needs close examination, what I call the establishment of translation or reputation.
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    Issues of Transcultural Mobility in Three Recent French Balcony Scenes
    (英語學系, 2021-09-??) Stephanie Mercier
    Romeo and Juliet's translation and staging by Olivier Py (2011), Pascal and Antoine Collin and David Bobee (2012), and Éric Ruf, who staged FrançoisVictor Hugo's 1868 version of the play (2016-17), provide a stimulating illustration of recent French translations/adaptations of the Balcony Scene in particular. I examine instances of verbal and non-verbal translation of the canonical texts through such elements such as props, costume, gesture, posture, and the body. They all bring to mind Stephen Greenblatt's concept of "cultural mobility"—first formulated as "cultural transfer" by historians Michel Espagne and Michael Werner in the late 1980s to account for interaction and relations between France and Germany. The scenes particularly seemed to defy previous notions of foreignization or domestication, where the source culture is seen as the "self" and the target culture as the "other," and where the process of domestication tends to erase all "foreignness" from the former. Here, I explorehow just three instances of one of the most iconic scenes in Shakespeare is emblematic of a more general cultural mobility in French theatre, thanks to the choice (or choice not) to incorporate French contextual elements in Gallic productions of Shakespeare. I discuss, through the lens of cultural transfer, how the translations repeat or redefine canonical material, and how they show FrancoBritish stages in contact with one another within the context of contemporary French theatre.
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    (國立成功大學歷史學系, 2013-06-01) 楊彥斌
    十八世紀法國學者布豐(Georges Louis Leclerc,comte de Buffon,1707-1788)參閱大量旅遊作品,以撰寫其巨著《博物誌》。本文將以布豐的《論人類》(1749)以及《論人類補遺》(1777)為主軸,探討這位法國近代學者運用遊記,以及透過通信以收集海外不同地區白子(albinos)資料的情形,並且經由比對十八世紀遊記相關的敘述內容,以呈現當時歐洲學者試圖建立較為可靠知識的努力及其侷限。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2009-06-01) 楊彥斌
    十八世紀許多學者相信非洲內陸有「白人族」:不論是主張人類單一起 源論的毛波推伊(Maupertuis)、布豐(Buffon),或是主張人類多元起源論 的伏爾泰,都相信非洲內陸地區存在著一些「白人」。當時有些學者認為這 些「白人」就是所謂的「阿爾比諾族」(Albinos),但是有些人則堅決否認 此看法。此外,林奈認為,在人類以及猿猴的中間有一個中間的物種,他 稱之為「夜間穴居人」。研究結果顯示,林奈「夜間穴居人」的知識來源主 要是近代歐洲人所撰寫的遊記,以及一些古代作家的作品,例如荷馬的 《伊里亞得》、希羅多德的《歷史》、亞里斯多德的《動物研究》、老普林的 《自然研究》、波寇披厄斯(Procopius)的《戰爭史》。由此,我們可以得 知:啟蒙運動時期哲士在構思自然科學知識時,古典傳統仍然相當重要。 本研究即以林奈的看法為出發點,探討西方近代知識形成過程中科學知識 與古典文學的互動關係。