
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/2





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    (地理學系, 2000-05-??) 陳憲明
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    (地理學系, 2000-11-??) 陳憲明
    The research explores the development of fishery on Liuchiu Island by reviewing historial documents and conducting fieldworks. Liuchiu Island locates at the southwest offshore of Taiwan, and is 8 nautical miles and 18 nautical miles respectively far from Dongkang and Kaohsiung. It covers the ground area with about 6.8 square kilometers. In early days the island's residents relied on the primitive agriculture and the offshore fishing with bamboo raft. As the islanders imported motor-powered-boats, the long-line fishery boosted after mid 1920's. Sharks and tuna caught by the fishermen were unloaded at Kaohsiung for sale. As a result, the offshore fishery dosely merged into the economic system in TaiwanAfter World War II, the fishery industry has gone through down and then up. In the 1970's, Liuchiu's fishermen switched to a closer port at Dongkang for landing and selling the fishes, as Dongkang's fish market has successfully developed its tuna export to Japan. In 1980's, the fishermen of Liuchiu applied 50-100 tones .fishing boat to further expand the fishing ground into the Indian Ocean and the West Pacific Ocean around the equator. The landing port then switched again to Guan, Penang at Malaysia, and Bali at Indonesia, in order to transport the tuna to Japan via air shipping. In 1990's, foreign crews were recruited to supplement the labor, and sustain the development of tuna long-line fishery for the labor shortage in fishery industry.Among the offshore islands around Taiwan, Liuchiuis unique by its highly developed fishery industry. This is due to its locational advantage with geographical proximity to the advanced fishing ports, such as Kaohsiung and Dongkang.
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    (地理學系, 2006-11-??) 陳憲明
    台灣的鮪釣漁業,在1980 年代以後,面臨著勞力不足及近海漁獲減少等問題,以致經營困 難,東港、小琉球的很多小型鮪釣船就在外銷代理商的號召帶領下,紛紛前往東南亞及西南太平 洋各地,利用當地廉價的勞力和鮪魚資源,以外國的港口作為卸魚和補給的基地,再將捕獲的生 鮮鮪魚以空運外銷日本生魚片市場。本文在探討台灣的鮪魚船、加工業者、外銷代理商在印尼巴 里活動的情形。巴里有如下優越的區位條件:接近漁場,港口設施完善,物價便宜,勞工充足, 治安良好,往日本及台灣的飛機航班多等,因而吸引了台灣的鮪魚相關業者的聚集。